one 2x4 or two 2x2 grow tents.. what would be best


one 2x4 or two 2x2 grow tents.. what would be best
ok iam a first time grower indoors, iam limited on space like everyone else is sucks but have to deal with it. ok my question is iam a medical patient and iam allowed to grow 12 plants i cant keep buying it ill go broke so its time to go green
. i would like to keep harvesting every 8-10 weeks if possible? so i will have a constant fresh supply instead of a big harvest and it sits around and dries out by the time i smoke it.. so here is my plan or what would your plan be

i figured 5 plants, 5 clones and 2 mothers or just clone your plants and have 6 and 6? so what would be best two 2x2 grow tents one for veg/clone and the other for flowering? or one 2x4 grow tent or do i have it all wrong. iam working with a 5 x 5 area. iam going with the grow tents to contain/clean the smell, i have kids... please kick me with some knowledge if possible. thanks

here is a lay out with the dimensions of the room :

View attachment 1177353


Well-Known Member
i would consider building your own tents for that custom full use of space, plus too many bad posts on tents sending toxins into your plants.

Check out youtube for a bit, LOTs of videos on grow room setup. one 10x10 sheet of panda film will cover your room depending on height, and its like 10$. buy a zipper system(8$) and stick it on (Very easy) and boom. grow tent. Run some vents as you would with a tent. Then i would say a 3x5 tent for flowering in the back with a 2x3 room for veg. zippers on each room. Frame up a simple wood frame for less than 30$ and it will be very nice. and save you a few hundred that you can put towards co2 or something.


i think karr's got the right idea: split the room and use the bigger part for flowering. if you throw in an exhaust system with a carbon filter (under $200) smell shouldn't be a problem at all. however you decide to do it DEFINATLY have two separate rooms. without that you'll pretty much have to start from seed every time... which means your 12 plants suddenly become about 6 (females) and you'll be about 3 and a half months between harvests.

here's how i would set it up:
if for whatever reason the 2 2x2 tents are your only viable option, a 400W hps should be plenty for the flowering room and a few fluoro's for veg. if you can do the 3x5 flowering room, i'd grab 2 400W hps to flower and still just a few fluoro's for veg. unless you want two different strains, you only really need one mother.
here you have two options:
1) take 6 clones and grow them for about 2 months in the veg room under fluoro's. after two full months they may be way too huge, so you might want to start flowering after a month and a half or somthing. take a note of how long it takes the plants to get to the desired size (let's say 6 weeks). move the plants into the flowering room and start flowering. depending on the strain, the flowering time will be between say 7 and 10 weeks. for our purposes, let's say it's 8 weeks. now's here's the good part. wait 2 weeks (8-6=2) then take 5 more clones. after your first 6 plants are done, your next 5 should be at the perfect size to start flowering. wait another two weeks, then grab 6 more clones. with this method you'll enjoy fresh bud every 8 weeks!
2) take 4 clones, veg them for a month (flowering time divided by 2) then start to flower. take 4 more clones, veg them for a month and start to flower. now in your flowering room you have 4 plants that are a month away from harvest, and another 4 that are 2 months away. take 3 more clones, and veg them for a month. now your first 4 are ready to harvest, the second 4 are a month away, and 3 more are just starting. every month, you take 3 or 4 clones, and every month you harvast 3 or 4 plants. to be honest, i have not tried this method yet. i do not know what problems may arise from having plants at different stages of flowering. also, if you don't have a ton of experience with indoor growing the best advice anyone can give you if KEEP IT SIMPLE. however... if you want fresh weed every month (i do!) option 2 is the way to go.

considering your size constraints you may find that 12 plants is just too much. if you overcrowd your room, you're just asking for trouble. i am not an expert (far from it) just trying to help out. i'm actually about to start work on my own grow box, so follow my journal if you want (shamless plug, haha). best of luck to you, and i hope this helped!


