The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

Wow great thread, I even read all 43 pages, thank you all for the great info.

I am thinking of buying a carbon filter with centrifugal fan and silencer, I don't want any smell at all, I can't afford to be busted down under, harsh rules for indoor growing. The only thing I am worried about is noise and smell. I have grown outdoors for the last couple of years but now its time for some indoor action. I will have to get around to finding my outdoor pics and putting them up.

My questions are

1. Will the centrifugal fan be loud with a silencer and will the 6" vent fans be loud for intake?

2. I plan on growing in the garage and it is quite cool so i need to be careful for mould, I plan on ducting the filtered air under the house but I wonder if the neighbours will smell it after it has been through the carbon fiilter or if I am just being too cautious, paranoid?

I plan on using a grow tent and like a couple in here using a 600hps in a 1.4 x 1.4 x 2.0 m tent with 3-4 plants every 3 weeks, but vegging them outside and saving power only for flowering @ 12/12 until I can get a vegging light etc.

thanks for any help or input.


Active Member
I'm new here, but have been snooping around alot. I'm going to start a stealth pc grow and of course I have to get this odor control just right. I plan on growing 1 or 2 plants from some bagseed, I get the seeds from cheap bud that I buy. I dont really have room for carbon filters, but have light traps for the 120mm fans I'll be using. Would something like these be good enough?

febreze true air - uses a carbon filter

natural magic - like ONA gel

thanks and hurry up so I can get back to grow lovin'! :hump:


Well-Known Member
ONA works well, cant speak for the other stuff, but i would go with somehting ppl can confirm work.


Active Member
Would ONA easily cover up 1-2 reg plants?
Also if I put an ONA container in my pc case would it be as effective if I were to set it outside the exhaust vent?


Well-Known Member
yes, and yes. it may cost a quart every 3 weeks give or take, and depending on the smell. if you smoke around your case, put the ONA inside the case or it will eat up the odors of your living space, reducing its life.


Active Member
Alright, thanks! I dont know if you know much about stealth pc grows, but is there anything else you would recommend for odor from a small grow?


Well-Known Member
go to lowes or home depot and pick up a pack of the replaceable carbon filters for house air filters. they come in big sheets you can cut down to fit just over the sides of the fan and use a rubber band over the edges.


Active Member
Thanks gumball you've been really helpful! (+rep)

Would you think the carbon filters alone would be enough to elminate the odor? I plan on using 1-2 120mm fans for exhaust and another for intake for negative pressure (one of these produces greater pressure than the others). Lastly, what brand of carbon filter would you reccomend and does thickness matter?


Well-Known Member
i cant remember the name, just go to lowes and home depots web site and search for carbon. only a few hits come up. if you have enough fan to double up your carbon filter and still keep your case cool, then you should be smell proof. you may have to play with which side of the fan you place the filter for optimum flow. and if you have a fan sealed off for the lights themself, then that fan will not need as much carbon filter. your welcome for the help. check out my grow in my sig, i am having some issues now, but my envrionment is stable.


Active Member
dude........Sometimes the best tools are the ones you make. I always try to make my own, whatever. including Carbon Airfilters. Guess how much money I saved....But, my point I would like to stress, is that you might be leaving alot up to chance. Pro filters are designed to do their damn job, lol....But , IME, my filter worked wonders dude. you wouldn`t believe me if I told you. :)


Active Member
Thanks gumball you've been really helpful! (+rep)

Would you think the carbon filters alone would be enough to elminate the odor? I plan on using 1-2 120mm fans for exhaust and another for intake for negative pressure (one of these produces greater pressure than the others). Lastly, what brand of carbon filter would you reccomend and does thickness matter?
just to jump in........ALWAYS go with overkill if you can! be safe!


Active Member
ooooh.....what has worked extreamly well for me...... saltwater aquarium carbon. re-useable, comes in diff sizes, really easy to work with. had a fan and a container for it ............all set to go man.


I use the ONA with one plant, my plant is an unknown strain unfortunately but it is quite smelly and pretty:), but the ONA work for me to a point, it works best after I shake it up good but I would say it masks the odor more of killing it.


i didn't read the entire thread but I have a fabreeze truair filter cost 16 buck or so at target in airfilter isle, haven't used it yet but eliminates odors and we will soon see as my girls will start to smell enough very soon I suspect. it is only good for small ops so i will put two in my next stage op at 30sq ft.


Well-Known Member
it will work, just not for long. you may need one a day, to one a week depending on the strain. some strains are low odor naturally


Active Member
does any one kno if i make a room out of 10mm plastic and use a carbon scrubber will the smell be contained ?as in not stink thru the plastic?would duct or gorillaglue tape be sufficent for connecting the plastic while staying air tight? thanksn advance!


Active Member
does any one kno if i make a room out of 10mm plastic and use a carbon scrubber will the smell be contained ?as in not stink thru the plastic?would duct or gorillaglue tape be sufficent for connecting the plastic while staying air tight? thanksn advance!
theoretically, certain plastics are non-porous. i haven't heard of any of these plastics being used in any type of growroom, so i can't really give application specific info about it. i can say that if your room is sealed, and your fan moves enough air through it, then i see no reason for it to smell. the gorilla tape is good strong stuff, but not strong enough that i would trust the walls and ceiling and ultimately your plants life to it. if the walls come crashing down your crop is finished. spend the money on the proper hardware for the job.