Friend or bastard?


Well-Known Member
seriously fellas, compare the first pic (obviously not cannabis) and the recent pics (not as wide of blades and a completely different shade. I'm a skeptic sorry. Until you stop by my house and get me lifted as shit I'm a skeptic. Lol. This is fun.
if you zoom in on the first picture u can tell its weed. just a really weird pheno.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to these people, that's weed and it looked like it needed a nitrogen boost. Are you guys screwin with him or are you all morons


Well-Known Member
i also think its hungry. i know its not the best method, but i like my plants to get a little burn on the bottom fans. that way i know the plant is getting maxed out nutes. better a lil burn on pussy bottom fans than my babies not growing to their potential.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I haven't been able to feed them often enough over the holidays. As of monday its gonna be every day. Was also trying out a shitty fish fert. Stank and did nothing for the plants. Made me stink too.


Well-Known Member
If they are in soil, give it the good old cow shit manure. Forked in around the base, well watered in and mulch it up with the same.. "Vagina face" heeheeeheee


New Member
I don't know MS. I wouldn't call your friend a bastard.
He is just giving it to you straight up.
I have seen some different looking plant MS BUT I think what you may have is hemp.
I hope I'm wrong.


New Member
Ok sorry. Its weed for sure.
I don't blame everyone for trippin cause that 1st pic looked really odd and made your blueberry look like hemp or something.

And yes it is very skinny.
This was taken in november. Same plant. Note the color of the stem.



New Member
I don't have all my outdoor pics in my skrunk file because I am on dial up but here is a pic of one of my plants.
Very bushy throughout.

Its not getting enough light because of all the other stuff growing around it.
