Hookd's perpetual - tryin [<- key word] to gro like a pro - 4'x4' 800w HPS Flower Box


Active Member
Looks good Hooked. As long as temps. are good, you're good. How many plants are in there? How long into flowering? I think I will try that OC plus next grow round. Sounds a lot simpler and hassle free. Do you change anything when flowering? Thanks dude. rep if I can


Well-Known Member
Well. After some brain storming I realized I have an extra 175w HPS I could be using. So..... Why the hell not?! :) I went ahead and put it in there. Temps haven't been any different. Here's some pix showin the new and improved setup.

And as you can see I keep the tops of my girls inches away from the light... The glass in the aricooled hood and cooltube is cool enough to touch with bare skin and not get burnt or hurt.

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Damn that shit is kinda expensive. Maybe after I start makin a little more money I'll look into it. Thanks man! +REP if I can.
ya kinda spendy bit worth it in my books. plants are lookin great, and dam 975 watts, you should have just got a 1000 watter, it would be cheaper to run and alot less wires.


Well-Known Member
Looking great. Crazy amount of lumens man!
Threw a update up the other day, you should check it out man! :D :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Lol man...that box cracks me up with 2 400watts and a 175. You should order a CMH bulb and throw that in there in one of the 400watters; would provide a wider spectrum. I think they're like 52 bucks and work with a 400 HPS ballast. Riddleme and co are swearing they're amazing, but I'm going up to 600 or 1k watts next grow, or I'd do it myself.
Wait are you for real???... lol. I really may look into that!

Looks good Hooked. As long as temps. are good, you're good. How many plants are in there? How long into flowering? I think I will try that OC plus next grow round. Sounds a lot simpler and hassle free. Do you change anything when flowering? Thanks dude. rep if I can
Um I think there are 6 in there at the moment. At various stages in flower. From 4 days up to 4 weeks. Yes. The OC+ is extremely simple. And you don't need a tone of it. I'm getting some curling on plants with it, but am still not for sure if the OC+ is causing this, or not. But on my GOOD plants (known strains) The OC+ is doing great. It's the bagseed indica that's getting the bad curling. Stil lookin good tho. So we'll see what ends up happenin.

ya kinda spendy bit worth it in my books. plants are lookin great, and dam 975 watts, you should have just got a 1000 watter, it would be cheaper to run and alot less wires.
Yea I would have just gotten a 1K. But I bought all this stuff at different times a while appart because I didn't have the money for it all at once. Or else I would have just spent the money on the 1K.

Looking great. Crazy amount of lumens man!
Threw a update up the other day, you should check it out man! :D :leaf:
Thanks bro. And will do


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
975 watts of glory! damn man, your matching my flowering wattage. You can probably get better light spread with multiple lights vs 1 1kw, so that's a plus. How many weeks flowering now? About 2-3? Oh and def grab that CMH bulb if you have a 400hps ballast, they are better balanced spectrum and will compliment your hps lighting well. Best of luck through the remainder of the grow man!


Well-Known Member
Alright guys. So here's a quick pic update. Got a new job and been working a crazy schedual so been on here less. Makin more money tho! So that shit rocks! I'll be able to make my switch to hydro sooner now! I'm goin ebb n flo I believe.
Anyways girls are looking good for the most part.
Enjoy. Ask. Coment. Critisize. It's all welcome.

Yeah, man. Here you go. I found the bulb link.

and a quote from it, "The basics first - NO DIGITAL BALLASTS (you will destroy the bulb) only use a regular 400 watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) ballast, the are designed to be EITHER horizontal or vertical (they can not be used universally) and most growers report better success with the use of supplemental silica."
Legit I'll def be looking more into that! Thanks bro! I'll rep it if I can

That's a mighty fine grow box you made. I may have to steal your design. Only if the medical vote here passes, though :joint:
Thanks bro. It is definitely worth it. And wasn't too hard of a job if you have some basic carpentry skills.

Damn, glad I stumbled accross this one HOC. Nice work man
Thanks man preciated as always! Glad to have you along

975 watts of glory! damn man, your matching my flowering wattage. You can probably get better light spread with multiple lights vs 1 1kw, so that's a plus. How many weeks flowering now? About 2-3? Oh and def grab that CMH bulb if you have a 400hps ballast, they are better balanced spectrum and will compliment your hps lighting well. Best of luck through the remainder of the grow man!
Thanks man! Really appreciate the kind words! Your grows are fucking amazing to me! ALL of them! You are partially why I'm gonna be making the switch to ebb n flo hydro. Your shit's amazing!
And yup. They were right at about 2 1/2 I think at that time. Thanks again man!



Well-Known Member
lookin great hooked, i was wondering why the long wait on an update but i agree the job is much more important. i unfortanly can still not get a fucking job. im pretty sure its cuz my tas on my neck and employers hate that, so im getting them laser removed on the 27th. whats your new job if you dont mind me askin. i am looking into the cannery and fishing buisness up in alaska cuz they are allways hiring for a good pay and long hours i was thinking id go work up theri for 4-6 months and if i like mabye move up theri, plus it would be some great fishing and a great experience. sorry im rambling about my self.

any way the plants look great as always.how are th OC nutes treating the plants now, they still doin good?


