First indica grow. Need some useful tips


Well-Known Member
help a nOOb grow FUCKING TREES like actual cannabis trees
dude ,

it dont matter how experienced someone here is at growing ,

you will not grow trees off the gate my man just from our advice ,

i need a detail list of supplies to go buy with approx price included
their is no way for us to give you approximate prices on grow equipment ,

just go to different sites and compare prices , and go to your local hardware stores or wal-mart , or lowes


cfl`s are very cheap you can get a 6pk of the 6500k for like $8 at lowes ,

and you can keep them very close to your plants ,

i keep my cfl`s like 1 " over them , piratically setting right on top of them ,

keeping them close like that will stop your plants from stretching ,

if you dont got the money for mylar just buy some white paint and paint your walls for reflectiveness ,

your wanting to be an expert grower without being a beginner first ,

you will learn through trail and error ,

even the best of growers still fuck up at times

and we are still learning , theirs always something new for us to learn ,

just be patent and just get a few small grows under your belt

once you can grow a few good plants from start to finish then move up if you want ,

i hope everything works out for you my man , happy growing ..:peace:


Active Member
What about the lumen output of cfls man. How close do I need em.
Depends, 13W is around 800, 23W is around 1600, goes up from there. Put them as close as you can without it getting too hot on your plants, 2" or so if you have enough fans.

For reflectivity you can get emergency blankets at walmart, or even the dollar store for next to nothing.
The best and also some of the cheapest lights out there, (and they work very well), are the 4' light bars from Home Depot or Walmart etc. Using the sunshine bulbs. Get 2 of them and hang them side by side. With these lights you can keep them as close as 5-6" from the tops without worrying about heat. A couple questions though. What kind of light are you going to use to flower? Also are you flowering and vegging in the same box? A good idea would be to use a 150w or 250w HPS. I believe that anything under an HPS (T5, CFL etc.) will not produce any decent kind of bud at all. Good lighting is one of the MOST important aspects of dankity buds. For that the dimensions should be roughly 4' 3"Lx6'Hx18-20"D. That provides enough room to fit the fluroscents and allows room for the HPS to be raised and lowered to control heat. Adding mylar or painting the walls white will help with the reflection. Computer fans can be used to help air movement. A box with these dimensions will definatly need good ventilation. Design, build, and test before putting plant in. I have seen alot of boxes not work because the builder didn't test the temps, humidity, light leaks etc. before starting to grow. If I were you I would start over with at least a new clone. I would actually hit up Attitude Seed bank and order some strong genetics. Good beans with healthy genetics are worth every penny, plus hit Attitude up when they have the monthly deals. Hella great free seeds. Hope this helps. Peace and Pot

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
First off if you read my post I did say all in due time I want to grow trees lol. I know right out of the gate I'm not gonna be an experienced grower... Come on man... Lol but This is a simple grow man I'm not looking for yield I'm looking for the quality assurance that I know I'm going the right direction


Well-Known Member
First off if you read my post I did say all in due time I want to grow trees lol. I know right out of the gate I'm not gonna be an experienced grower... Come on man... Lol but This is a simple grow man I'm not looking for yield I'm looking for the quality assurance that I know I'm going the right direction
Going in the right direction includes getting you lighting situation straightened out as that's probably the most important (and costly) aspects of a successful indoor grow. We understand and respect that you are trying to take small steps, but without more effective lighting, you really aren't going to learn a whole lot. At least 3 people have recommended various lighting schemes that would increase your success exponentially with very little investment. Whether you choose to take that advice is up to you bro.

Have you read any of the stickies? They are the permanent threads at the top of every forum and sub-forum. They are full of great advice written by people with years of experience.
Great point sonar. Everybody has their own prefrences on lighting. The only way to find out what works and what you like is to try things. You have to actually try things to make mistakes. Learn from those mistakes and keep trying. Just realize that you get what you pay for. HPS are way better for flowering than anything else and MH is better for veg. I haven't met anybody who uses MH personally, most say that fluroscents work fine and are by far cheaper to buy and operate, but everybody I have ever talked to uses an HPS and some of these dudes had FIRE!!!! Peace and Pot


Well-Known Member
My new sprout has purple on the leaves and stem. It was a bag of fruiti pebbles. Anyone had experience with this plant
Check these pics out. (Colors have been enhanced to bring out purple.)

View attachment 1175097
View attachment 1175098

I added grow nutes and Liquid Karma. Barely any. My PPM stayed well below 200. I didnt see any change in the purple. I then added 2 drops (meant to do 1) of Superthrive last night before I went to bed. I just woke up and the purple is all but gone. And they grew noticeably over night as well.


Active Member
Your Plant is fucked up because you have a racist name. Things come around full circles and you have no +Karma coming your way.
By the way you dont listen and you talk in circles.
Not only are you a racist but you are a moron.
people who are new to growing have done better than you because they read some things and dont take guesses
Sorry I had to say it but no sorry for the topic starter

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
I'm racist? thats like a black person calling themselves a porch monkey. Who is the radio now you fucking Faggot. Way to waste your time on a forum that your word means absolutely nothing you worthless prick. Go play with papa. Maybe he will give u a rim job bitch. Its easy to talk shit on the internet. Huh?


Active Member
I'm racist? thats like a black person calling themselves a porch monkey. Who is the radio now you fucking Faggot. Way to waste your time on a forum that your word means absolutely nothing you worthless prick. Go play with papa. Maybe he will give u a rim job bitch. Its easy to talk shit on the internet. Huh?
Yea...I am soo hurt. I am not the one with a 50+ day old plant that looks like a freak