Any so cal growers lose their crop yet.


Active Member
Record heat.... 113 is too hot for pot. My sympathies go out to anybody struggling on their outdoor crop due to the heat. Im an indoor guy myself but I sure hope no outdoor guys losing their crop to this heat....


Active Member
almost..i have some little gals in 15gal pots & the leaves just cooked & burnt because they were in the sun all day long. luckily the bigger gals flowering were behind the garage & got some shade


Well-Known Member
It got up to 108 in my backyard. I have 2 plants still outside. 1 was a week and a half away from harvest and the other 3 or 4 weeks. Both are in 25 gallon smart pots and they did ok. Gave them 2 gallons of water in the morning and another in the afternoon. During the hottest part of the day they were looking sad and droopy but other than that and some fan leaves yellowing and falling off faster than normal no major damage.
This weather has been so wild for sunny Socal. We get the hottest heat wave ever and then the past few days...Thunderstorms and rain? WTF... This doesnt happen around here. But I took some of the coolest bud pictures ive ever shot before yesterday. The sunset was amazing, heres a few of my shots: 103_2262.jpg103_2274.jpg103_2252.jpg103_2261.jpg


Well-Known Member
The heat will not kill you weed, only lack of water....please stop spreading myths...JR


Active Member
Word. I had 4 3 1/2 week old plants outside in direct sun. I just watered the soil and they looked fine.


Active Member
really? dont they say to keep indoor grow temp below 85f?
That's the adequate temp. They can handle higher/lower temps, but you wouldn't want to keep them in it for an extended period of time.

You wouldn't die sitting in 105 degree weather. But would you want to sit in if for a week straight?


Well-Known Member
Lolwut you fucked up mate In aus we have entire weeks of 115 degrees and I haven't lost a plant they love the sunshine just gotta keep em watered and well mulched it gets to 130 in afghanistan and they grow tonnes of weed.


Well-Known Member
indoor weed needs temps lower than 85 because it doesn't get the air flow and co2 it gets outside. if you use co2 you can grow in 100 even. outside i've been growing all summer with temps above 90


Active Member
I lost 4 because they had a mild root problem that was not known with cooler temps.
As soon as we hit 107 for WEEKS the sick ones began to wilt, naturally you give water and they wilt.

My roots were not able to take in the extra water it needed because pot bound.

Also, smart pots get HOT! I covered with hay.


Active Member
Hey man i dont grow outdoors i said that in the first post didnt i. Im using the logic of indoor temps and putting it outdoor but i forgot about higher co2 and shit man. relax people


Well-Known Member
I lost 4 because they had a mild root problem that was not known with cooler temps.
As soon as we hit 107 for WEEKS the sick ones began to wilt, naturally you give water and they wilt.

My roots were not able to take in the extra water it needed because pot bound.

Also, smart pots get HOT! I covered with hay.
Now the roots getting too hot will kill your plants in hours, if you grow in pots outdoors you need to protect the root system from the heat of the sun.....JR

and how about some rep for stomping out another


Active Member
the plants in the middle east were not trees like today. Mine required 19 gallons of water a day. The ones that had less formed root masses died slowley from lack of water (Even though they were swimming)

Plants do shut down into a protection mode when it gets very hot.
It tolerates a dry condition but it can not thrive in it (Assuming you want a tree not a plant)
Also it cant tolerate wetlands.

An 80% water to soil saturation *Capacity*
Growth peak is about 14.5c for outside.

Im told not much growing happens over 96F but someone might know (Outside plants)


Well-Known Member
I live in the desert (SW) and can tell you i have had 6 foot trees outside in the 100+ degree heat, just keep them wet.......Is it ideal for the plant, probably not but do they keep growin, yeah like a weed...Peace JR


Well-Known Member
Man those plants i bet get Huge . you gota give it nice cold water , keep the roots cool and wet .
You take care of the roots and the buds will repay ou back.
you might need a bigger pot , small pots can absorb heat ,.
best thing would be to have a massive hole in the round where it can be insulate with grass or somethin moist.


Well-Known Member
One of my plants staight up turned to dust 2 weeks from harvest....ive been on track watering and never changed that schedule...even with the 110 heat i never had a problem till yesterday when my plant was a twig and turned to dust when i touched it...cant explain what happened cause there is nothing to explain it