Well-Known Member
I LOVE THE PICTURES! I love have you got all different ages of flowering plants. your constantly harvesting. i need to get my techniques like yours. i need a bigger and better veg grow room. Everything looks great. Keep it up! :leaf:

BTW~Update posted on my thread! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks guys! Loving the kind words! As always!
And the new job is pretty sweet. I'm a chiropractic assistant. So basically, I give out back massages all day. And have already gotten a few different girls numbers. HAHA. So that, PLUS making DOUBLE of what I was making at my last job. Yea, I'm diggin this one! lol. Will be making the hydro switch before to long now.

MC - The OC nutes man, I'm really not sure on. Because check it. I'm using the OC+ In my hepmy bucket, and that is looking absolutely fantastic!.. Except for MAYBE a little early yellowing... But the plants in SOIL that I have the OC+ with (The 3 bagseed) are looking not quite as good. As in resin production ect. Again, I have no idea what strain these seeds are, and in all honesty, I'm starting to wonder if the dude who gave them to me just grabbed them out of some mexican brick schwag. I just really don't know, and won't till harvest I guess.

What I really need to do is a side by side by side. All same strain. All soil. One plant with my usual mix, the MG. One plant with my NEW mix, Jacks Classic. And one plant with the OC+. And use NOTHING but those individual nutes on those plants. Then and only then will I be able to truly tell you what I honestly think of the OC+. My next batch that goes into flower will be getting this expierament done on them. Well. Three of the plants out of the next batch anyway.

EDIT: I'll get a pic of the girls in veg for you guys soon.
Also picked up 3 PermaFrost clones from my budie. Addin another strain to the list! :)


Well-Known Member
sounds like a great job.
and jacks classic is the shit from what i hear and see. i have heard nothing bad about them, i am going to use them as well side by side my favorite nutes.
and great pic up on the permafrost, havent you had one of those before. i love the permafrost smoke. i also am sitting on some permafrost seeds for when i can grow again.


Well-Known Member
That's sweet that you've got some PF seeds MC! Hell yes! And yea, I've grown PF before, just got more clones from my buddie cuz he was gettin ready to toss em. So I decided I'd take them off his hands instead. lol. I like the smoke alot too! It's pretty indica dominate I believe. And I'm more of a sative fan, but just HATE the long ass flower times! lol. I do love the PF tho.

Here's some pix of the veg room. Not going to point out every clone. But here's the list of the strains.

Pineapple Express
Lacy Girl
Purple Nepal
Top 44
Berry Skunk
DJ shorts Purple Kush
Perma Frost



Well-Known Member
that purp kush is gonna treat you good i believe, PK is one of my favorite smokes, my number one is shishakberry though. and i love indicas i like them for pain relieving but a sativa is nice the only true sativa that i know i have smoke is lemon skunk and it was a way different high then indicas but it was nice. did your last permafrost harvest did the buds havea cheesy smell or no? the PF bud i was getting did and was just wondering, i might have asked this already but i forget alot more now that i dont smoke for some reason.
and theri is sativas that have a shorter flowering time, my shishka was more sativa then indica and mine were done around 8 weeks but could have gone 10 easy, but the smoke was very couch lock high.
you got some good strains goin hooked, are you ever gonna try to do some breeding, i think the PF would be good bred with the BB, is the B also DJ short strain


Well-Known Member
Ah dude MC I forgot to tell you I found some shishkaberry from my dispensary, so I bought it just because I remember you growin it, and it was damn good man! I really enjoyed it!

My last batch of PF did not really have much of a cheese smell to it... And that makes me excited what you say about the PK! And see... That 8 week flower time is still long to me! I don't ever want to grow a plant with a 10+ week flower time. But that's about where my lacy girl is about at. I still chop at 95% milky which is round 9 weeks for lacy girl. She is by far my fav smoke tho! I want more plants with shorter flower times! lol. Doesn't everybody tho??? lol. This PE is flowerin fairly fast. As well as the BB. I'm not sure if the BB is DJ Shorts. He didn't say it was so I'm just assuming it's not.

I'm all about this Top 44 strain I've got goin. I mean. It's a very slow veg time. But it's by far the easiest cloning plant I've ever come across. I plant in dirt 10 days after cutting. That's how fast these bitches root. And having only a 6 week and 2 day flower time... That's just dope as fuck to me! lol. But I've yet to harvest a Top 44. And as always, it's all about the smoke. So we'll see what I think about her smoke before glorifying her anymore. lol. I just love the short ass flower time. Month and a half. Hell yes!

I want to breed! Just don't have the resources or space at the moment. Unfortunatly.


Well-Known Member
Keep us posted on that top 44. It almost sounds too good to be true lol. Another month or so and I too will be smoking my own tasty (hopefully) shit :weed: