My first time growing weed was also my first time growing hydro...

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
High guys,
I actually posted this on another thread, but wanted to share it here as well.

One time when I lived out in the sticks of Northern Ca., Hoopa actually (like 20 years ago), I didn't have a pot to piss in, or to smoke. I rigged up a hydroponics unit out of stuff from people's shit. I took the windshield washer pump, and the headlight light switch out of an abandoned Ford Explorer, it was that crappy maroon color anyway. I took two huge juice bottles and cut the bottom out of one of them. I found a wall charger to something that had 12V out at like 3 amps (36w), so I wired that up to the headlight switch, and then the switch to the pump.and plugged that into a plain 15min on off timer. The pump fit into the other bottle, just like it fits in your windshield washer tank (think about how you would change it out) . The purpose of the headlight switch was it also had a potentiometer to be able to dim your dash lights. I used it to control the output of the pump. Then I taped the bottles together neck to neck so I kind of had a big hour-glass shape. I filled rocks from the driveway in the top one. I filled the bottom with tap water. I had a few bag seed, all bag seed is killer if you live in Humboldt county. I took a greenie weenie (green scotch pad), dipped in water and rolled a seed up in it then stuck the pad in the rocks so that the roll was verticle. I took the rubber hose from the washer pump that would usually go to your washer nozzles, and clipped it to the edge of the top bottle so that it poured water out in the center. I found a 4ft T12 in a friend's closet that he didn't know was there, and got another cheap timer. I rigged this thing up in my closet.
I talked a buddy of mine into taking me over to Fox Farms over in Arcata so that I could buy 1 bottle of Grow Big. It was all I could afford. I grew the whole thing out with that setup, and that one bottle of nutes. I was so proud of that weed, man. I don't even remember how much it grew, not much. It wasn't bad, stoned me out but it was the seed, not anything I did.
That's the list of equipment for my first grow ever. It was also my entry into hydroponics.
Thanks for reading.
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