brainfuck inducing books


Well-Known Member
trippy music, trippy movies, what about trippy books?!

i look at my book collection and they are all trippy
HOUSE OF LEAVES- Mark Danielewski (one of the best book i've ever read, by far)
Childhood's End- Arthur C. Clarke
anything by Hunter S. Thompson
everything by Douglas Adams (even his one nonfiction piece can leave you speechless)
Days of War Nights of Love- Crimethinc.
Doors of Perception- Aldous Huxley
Haunted- Chuck Palahniuk
Blow-up and Other Stories- Julio Cortazar
Philip K. Dick, i could on and on

let's have it book worms!


Well-Known Member
Suprised no one mentioned the Carlos Casteneda collection yet. I read these all about 5 yrs ago, and they are deffinately trippy in a spiritual way. especially when you get past the first 2 (which are kinda introductions into his apprenticeship) and he gets into the "real world" of the spirit world. These books really make me wish I could hook up with a brujo for a couple years (assuming I was even deemed worthy).

But like I said the ideas presented in the later books truley are intense.

If you already have read Carlos Casteneda then read this:

Assuming everything is true and not written just to assimilate with the culture, then this truely is a mind fuck


Well-Known Member
Suprised no one mentioned the Carlos Casteneda collection yet. I read these all about 5 yrs ago, and they are deffinately trippy in a spiritual way. especially when you get past the first 2 (which are kinda introductions into his apprenticeship) and he gets into the "real world" of the spirit world. These books really make me wish I could hook up with a brujo for a couple years (assuming I was even deemed worthy).

But like I said the ideas presented in the later books truley are intense.

If you already have read Carlos Casteneda then read this:

Assuming everything is true and not written just to assimilate with the culture, then this truely is a mind fuck
Sounds like good books brother may have to check that out.


Well-Known Member
u always like The Electric Acid Kool Aid Test by tom wolfee and i enjoy reading The Way of the Shaman by micheal harner constantly. and not always trippy but Steven King is the bomb.


Well-Known Member
not truely trippy but good for life, "Zen and the Art of Archery"

(which I hate to admit but I didnt read until after I read "Zen and the Art of Poker" lol


Well-Known Member
PIKEAL AND TIKEAL not traditional story books but i think that those may be the trippiest thing ever. and DMT the spirit molecule by rick strassman is really badass too.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy a lot of Jack Kerouac (On the Road, The Dharma Bums, and The Hippos Were Boiled Alive In Their Tanks). Also enjoy a lot of Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson and one I recently finished which really makes you look at life in an awesome way is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Peace