Feminized Seeds Question


Active Member
Can somebody tell me how the big farmers can tell their seeds are female when they sell them as feminized seeds? Is there any way I would be able to tell without growing the plant basically to the flowering stage? I have a White Russian plant that came out pretty nice but along the way it got stressed out and became a Hermie & now I have a bunch of seeds. I would like to grow them but Im not gonna germinate 30 seeds just to find a few females. Thanx.


Active Member
Males have X and Y chromosomes, and females have two X chromosomes.

Female plants will, if flowered long enough and without being pollinated, tend to turn hermaphroditic and attempt to produce pollen on their own... but the pollen from any hermaphroditic plant lacks Y chromosomal information (since it's being produced by a female). As a result, any female plant that is later pollinated with that pollen will produce 'feminized' seeds since there is no Y chromosomal information being passed on through the pollen.

Different chemicals or hormones are also sometimes used to force female plants into producing pollen with the same result.

However, there is no way to differentiate a regular seed from a feminized or from a male seed or from a female seed... short of knowing how the pollen was produced or chromosomal analysis.


Active Member
Thanx for that info bro. I basically figuired there was no way I'd be able to tell which ones were which. Do you know what the pecentages are for male & female seeds? Is it 50/50? Also, w/ your best guess, say I germinate 30 seeds, what percentage do you think might be female if they came from a plant that came from a feminized seed? Thanx again.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
If your seeds came from a hermie there was no "male" pollen involved and all of your seeds should be feminised.
However, your plant was suceptable to stress induced hermie'ing and your seeds will produce plants with a similar low stress tolerance ... but they will be female, and as long as you don't stress them, you have a good chance of growing good bud.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you should have feminised seeds. But just pick seeds from females that your hermie pollinated - less likely to have hermie traits to pass on. Good luck.


Active Member
The seeds are from a White Russian plant that I grew from a feminized seed. If I germinate these seeds and they produce female plants I will keep them inside & they will be in a stress free & a more controled enviornment then the plant that was stressed outdoors. Im assuming that the female plant that produced seeds had to be from stress cuz there was 12 other plants from feminized seeds around it & not 1 of the other plants produced seeds. So the seeds I get from it should all be 100% female you think? If so then thats great news for me.


Active Member
1 more question, & I think I already know the answer but Ill ask anyway. When females produce seeds from being pollenated by a male the THC level drops down right & its not as pototent? So if a female turns into a hermie & produces its own seeds does it lower the THC in the same way as being pollenated by a male?


Well-Known Member
1 more question, & I think I already know the answer but Ill ask anyway. When females produce seeds from being pollenated by a male the THC level drops down right & its not as pototent? So if a female turns into a hermie & produces its own seeds does it lower the THC in the same way as being pollenated by a male?
it wouldnt lower your thc but it very much could hault some of your thc production.


Active Member
if this is the case then why is there no exodus cheese seeds has there never been one hermie of exodus cheese ever????

Smucker G

Active Member
Yes, you should have feminised seeds. But just pick seeds from females that your hermie pollinated - less likely to have hermie traits to pass on. Good luck.
This is not true. It is not even close to that easy. There is a post on here somewhere that goes into detail on producing fem seeds. Maybe someone has it saved and can post the link.


Well-Known Member
This is not true. It is not even close to that easy. There is a post on here somewhere that goes into detail on producing fem seeds. Maybe someone has it saved and can post the link.
heya guys i have been growing seeds from different bag i smoke (meaning to say hermie) at that time i dont even know any facts about marijuana or planting i always ended up getting female plant while fucked the stress out of it. peed on it, feed it like crazy, replanted it many many times )taking it out from the ground with my hands), broke a few branches here and there. burned it while cooking bbq...so far i have 3 of it flowering and no signs of hermie. scientific analysis aside just throwing a few info. (i felt bad about her i guess i was just playing favorites to seeds i bought)