Getting new 1000 watt MH light ...bulb help needed please!

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New Member
and what kind of silly question is that:roll:

Hi Bong. I have a grow room. I was helping drill and hammer. i even got to you the drill that drills through cement. Not that it was that exciting but I did learn a thing or two. Like what toe nail drilling and hammering are called.

Here's some more pics
HEY!!!...ARE YOU STONED? I am...nice pics....:mrgreen:



New Member
Thank you very much Kaya. I am feeling gooooooooood now.
I knew that I would now.

I feeeeeeeeeeeel good.

I knew that I would now.

So good.

so good.

I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good.

And perhaps perhaps a TAD stoned too :roll:

I'm check out your journal later. i have more pics to add.:mrgreen:
lookin good lacy glad to see everything in order and im glad you are feeling better



New Member
Well they are now about 8 weeks old now so probably another month. Maybe not. it depends. I am going to get a moving tract later...6 foot.

My grow room is 10 x 6.


How are your plants doing?
They looked great last time I looked but then again you boys were being boys in your grow journal.



New Member
Well they are now about 8 weeks old now so probably another month. Maybe not. it depends. I am going to get a moving tract later...6 foot.

My grow room is 10 x 6.


How are your plants doing?
They looked great last time I looked but then again you boys were being boys in your grow journal.
nasty boyz....I am chopping my hydro plant down 1 week from today...
I am letting the soil plant go for a while longer...


New Member
I was asked the other day what the differences are in growth rates etc between males and females so i took a pic of what I believe to be a female an the left and a definite male on the right.

The males usually have more space between their nodes and axils making them more lanky than the females.

Plus just before they show their sex (balls:roll:) they will have a rapid growth spurt. You can see the difference between the two in the pics.

This isn't always the case but it generally is the case.

So far I only have one male plant show itself. I guest the axe before I go to bed tonight. I already ripped its balls off.

For some reason, i love saying that. :lol::clap:



New Member
I know these pictures really suck as being small BUT i am on dial up and otherwise it takes me forever. this time I took lots of pics and just downloaded the entire file.

Much faster.

New zoom brower is taken me a bit os getting use to. :|


New Member
Which do you like growing more?
hydro or soil?

yes. You nasty boyzzzzzzzzz:blsmoke::peace:
the hydro is more complicated and you have to have more equipment...and hydro can go south fast...the soil is easier..
I think hydro is faster growing... I am going to keep them seperate so I can tell which one I like to smoke the best...


Well-Known Member
Yes i did Nat and thank you very much but I left it to late to order and really needed a light. That place has a great variety and the prices are awesome. I got my light and bulb at the hydroponics shop so they didn't have much variety so a ordered the warm.

It has the widest range in the colour spectrum as opposed to the blue's or red's along and I have read a lot lately that says you should have more of a balanced light for both growing and flowering because you still need the blues to promote healthy grow while flowering and the reds to flower.

Anyway, I got it all set up and here are some pictures.
Ok cool.
I am interested to hear what you think of the all in one bulbs.
I have a 400watt dual spectrum bulb and i think its great but i see people getting much better rates of growth than me from mh bulbs then switching to hps bulbs.

I to cant afford a switchable ballast right now and when i checked it out properly i found that the lights claimed to emit 15% more blue than a standard hps but a standard hps emitted something like 0.1% blue light so the 15% extra all though a true claim is actually bullshite.

Heres what my hydro supply store says about the bulbs that they sell.

Q: What does Dual Spectrum mean? As we have said above, the Sylvania Grolux lamp is currently the best selling grow lamp in the UK, it has far overtaken the Osram as the lamp of choice for indoor growers. It has done this in two ways, by dropping the price of the lamp at a wholesale level, and more importantly and the answer to your question, by marketing the lamp as Dual Spectrum or "blue spectrum enhanced". Basically, Sylvania have said that this lamp contains 15% more blue than a standard sodium lamp.
However, standard sodium lamps contain almost no blue at all, so 15% more than nothing is, well, pretty much nothing. The Grolux is first and foremost a sodium lamp.
Where it is slightly different to standard sodium lamps however is that the sodium output from the Grolux lamp has been tweaked to overall be more suitable for plant growth, and this is what gives it the status of a horticultural lamp. So what does Dual Spectrum actually mean? It should mean that this lamp contains the perfect blend of blue and red spectrum for all stages of plant growth, but what it really means in the case of the Grolux is that it comes in a nice green box. The truth of the matter is there is no such thing as a lamp that is perfect for both vegative and flowering growth, you always need to compromise somewhere and the Grolux is probably the best possible compromise available to indoor gardeners today.
Lovely honest company.
Anyway i think the bulb you have is slightly different to what i have so i am very interested in how you think its performing:blsmoke:
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