Active Member
Buy this 2x4 grow tent

Cheap but the quality is great! I own two and they do no harm th plants with toxic gassing whatsoever..... The mylar walls are so reflective that when I walk into my 72"x72"x72" tent(the one they sell) with a 600W Hps, my eyes hurt everywhere I looked. These things get the job done and save you money without buying crap. Check out my grow and you will see some tent pictures ;]

Take care


hey guys thanks a ton for the tips/ideas and recommendations. greatly appreciated when i set up the room with a bought /homemade tent i will post pics of the set-up. thanks again and keep the ideas coming...

i was thinking of building 2 tents 7 ft tall, one 3x3 flowering and a 2x3 two level box veg bottom, cloning on top... the veg chamber is 4.5 ft tall and 2 ft cloning station. that will give me a little wiggle room in the room with the tents, i wish i could get two 3x3 tents in there but not enough space

i do like the idea of

4 flowering
4 veg
4 clones = 12


3 flowering
3 veg
3 clones
3 mothers (3 different strains)

i think the second one is the best for the space iam working with

great for constant fresh buds :)


Active Member
tbh if you dry and cure it properly it wont dry out and u wont have a problem ive had some afghan kush in a jar since june and its perfecty fine better in fact than when it was fresh


Well-Known Member
i would still make your own tent, that ebay link is to one that i considered, only problem is it is 5 ft tall. 1 foot for plant base(if not using hydro which would be tough to with this little height) 1 foot for the light thats 2 of your 5 feet total already leaving you 3 feet, and even then you run into the unsafe distance to the light so really its 2ft of growing height or less.

HTG has some fan and filter combos for under 200. Your room in total would be 175 cubic feet, so the fans around 200cfm should do it fine, even the mid 100s really.

as for your grow, i would do a sea of green method

lets assume you want 12 plants total
Get two healthy mothers and set them up to give and give.
take 5 clones right off and veg them all. once the first one is a week or 2 past rooting(or right after roots) throw the first one in the flower room.
take another clone and start it rooting
after 2 weeks in the flower room take the next oldest clone and throw it in. again replacing it with a new clone. alternating between the 2 mothers to give a space of 4 weeks between taking clones.
another 2 weeks for another clone etc etc

ultimately you will end up at 10 weeks with 5 plants in the flower room and the first should be close to harvest. when you remove that to harvest replace that with another clone, replace the clone with another from the mother, etc etc etc.

once the cycle is in full swing each clone will have 10 weeks of vegging then 10 weeks of flower BUT you still get a harvest every 2 weeks assuming a 10 week flower (so really could be less)

With this method you could have your cloner, which clones would live in for a week or two. then the veg room, which would also keep your mothers, for the clones for 8 weeks, then your flower room.

a 3x3 could work for this. but it would be tight. and you would NEED the 7 feet with this as these plants will get tall.

Here is an illustration (paint ftw!) for you to see what i mean. for doors you can use this To make things simple. Also panda film is cheap from them too.


The filter and fan could go inside your flower room, hung from the ceiling with rubber bands(really thick rings really, not what your thinking of) vent could go from one room to the next as long as its lightproof and your not growing what could be a male(or be sure to catch it fast, rather use the clone technique to tell if its male or not)

GL hope this helped


hey Karr thanks a ton for taking the time out to help me with my room... here is a drawing of the room and the diminsions and the layout iam thinking of doing. the aisle way is tight between them but iam skinny and can squeeze by, i dont need that much room to move around but my babies needs all the room possible to be healthy :)

Grow room.jpg


Well-Known Member
How about this?
This would give you a veg/clone room in the same room, which is fine, also drying here. Then use a passthrough door into your flowering chamber. i forgot to finish all the measurements, but you get what they are. This would give your clones a lot of room to veg up as well it would increase the flowering room.

I should ask though, what light(s) will you be using? If its just a small one, you could look at setting up a light mover so that it can reach all parts of the room equally. Or even some clothesline and a pulley system, but you gotta go in every day and winch it as opposed to it being automated


How about this?
View attachment 1177310
This would give you a veg/clone room in the same room, which is fine, also drying here. Then use a passthrough door into your flowering chamber. i forgot to finish all the measurements, but you get what they are. This would give your clones a lot of room to veg up as well it would increase the flowering room.

