1 month into veg/need help - PICS

1 month into veg what do u all think?

why r my leafs wrinkle?

why are the leafs eges curling up like heat stress?
i got my 150 watt hps 13 inches away and they still curl shouldent i be able to drop my light 8 inches from plant what the hell is with this curling?

and whats up with leaf tips they clif alittle at the tips they r pointing down?



root bound your pots are way to small for a month of growing get them in at least a 3 gal bucket they'll grow way faster and healthier in a couple days


Active Member
Looks fine to me, I don't know what the fuck soilonly is talking about because when plants are rootbound you'll see the tops start to bend over....that's when you know growth is being stunted because of no more room in the pot. You are fine mine, keep doing what you're doing.