Club 600

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
All i can say is i've found that all the gumby hash methods seem a bit more intimidating on paper than it is in practice once you've done it that first time (might just be me that feels that, taking a clone i was just as intimidated, second time though it wass just snip scrape dunk done :p)


Well-Known Member
that's awesome!! I'm definitely gonna try it when I have enough to do it with

thanks for the heads up mcpurp :D


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! Thinking about joining club 600. My tent is 32" x 32" x 63" and i have 4 little plants in veg right now. Is a 600W HPS with a cooling tube and carbon filter/fan exhaust going to be a heat issue for me?

What would you say is the minimal CFM i need for the filter/exhaust fan? I saw one that is 200 and another that is 500 CMF.
Not sure about cfm, but a ruck 125 is sufficient for a 600. so something equivalent to that. And I think you will be fine with that space as far as heat is concerned.

Hope to see you around.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
well i been researching on fans for my 600watts hps light. well this is the way the fans going to suck air, from a carbon filter to the air cooled reflector and then trough the fan

this is the fan im planing to get

vk 150mm (6") fan, the hydro shop guy says its 520 cfm

i dont want any heat issues whats so ever becouse i cant be asked spending more money later for another fan.

so do you boys think this fan will do the top job?


Well-Known Member
all this talk of making stuff with trim makes me want to pipe in. I'm going to make tincture for the first time. I have a friend who could use it for pain. I'm going to use glycerin (sp?) to break it down. Guess it takes 60 days though. Sheesh. I bought a french press for the process, now I just need a coffee grinder. Looking forward to trying something new.

Oh... and speaking of trim... I gave this guy, friend of a friend, a bag of my trim to make hash (i had a lot left over). I told him to make hash with it as it had Powdery mildew on it. He didn't listen and has been smoking the buds in there. I will never again give away trim or anything else like that expecting someone to do with it as I asked. Dumbass gonna give himself a disease or something.

Nas... I think 520 cfm will cool things down for sure.


Well-Known Member
60 days for a tincure? i have read that some let it go that long and others let it sit for 2-3 days, theri was one tincure that sounded really good, i think it was called th green dragons tincure or somthin. i think hooked made it once

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Np heres my gumby hash method i yielded quite a bit but didnt take pics of all the hash. The few pics of Hash on a plate i have are from the first run i got alot more on my 2nd run
Thanks for the re-post HS.. got and old mixer in the cupboard that would be perfect for that.

Cool bro gonna watch that now..

Heres some of the finished product:) smokes real nice, smooth not bad for my first try. whats the best trim(haze,o.gkush,cheese etc.) hash you've smoked?


Well-Known Member
all this talk of making stuff with trim makes me want to pipe in. I'm going to make tincture for the first time. I have a friend who could use it for pain. I'm going to use glycerin (sp?) to break it down. Guess it takes 60 days though. Sheesh. I bought a french press for the process, now I just need a coffee grinder. Looking forward to trying something new.

Oh... and speaking of trim... I gave this guy, friend of a friend, a bag of my trim to make hash (i had a lot left over). I told him to make hash with it as it had Powdery mildew on it. He didn't listen and has been smoking the buds in there. I will never again give away trim or anything else like that expecting someone to do with it as I asked. Dumbass gonna give himself a disease or something.

Nas... I think 520 cfm will cool things down for sure.

Hey Jig when you make that tincture could you make a short how to on it?. That would kick ass.

Feeling like a zombie haha. my lil guy has been a terror the last few weeks. My son that is. Hes 18 months and has an attitude like you wouldn't believe haha.

Congrats Endlyscycle on the bun in the oven. Lol ahh you and jig will be feeling my joyful pains here soon lol. Thank god for :leaf:. Kids are awesome but alot of stress to the 10th power haha.

Peace bros. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
your prup mystery strain looks alot like my purple indica i had, it budded verly similar and was very frosty early on like yours, i doubt it is the same stuff but looks alike.

this is the only pic i could find but they do look alot alike i thought



Well-Known Member

the link explains the tincure materials and how to do it and recommended dosages.
Here's what I'm using as a guide. I think glycerine is a little better on the mouth than 151. That shit burns... even if it is a drop, lol.

Who dat... Nice fuckin plants... Nice fucking shop. That shit is clean.

I just remembered my one experience with tincture. Not sure what the fucking person at the Pot shop was thinking when they told me how to use it... but I bought tinture once. It was about... I'm not sure... like a "cap" full of liquid. Like if you filled up the cap of a 20 oz sprite bottle. Anyways, had little bits of hash in it. Like two tiny tiny bits. So they guy told me to heat it with a match till the hash dissolved then drink the whole thing. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! I was like Zombie stoned like you wouldn't beleive for maybe 8-10 hours. Just sat on the couch. Too stoned to watch tV. I just had to hold on. Man. I think 2 drops would have done the trick. It was wild as hell.


Well-Known Member
HAHA Jig that sound potent as all hell! :-) I had some brownies do the same thing to me. I was actually mildly tripping and couldn't go to sleep. maybe a flashback... :-) good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I'm using as a guide. I think glycerine is a little better on the mouth than 151. That shit burns... even if it is a drop, lol.

Who dat... Nice fuckin plants... Nice fucking shop. That shit is clean.

I just remembered my one experience with tincture. Not sure what the fucking person at the Pot shop was thinking when they told me how to use it... but I bought tinture once. It was about... I'm not sure... like a "cap" full of liquid. Like if you filled up the cap of a 20 oz sprite bottle. Anyways, had little bits of hash in it. Like two tiny tiny bits. So they guy told me to heat it with a match till the hash dissolved then drink the whole thing. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! I was like Zombie stoned like you wouldn't beleive for maybe 8-10 hours. Just sat on the couch. Too stoned to watch tV. I just had to hold on. Man. I think 2 drops would have done the trick. It was wild as hell.
ya it is strong but it makes good in tea or coffee or something. also i kind a had a experience when i was zombiefied. my uncle made blue berry pot not big on edibles because i can usally taste the pot but these had no pot taste just blue berry flavor. well he had about 20 of them at a family party and he said for heavier people to eat 1 and light weight people like myself to eat only a half. well i ate my half and didnt feel anything i thought it would hit me fast like smoking but i didn know better. so i ate 1 more whole muffin and after a half out more i still didnt feel it so i ate mo mothers that she had and was saving for the next day after work, she said i could have it so i ate it and then we took out 30 minute drive home. i got home and sat on the couch and finally started to feel it i was higher then a kite for about 5 mins before i passed out, i slept for a good 2 days only getting up to use the bathroom and grab a quick bite, the shit fucked me up good