Need a Little Help


hey i need a little help does anyone know how to get pot o bud out faster then the standered 8-10 weeks i got a t12 with 2 34 watt light seems to veg good and one more theing how can i get the other to grow faster i dont care if it time con summing but cheap


Well-Known Member
Add some CFL lighting?

As far as faster bud, try autoflowers. But you are going to want some more light.


Well-Known Member
con summing= consuming apparently lol,
and dude t-12's are bullshit trust me I'm stuck with some, t-8 or t-5 if you go with strip flouros, your better off with all cfl's

Smucker G

Active Member
con summing= consuming apparently lol
I read that a few times. Never got it. That's the new English.
Dude cfl's are cheap.
I had a cfl setup I made real cheap. I went to home depot and got 6 flood light sockets $1.97 each, 6 cfl's $29 and I had an extention cord and a peice of plywood. I drilled 1" holes stuck the sockets in and spliced the sockets in the cord, attached some hanging wire and done.


Well-Known Member
Don't toss your lights. They may be your clone lights.

I have to agree that CFL units in the 65 watt range are reasonable. I suggest blended spectrum of red and blue. Home De Pot has had the 65 2700's here but they sell out and then take their sweet time to restock. I think they know anyone walking out with those bulbs isn't replacing the kitchen light.

So do check on-line for the Red Bulbs

I feel blended spectrum is better but many do fine with the Blue alone.

Working with the 65 watt has worked here. I run 260 watts in the Mother box and I have another 260 watts ( ish) in the library cab ( genetics storage ) Went with the twin 2700's but the center is three bright white 120 watt equivalent bulbs in the center.

hey building it is half the fun.


Well-Known Member
hey i need a little help does anyone know how to get pot o bud out faster then the standered 8-10 weeks i got a t12 with 2 34 watt light seems to veg good and one more theing how can i get the other to grow faster i dont care if it time con summing but cheap
The finish time depends of many factors. One of them is how fast a strain finishes! How about a 6 week heavy producing Indica and it's bad ass frosty?

Now on to ramblings.

On production? I have read experienced growers give thumbs down to some lovely strains since those strains didn't meet the production requirements. I think folks have to select what grows well in their area before real speed can be measured correctly.
Now Farmers have known for centuries that acclimated seed does better than imported seed. That means that making some seeds there from strain you like could help your production desires.

Also I believe knowing your plants like one watches the ones he loves is the best way to learn about how it grows.

Sometimes we cannot skip the learning process to get poundage. I remember looking at about 2 ounces from a Hindu Kush grow and thinking I'd like to do better ( 2nd grow ever ) and swore to learn all I could.

Today I wish i had made HK F3 seeds rather than just some killer smoke. Live and learn I say. Never making that mistake again.

Well basically the plants finish when they finished. Even on the same plant bud is different from branch to branch and worthy maturity can come in phases rather than a single event.. I was able to make three harvests because of bud maturing at different rates before I revegged this Tiki-jo sweet Mum.

Now I assume there are many products out there to help a grower so use caution but you can follow up that.

The best advice is dialling in your system so that the plants have a happy time.

Some see the plant as a one way ticket to high-profits but we forget to love the plant life.

Oh and I don't expect cheep now. Everything costs and when it's Grow related the cost seems to surge.
It just a fact that we pay and pay. Screws, parts, lights and the list grows. Hell a single Hortilux 1k Eye can run $100

What is your 34 watt unit?