What rights to marijuana so we have?
The right to get a medical card? That doesn't keep the DEA away if they see fit. "I've got the right to be busted by the DEA and be sent to prison for 5+ years" YIPPEE!
Prop. 19 has no authority and nothing to do with the DEA. Nice deflection, but the utter lack of relevance is rather pathetic.
In any case, since Prop. 19 can only address state law and state law actually already allows for personal consumption and cultivation for personal consumption. Yes, you get a misdemeanor. It's also the only misdemeanor without jail time or arrest/detainment. You get a $100 fine and occasionally have to take a fairly lame "rehab" class. Aside from the misdemeanor charge, this is basically akin to getting a speeding ticket and doing traffic school. In addition, there is currently legislation that is sitting on the Governor desk to lower that offense to an infraction, removing the misdemeanor charge. In fact, the only thing that is really expressly illegal and will definitely land you jail time is "intent to sell" or "proof of sales" for recreational users. But, I expect that like most pro-19er's you'll piss and moan that it's not enough and it's not progress, etc. It's rather predictable at this point. In fact, there is no current limits on garden size for personal consumption. Granted if you have a fairly large one or large numbers of plants, you'll possibly be investigated for potential sales. But, the fact that you aren't selling and the services of a decent cannabis lawyer and that's easily beaten in court. The only thing that Prop. 19 adds is commercial sales for recreational users, a regulatory system with supporting tax structure, and limits on personal consumption which do not exist under current legislation.
And as for you're ridiculous argument that people are abusing Prop 215 and the medical cannabis system. As someone that was there gathering signatures and asking pertinent questions of the writers, no one is abusing the medical system. Prop 215 is for ANYONE that derives ANY benefits whatsoever to quality of life from the use of cannabis. If you'd rather take a rip of cush rather than take aspirin for your headache, that is your right under Prop. 215. Your regular doctor doesn't want to give you a recommendation, then you find one that will. It's no different than any other medical situation.