Fire Dept. watches house burn to ground with 3 dogs and cat inside over $75

Sounds like some people need to venture back to the politics section and maybe cool out a little eh?

This thread is about a man who just lost everything due to the fact that this pathetic group of people let this whole guys life(and pets) just burn away for seventy-five lousy dollars. If you arent willing to save somebodies whole lively hood when YOU'RE ALREADY THERE, Then you are just a flat out shitty person. Justify it however you will, cause we all know you're gonna. Just like somebody else said, Those firemen should have just said "fuck it" and done their job and put out the fucking fire and save lives and left the financial bullshit out of the equation til the fire was out. It even claims that they put out the neighbor's field who started to catch on fire, "cause he paid." So the water was hooked to the truck and was being pumped out of the hoses, but they wouldn't just shoot it in his direction over $75. This whole situation is so beyond pathetic that i'm just gonna stop here cause im sure somebody is gonna say something and get me goin and make me upset. haha
yeah a little harsh there on the cops and firefighters.
I would like to think that in a perfect world that these firemen had to just sit there and let the house burn
Stupid Stupid Stupid.
Sorry for the dogs and cats.
just so we're clear, i do think this is bullshit. but what do you expect when you dont pay your fair share? esp. when you haven't paid it and are burning crap on your property.
like i said fuck the police firefighters and gay goverment
I understand the hostility towards police and government, but why the hostility toward firefighters? Did one kick sand in your face and steal your girl or something? That happens, since firefighers are real men, not like some punk hiding behind a keyboard talking shit about people with one of the most honorable professions there is.:finger:

ok this seems to be a isolated case that is surely wrong but to use this as a example that that all police and firefighters and govt are the same shows your stupidity

So you say fuck the govt. well that includes are military that puts their lives on the line daily, and firefighters like ones at WTC are the ones when people are running from a burning building are running the other way into the fire

and have you every reported a crime that has happened to u to the police or are you the kind that commits them

But since u feel so strongly way dont u stand behind your statement and get outfrom behind your keyboard soapbox and take a stand go find a soldier,firefighter or cop and say fuck u to their face

like i said fuck the police firefighters and gay goverment
and since you are such a internet badass go tell this mans family and friends fuck firefighters

i see u are a legal grower when u go to get your card to grow do u tell them fuck you
and then u post in several threads whining because u knocked up a girl at 14 and at 26 bitch about having to pay child support hey if u cant pay keep it in your pants
maybe u should not pay and let welfare (govt) pay for your actions but i guess that is another way u can say fuck the government

like i said fuck the police firefighters and gay goverment
ok this seems to be a isolated case that is surely wrong but to use this as a example that that all police and firefighters and govt are the same shows your stupidity

So you say fuck the govt. well that includes are military that puts their lives on the line daily, and firefighters like ones at WTC are the ones when people are running from a burning building are running the other way into the fire

and have you every reported a crime that has happened to u to the police or are you the kind that commits them

But since u feel so strongly way dont u stand behind your statement and get outfrom behind your keyboard soapbox and take a stand go find a soldier,firefighter or cop and say fuck u to their face
Ha ha! Right on! This is an isolated event and it should've never happened. It pisses me off that this happened and is definitely not representative of most firefighters. Most of us do the job even though we don't get paid very much, it's incredibly hard work and it's very dangerous. Why do we do it? To help out ungrateful pricks like this guy when they get hurt or sick. I have a permanent injury and get a disability pension because I was injured on the job, helping people. Firefighters don't lock people up or take kids away from their parents. Why someone would hate on firefighters is beyond me.:confused:
I have literally nothing to say about this.
This is wrong on so many levels... holy shit... I can't believe they let thousands and thousands of dollars of that mans stuff, and his ANIMALS burn away over $75 fucking dollars.

This is the kinda bullshit you expect to here about in a third world country.... just knowing that things like this still happen in North America.... I'm dumbfounded.

I hope somebody sets up a relief fund for this guy, cuz I will for sure donate...

Edit: And good on buddys family members who went down to the fire station and knocked the fire chief the fuck out.... That would've been me
It never should have happened, however review some of the circumstances:

FIRST - A trailer was moved into outside of town (i.e. rural, no service area, owners moving there know there is no fire department unless they pay for the service from the NEIGHBORING town)

SECOND - There was a burn-ban when the owner's own son started a fire with leaves next to their trailer...

THIRD - Next the fire department didn't come since the owner failed to pay $75, as per a 20 year old county law. The last house that burned down as a result was in 2008 and none before that.

FOURTH - Finally the owner complains about not recouping the full value of his property since his homeowners insurance wasn't paid up either!

Dumb owner.
Dumb fire department.
Dumb mayor.

