bluemoonn 420
i have named it dark matter the reason why is because its really dark green with dark orange hairs and white hairs everywhere and smells like skunky kiwi grape and some peppery undertones with it and tastes like spicy fruity ice. the nugs are dense but still have a tiny bit of fluffiness so their not rocks. the effect is really nice you get both sativa and indica so you get sedated with a nice body high and it doesnt put you to sleep so you can use this for pain in the middle of the day and its an amazing wake and bake plus if you want smoke enough and itl put you to sleep so ita a great nightly smoke too so let me know what you guys think and list some strains you crossed. im gonna go smoke a bogey blunt with this dark matter and it is delicious has anyone else tried the bogey blunts?