Getting new 1000 watt MH light ...bulb help needed please!

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New Member
Very interesting.
Thats cool that you are trying both and recording your finds would be VERY interesting Bong.
I can't wait to find out.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
the hydro is more complicated and you have to have more equipment...and hydro can go south fast...the soil is easier..
I think hydro is faster growing... I am going to keep them seperate so I can tell which one I like to smoke the best...


New Member
Yes natmoon. I am also deep into this topic. Thats probably another reason why it took me so long. I really wanted one of those sun systems dual spectrum BUT just couldn't afford it so just decided to go for the basics.

I had read so much about lighting and spectrums that it can be confusing. From this book that I am currently re-reading, even while flowering the plants still need plenty of the blue light to maintain healthy strong growth. The plants certainly need more reds and orange when they go to flower but I really wasn't sure I wanted all THAT much read. I don't want to compromise I suppose.

This sunmaster warm deluxe has a very interesting spectrum range, and like you, I am going to experiment by adding some other lights to my grow room. I think it will be fun to check it out and see what results I get.

So far it is like taking a piece of the sun. VERY VERY bright.

The only thing I am not sure about is how far to put my plants. Since it was their first time, i put them about 4 feet away. I had them on a table about 1 foot away but wanted to first get them used to it.

Is one foot away too close?

Another thing is that I have a male plants whose pollen broke the other day while moving the plants to grow room.
And then I stupidly put the fan on them :dunce: doh!

I'm not pl;anning on flowering for another month or so. By then I will have sprayed them down and everything.:-|
Ok cool.
I am interested to hear what you think of the all in one bulbs.
I have a 400watt dual spectrum bulb and i think its great but i see people getting much better rates of growth than me from mh bulbs then switching to hps bulbs.

I to cant afford a switchable ballast right now and when i checked it out properly i found that the lights claimed to emit 15% more blue than a standard hps but a standard hps emitted something like 0.1% blue light so the 15% extra all though a true claim is actually bullshite.

Heres what my hydro supply store says about the bulbs that they sell.

Lovely honest company.
Anyway i think the bulb you have is slightly different to what i have so i am very interested in how you think its performing:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
If your lucky a good vacuum with a hepa filtered machine in your area and some kind of bio air filter that traps pollen and the washing of the leafs and you should be fine:blsmoke:

I have my plants about 12" away from my 400 now with a fan blowing the hot air away from their tops.
Mine seem to be fine.
To be honest ive never worked with a 1000watt bulb and i don't know anyone that has one.
You should get some really nice fat buds off of it though and as long as you can hold your hand under it at this level without it feeling to hot it should be ok:blsmoke:


New Member
Thanks Nat. i'll move them closer today then.

Gotta go take my fur babies out.
If your lucky a good vacuum with a hepa filtered machine in your area and some kind of bio air filter that traps pollen and the washing of the leafs and you should be fine:blsmoke:

I have my plants about 12" away from my 400 now with a fan blowing the hot air away from their tops.
Mine seem to be fine.
To be honest ive never worked with a 1000watt bulb and i don't know anyone that has one.
You should get some really nice fat buds off of it though and as long as you can hold your hand under it at this level without it feeling to hot it should be ok:blsmoke:


New Member
hey lacy...I was watching the show weeds last night and the main characters name is lacy and she grows weed...I always laugh...somebody wanted know what I was laughing at and I said I know a girl called lacy that grows weed...anyway i guess you had to be there...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey lacy sorry to hear about the pic thing im so baked when i come here i post the wrong ones or hit the button to soon or put them in the wrong place, whata pain!!!

Glad you have things set up and thats great about the medical card!
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