I found a Super cloning powder by dumb ass luck!!!


Active Member
OK this ends my giving away anymore clues, all those who played along, I'll PM you with the link.
Perhaps you could post your successes on here to prove I was a NO BULL SHITTER!!!
Or you could just post your success?
Bro, three pages of guess what, is like going to the jr high prom as a high schooler, its no fun........


Well-Known Member
It's not exactly an ingrediant that he found...it's a rooting compound product found on the internet.... I'm not going to say the name of the product because I never tried it and don't know if it works... I can tell you it's not very expensive but if that's the factor there are free alternatives for rooting compounds that work great.


Well-Known Member
no, but i use willow tree tips for a DIY hormone. but i also know people that clone in just water... i even know someone that just sticks the cutting into the dirt and has success.


Active Member
no, but i use willow tree tips for a DIY hormone. but i also know people that clone in just water... i even know someone that just sticks the cutting into the dirt and has success.[/QUOTE]

I have done this many times, make sure its moist (humid.) and warm, and she will grow......

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
The ingredient I was researching is an acid ( Indole-3-Acetic Acid )

I purchase Power Clone 1, I added PC1 to RO water up to 250 ppm, more then this scares me!
Soak the cutting for 1/2 hour rinse completely, set cuttings in 2" net pots using 87°F City Water nothing else 7 days latter... u b the judge!


Total Head

Well-Known Member
so your cloning secret is a product sold for the purpose of cloning? cheater! not quite what i was expecting, but since you're raving about the stuff i am a little curious. i looked up that acid and it basically said something to the effect of the stuff inducing SUCH growth that it kills and is sometimes used as an herbicide? holy shit dude. what was that other product that has that ingredient that you haven't tried yet? i'm intrigued. this sounds like a very worthy side by side for me to try now that my tent thing is almost ready. anyone else use that stuff?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
wow dude. and yeah i got your loony tunes "fu girly man" pm too. and your visitor message. way out of line. chill the fuck out and get a grip you psycho cyber-stalking troll thing. you gonna come to my house too? jesus.

edit: i just realized the freak actually gave me a rep for the sole pupose of once again saying fu. a fucking + rep! lmao. woah.


Well-Known Member
This is to the OP..

Clones root when they want to. I have taken clones from the same branch that have rooted a week apart.. It has a lot of variables such as temp, available C02 matters. You always think you have the secret but then next time you try and back to the norm.

I have upped my rooting times by running more humidity, little warmer temps and 1500PPM C02. That helped like a mofo, but even as I type this I am reminded that the batch before this batch of clones took 20 days to root out. I do grow OG, which has no where near the short rooting time of something like Green Crack but you get when I mean.. The one thing I have found to be true is tap water roots clones the fastest for me. Additives slow shit down, I have tried a few and so far always true.

P.S. FU by rep is the funniest thing I ever seen on RIU.. That is some anger right thar buddE


Active Member
The ingredient I was researching is an acid ( Indole-3-Acetic Acid )
what you are using is IBA-K ..... a water-soluble type of Indole Butyric Acid and NAA-AA ......Naphthalene Acetic Acid

This is top secret shit alright. IBA in some form is in about all rooting gels, powders, dips or drenches. NAA prompts small hair like growth later. Sure enough you can get it out of Canada or go to your local shop and get Dyna-Gro KLN, if you think that both ingredients are necessary. I'm sure there are others ---- just look on the label ---- the name will be listed along w/ the %. Required labeling.


ps You won't come off as quite as big a dumb fuck if you tell what you know ---- instead of acting like you know it all.


Active Member
Way to kill my buzz. I read this whole thread, get to the end and see total head get torn a new a hole for no reason.
Wow sub zero!! Run out of nugs? thats the only thing that would get me that mad. Jeez... p.s. ur thread sux.. boring


Well-Known Member
LOL oh yes im sure Al B. Fuct would act like a little 5 year old lil kid throwing a tantrum to. From what i remember im pretty sure he would tell you to "get a life you troll" right about now :) I must say i would agree with him.