My RDWC grow, 5 week veg


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Well-Known Member
Thanks onthedl.
Bad news, found some spider mites in the GR today. I have used neem in the past with success. But there is no way I could get in there and spray them all, there is some crawling room on one side of the room, but thats it, 75% of them are unreachable unless I do some serious plant moving.
I gave them an extreme does of co2 for 1 hour, to slow things down. Going to the grow shop tomorrow to ask if I can use one of those pyrythrium bombs 1 week into flower. Anyone have any experience with these?


Well-Known Member
Dam alwayz seems like some kind of wrench has to be thrown into the mix. Ive heard the bombs work nice man. Dont know about useing them in flower. Just a week in i cant really see how much harm could be done to the nuggies tho u should be barely seeing pistils. Id say if ur gonna bomb do it now for sure.I wouldnt wait any longer. Blast um out if u can. Really looking forward to seeing this grow thru. Sux about the Bugs man for sure.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am a little bummed, but I think we can wipe 'em out. I am just thankful that I spotted them earlier enough. They could have been caught later in flower and have been much worse.
Will be looking into the bomb for sure.


Well-Known Member
Well grow store guy says that the bomb will kill them, but that its a temporary fix and that they would return. He said this stuff Avid would wipe them out and they would not return. Unfortunatly it needed to be sprayed on, and the stuff is pretty bad for you, like you cant even get it on your skin, and if clothes come in to contact with it, they should be thrown away instead of washing them. ...So I got a tyvek suit (painters suit) and put gloves on, bags over feet, and a mask so i wouldnt breath it either. semi pain in the butt, but he said this will keep them gone for the entire crop.(it better, being that a small bottles enough to make two gal. was 30$) I looked at some leaves with mites on them after. Most were dead, but a few were still crawling(mostly slowly and haggard). if there are anymore in 3 days I will repeat. Here are pics from tonight.
First off, my one plant that is not doing great(one of the blue dream), (and the one with the mites I should add) Has some werird coloring. Most of the new growth is yellow almost white. The leaves are pale green in center and dark green on outside, the older leaves are more of a soling green, but you can still see were the pale green was. Any ideas? My other Blue dream looks great.
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And here are some pics of the other Blue dream, a little stretched, but definitely a lot healthier and BIGGER
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And here are some of the Blue Odyssey
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And the green crack
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And a few shots of the entire room (its already getting pretty crowded, some trimming will be happening soon for sure)


Active Member
quick question

what kind of insulation did you wrap around the buckets??

i been looking for something to help keep rez temps down because i dont want to use a cooler yet


Well-Known Member
I will be watching!!! Looking forward to some tips on DWC... I use soil and I am thinking about switching..
I am still learning myself. But I would be happy to share any info I can with you. DWC is def worth A try. The speed of growth is NUTS. Mine are about 1.5 weeks flower. they were growing about an inch a day the first week then it slowed down to about .5 inches a day. then yesterday I noticed my co2 timer had been unplugged DOH! I turned it on and today was amazed to see how they have grown. I measured yesterday and today, most grew 1-2 inches, and one had grown 3" there are a few in the back I cant reach to measure but they are DEF bigger!! These girls are getting huge, they will be getting a serious pruning on monday, taking off all lower weak growth, and will also be switching to HPS bulbs and putting the nets up. This shows about to get cracking.
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Active Member
Going to the grow shop tomorrow to ask if I can use one of those pyrythrium bombs 1 week into flower. Anyone have any experience with these?
The plants look good my friend! I highly suggest these pyrethrum bombs as long as it’s the small blue and white can.. The tall slow release can will KILL your plants if sprayed directly... The small ones work great and all organic! Use one, then another 3 days later.. Repeat a week later if the buggards are still around but 2 cans usually stops them in their tracks... Keep us posted!



Well-Known Member
I ended up using Avid a few days ago, but if they return I will look into the bomb. as of yesterday, I couldnt find a single live one in there so hopefully thats a good sign :) Anyone have any idea about the faded pale leaves on the smaller blue dream?


Well-Known Member
Found a whole lot of dead ones, and two live ones yesterday. I should have gave it a second spraying like the Grow shop guy said to.Must have missed some eggs. Well gave them another coat today, and will be getting one more coat on the one infected plant in 3 days.
This is a very minor outbreak thank goodness. I have probably only pulled off 6 or 7 leaves with bugs total. And it took some major searching to find those.
Here are some pics from today day 16 of 12/12
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Healthy Blue Dream
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Blue dream with issues, Super yellow new leafs. Looks Totally healthy other then color, and size. Nice dense buds forming, just way smaller in total size then the other. Middles of the leaves are yellow, and the out side border is a pale green. Newest growth almost white.
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Blue Odyssey (hard to make out in the pics but already showing some color in the buds!)
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And some shots of the room
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