Active Member
looks great man
That's a good question because I haven't incorporated the Kelp yet at all but it has low npk numbers and I was going to use with the grow every other feeding .But like I said had,t used it yet .Last grow I used their dry ferts and would top dress the kelp meal .Looking great man! I just went through the whole thread and your plants are thriving very well.
I am using the Age Old line as well, after using the bloom for my last grow. It turned out really great, although I started yellowing really early in flowering because I was using crap chemical grow ferts (Peters) and only very sparingly. This time I picked up the Age Old Grow and Kelp, but can't really figure out how to incorporate the Kelp. I get the grow and bloom, and my hydro store guy says use Kelp as foliar feed, but what do you do? I was thinking of maybe alternating feedings with the Grow and Kelp to provide a "balanced diet" or what?
Thanks Corey , you get your shrooms figured out?looks great man
They have a feeding schedule on their site and it shows the Kelp used in equal amounts with grow or bloom . So you can mix it together ,for me I started with half strength and the tips burned but they was young . I cut back to 1/4 and now am back up to half and will bump it up one more time b4 flower this is going to be my last week of veg . and Honestly have never been back to the store to buy the kelp or their other products been broke as a joke ! I want the kelp and the humic acid they have . I like Age old because its so cheap but a product that has been tested in gardening you know it,s not marketed as a "miricle canna nute" the small bottles of grow and bloom here are 7.99.Looking great man! I just went through the whole thread and your plants are thriving very well.
I am using the Age Old line as well, after using the bloom for my last grow. It turned out really great, although I started yellowing really early in flowering because I was using crap chemical grow ferts (Peters) and only very sparingly. This time I picked up the Age Old Grow and Kelp, but can't really figure out how to incorporate the Kelp. I get the grow and bloom, and my hydro store guy says use Kelp as foliar feed, but what do you do? I was thinking of maybe alternating feedings with the Grow and Kelp to provide a "balanced diet" or what?
Damn, should be a good yield! Can't wait to see how the smoke turns out!Thanks . So far so good except for a couple hiccups . The LST has been fun , lots of tying and retying though but I can account for over 25 shoots heading up to be colas last count ,it's gonna be interesting .
Yeah it's less work to just mix dry kelp in your soil rather than worry bout mixing it in your water and I don't foliar feed . And Thanks for the input !That is a nice ingredient list on the HF. I've looked into the Ocean Forest, but heard people say it's really hot nutrient wise. Looking forward to the results of your grow. Your plants are looking awesome!
So you went with the solid kelp? I used my liquid as a foliar, but might have burned them because I watered with grow at the same time. I thought I'd be all good because those numbers are sow low but I dunno. I read on the site that it is good for stressed out plants and building soil tilth.