If they just added the $75 to their property taxes every year for every resident this would NEVER be an issue. Even if taxes are unpaid they will get paid when the house sells to the next owner eventually. Cant escape them, deducted at closing. :)
THIS is the solution, in my opinion. Just add the $75.
Private fire departments are nothing new. In the 18th century if you wanted fire protection you bought insurance and put what's called a fire mark on your building or home. Each insurance company maintained their own fire brigades (which is where the term fire company comes from). If you didn't buy insurance or didn't have your fire mark posted on your building they would let your shit burn to the ground. :sad:

I agree this is a bad system and there are much better ways to get the funding required to equip and train a fire dept. Private fire companies belong back in the 18th century IMO.
thank you
the homeowner even said in a interview he thought that if he didnt pay they would still come so he chose not to pay so i say it a shame but blame lies where blame is due
im sure it is a rural area with no budget thats why they use volunteers and had to add a $75 fee to cover the service they provide so this guy says im not going to pay because im sure they will come well then the ones that did pay and support their fire dept want to know why they should pay.

Its like driving a car with no insurance then when totaled crying about how i dont have a way to get around it aint right

we all make choices and sometimes poor ones but why blame others for our stupidity
and condemning all govt,firefighters, and police for this just shows one posters stupidity
i guess if he didnt want to pay for his card to grow legally and got busted he would blame everyone but his own self

It never should have happened, however review some of the circumstances:

FIRST - A trailer was moved into outside of town (i.e. rural, no service area, owners moving there know there is no fire department unless they pay for the service from the NEIGHBORING town)

SECOND - There was a burn-ban when the owner's own son started a fire with leaves next to their trailer...

THIRD - Next the fire department didn't come since the owner failed to pay $75, as per a 20 year old county law. The last house that burned down as a result was in 2008 and none before that.

FOURTH - Finally the owner complains about not recouping the full value of his property since his homeowners insurance wasn't paid up either!

Dumb owner.
Dumb fire department.
Dumb mayor.

If they just added the $75 to their property taxes every year for every resident this would NEVER be an issue. Even if taxes are unpaid they will get paid when the house sells to the next owner eventually. Cant escape them, deducted at closing. :)
THIS is the solution, in my opinion. Just add the $75.
thanks doc i had read about that before to but it slipped my mind.
homeowner needs to stop pointing fingers at others and turn them fingers on his own self

Private fire departments are nothing new. In the 18th century if you wanted fire protection you bought insurance and put what's called a fire mark on your building or home. Each insurance company maintained their own fire brigades (which is where the term fire company comes from). If you didn't buy insurance or didn't have your fire mark posted on your building they would let your shit burn to the ground. :sad:

I agree this is a bad system and there are much better ways to get the funding required to equip and train a fire dept. Private fire companies belong back in the 18th century IMO.
thank you
the homeowner even said in a interview he thought that if he didnt pay they would still come so he chose not to pay so i say it a shame but blame lies where blame is due
im sure it is a rural area with no budget thats why they use volunteers and had to add a $75 fee to cover the service they provide so this guy says im not going to pay because im sure they will come well then the ones that did pay and support their fire dept want to know why they should pay.

Its like driving a car with no insurance then when totaled crying about how i dont have a way to get around it aint right

we all make choices and sometimes poor ones but why blame others for our stupidity
and condemning all govt,firefighters, and police for this just shows one posters stupidity
i guess if he didnt want to pay for his card to grow legally and got busted he would blame everyone but his own self
lmfao!!!!!!:lol: You are probably right! Seems like most people want to have the right to be a douchebag but when it gets them into trouble they want to blame everybody but themselvese. Bravo fab!:clap:
okay, so there's a lot of logic out there that can be used to describe just how ridiculous this is. yet, from an ethical point of view, the firefighters should have put out the fire, simply put. regardless if the man could have tried to save his pets, or regardless of how the fire started.

i don't know any firefighters that are in it for the money, they want to save people and fight fires, at least. you must be a brainwashed firefighter to stand around while a person's house and pets are burning, while the man is pleading, and do nothing because of a trivial fee.

after watching the video, there are two constants, the man is dumb as shit, and the fd is heartless. the fire should have not happened in the first place, but the fd acting like a fucking insurance company? pffft.
This is what happens when paperwork gets in the way of humanity.

And jfa916 needs to be a little more considerate of the people willing to risk their lives to save his . . .
Ha ha! Right on! This is an isolated event and it should've never happened. It pisses me off that this happened and is definitely not representative of most firefighters. Most of us do the job even though we don't get paid very much, it's incredibly hard work and it's very dangerous. Why do we do it? To help out ungrateful pricks like this guy when they get hurt or sick. I have a permanent injury and get a disability pension because I was injured on the job, helping people. Firefighters don't lock people up or take kids away from their parents. Why someone would hate on firefighters is beyond me.:confused:

this does not even represent those firefighters, really. i watched a follow up on this, the homeowner says he got many condolences from them and that many couldn't sleep that night, some even cried.
i agree they should have helped and im sure after this is all over news they wont let it happen again

and in JFA916 case maybe they should bother to risk their lives to save him but u know what im sure they would anyways even if he was yelling at them fuck the firefighters

This is what happens when paperwork gets in the way of humanity.

And jfa916 needs to be a little more considerate of the people willing to risk their lives to save his . . .
thanks for that
most get part of a story or just the headline and go one the warpath
the whole thing was a failure the homeowner,and the rules the firefighters followed
and i but they will find a way to make sure it doesnt happen again

this does not even represent those firefighters, really. i watched a follow up on this, the homeowner says he got many condolences from them and that many couldn't sleep that night, some even cried.