I should ask though, what light(s) will you be using? If its just a small one, you could look at setting up a light mover so that it can reach all parts of the room equally. Or even some clothesline and a pulley system, but you gotta go in every day and winch it as opposed to it being automated
hey karr i would if i could, but i will be building this in a room so i need to walk into it. i cant excess it from all sides thats why iam trying to laying it out the best i can before i start and have to re-do it. check out this idea, i like the idea of the same size vrg/flowering for both the chambers so i dont have to move the plants from veg chamber to the flower chamber all i need to do is switch the resovior from the chambers and light bulb. i will be doing aeroponics so might install a cut off/release valves and connect each resvoir to both chambers. so you will have your resvior with your flower nutes in it and the other with your veg nutes so all you do is turn the values to which chambers you want that resvior to feed and wont have to move the plant or resvior just have to move the bulbs and set timers and do the same for the return nutes to go back in the resiovr. if you run the tubing correct it could be neatly done, its just a idea i was kicking around too. you get what iam takling about? what do you think? i will be doing the scrog method also if that helps. again thanks for the help/tips and everything.

Grow room 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
i may have missed it but how high are your ceelings? if your growing SOG "dwarf plants" then you might be able to put your moms and clones under your flower tray cause it doesnt take space to for that method.. then in your flower chamber you can use 2 2x4 setups for a perpetual harvest


i will be using two 400w or 600 w depending on the size of rooms, one will be HPS and the other one will be a MH bulb for the veg and flower chambers with cool tubes. and a t5 for the cloning room.


i may have missed it but how high are your ceelings? if your growing SOG "dwarf plants" then you might be able to put your moms and clones under your flower tray cause it doesnt take space to for that method.. then in your flower chamber you can use 2 2x4 setups for a perpetual harvest
i have up to 79 inches, reggaerican check out the new layout above your post


Well-Known Member
yea i saw your layout it will totally work like that.. hey did you check online to see the actuall rule on your limit? is it 12 plants total or 12 plants flowering? might make a difference as to what you do


yea i saw your layout it will totally work like that.. hey did you check online to see the actuall rule on your limit? is it 12 plants total or 12 plants flowering? might make a difference as to what you do
the rule is if its in a pot/bowl etc and its a sprout 1" then its considered a plant. thats why i have to break it up into small amount of plants and keep cycling them instead of one big harvest


iam thinking of scrapping the aeroponic idea and just going with old faithful and go with ebb and flo/ flood and drain system


thanks a ton for the tips/help/comments on my room. my goal is since i can only have 12 plants by law and have limited space i figured i would try and harvest 4 plants a month. iam would like to grow short stub plants (indica strain) like max 2ft at harvet. this is in a room not a open area, so i need a walkway in. i will start flowering them when they are about 1 ft tall. remeber this is just for my own use for my medical condition so i dont need a ton. my goal is to get 3-4 oz a month....couple questions if you dont mind me asking i am completly new at this so kick me if needed, but iam learning so much already in a short time reading and reading and reading. i like to ask question before building something so i dont have to go back and fix it later because i didnt sudy and then it costs me more money and money is one thing iam limited on more then space, i would rather do it correctly the first time and use my money on my systen then having to repair it and cheap out on the system.

1. in the grow room picture do i need the divder wall in the veg/cloning areas or could i make that one area and grow both? if so then i can just use the T5 lights all the way across
2. can you look at the light set up i have and comment or recommend the best light set up in both the areas. i will be using cool tubes and ventaling it to keep the heat down, its in a cool area of the house so heat i dont think will be a problem. so if i need to go bigger with the lights let me know.

3. should i go with 2 x 400w hps lights or 1 x 600w hps in the flowering area

4. should i use T5 lights or MH lights in the veg/clone area
pics of room and light config:

Grow room 5.jpg

Grow room lights.jpg


Well-Known Member
im liking your new plan much beter, your flower area is going to rock with the duel 400's.. i cant wait to see pics of the finished product.. have you put much thought into ventelation?


im liking your new plan much beter, your flower area is going to rock with the duel 400's.. i cant wait to see pics of the finished product.. have you put much thought into ventelation?
i havnt figured the fan size yet but i did give 1 ft spacing above all the tents for the ventelation/ducting. i will have to go through the top for the ventelation. i will have a couple intake vents at the bottom to let fresh air in. i will put a drawing up when i get the time and figure the orinetation out