Top Fed Drain to Waste Journal (12 OG) Looking GOOOOOD!


Well-Known Member
That room has really filled out! Got some monsters there bro. Nice work. I will be following this for sure. :D


Active Member
Lol, Sorry?! We’re all still learning everyday of every grow! Science is awesome!!! This site is awesome also, Wish I hung out here more in the early years....

Keep it up my friend!


Active Member
Here are some pics of 5 of the branches that I fimmed! This is 50 days after the “Fim” and 50 days into 12 hr.. All but one of these is on the same OG Kush plant, the first two are of the same branch... I’m not really sure they all worked how they should have but I’m still satisfied with the results!

Very interesting technique and I will use it again for sure....

Cheers everyone!


Well-Known Member
Looks Good N!pples... Now is FIMMING just like topping? I am about 4 wks from a big grow and i trust your judgement.. so when you say you will be using this technique again i am definitely intereted in learning... Thanks Bro!!!


Active Member
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, this was my first time doing it.. Its almost like topping but not quite. When you top you generally clip or pinch off the new growth at the top of a node, above a leaf.. This is usually done during the veg stage and the branch will split into two branches then put into 12 hr.

From what I read if you want to “FIM” you pinch the top new growth in half on the day you flip to 12 hr. I Pinched in the middle of where the new growth was a thick and dense so I wasn’t just chopping the leaves in half.. It almost left nothing on the plant and looked like a sloppy top or top gone wrong…

I think I did it to about 7 branches and can only locate 5 of them after the shuffle.. The buds on these branches didn’t get as big as some of the others but they did split and all turned into at least 3 shoots of smaller buds.. I would recommend this to anyone with height restrictions but haven’t done the weigh in yet to see if it might have improved or hurt the weight on the plant.. I’ll give you a better educated opinion after the weigh in…



Well-Known Member
i FIM throughout veg... i cut 80% of the new growth off, inducing side growth, while delaying vertical growth...

ive never FIM'd the day before the switch tho. interesting...

love the set up n!pples.. cant wait for more updates



Active Member
Thanks for the input k2! Do you happen to have a pic of any plants you have FIM'd? I'd love to see how they split compared to ours.. Do you do Scrog or do you just Fim to keep them short?



Well-Known Member
i SCROG, so FIMing is to get branches to stretch across my screen. FIMing and SCROGing go hand in hand IMHO. i dont necessarily get a "split" per say. as it just delays vertical growth, after the FIM'ed node recovers, vertical growth will continue. i can send some pictures, but my current set up is only 1 month in veg, so pictures don't do too much justice at the moment. i'll keep you updated if you would like.

the one is a picture of the actual FIM'd top. and the whole picture is of the FIM'd GDP a week 1/2 later.. :clap:


Active Member
i SCROG, so FIMing is to get branches to stretch across my screen. FIMing and SCROGing go hand in hand IMHO. i dont necessarily get a "split" per say. as it just delays vertical growth, after the FIM'ed node recovers, vertical growth will continue. i can send some pictures, but my current set up is only 1 month in veg, so pictures don't do too much justice at the moment. i'll keep you updated if you would like.

the one is a picture of the actual FIM'd top. and the whole picture is of the FIM'd GDP a week 1/2 later.. :clap:
Thanks K, I might have some learning when it comes to Fimming.. The pic number 2 looks almost exactly how mine did after the fim but I did them at the 12hr switch.. Mine did seem to split into more than 1 branch on at least 5 of the 7.. I don’t know where I read to do it at the flip, I’ll have to look around! I did do it to the tallest branches to delay the vertical growth.. I thought I read somewhere that it was similar to topping, would stun growth and would multiply the tops... Sounded good to me! Please keep me updated as I’ll keep u posted with any noob fims I try and the outcome of these tops..

buds are looking thick. im starting to rethink my setup..
The cheapest large “Hydro” set up I’ve done by far…. Simple and effective!!!!! Good luck with whatever you choose my friend!!!

Your Girls look GREAT love the set up and grow media you used keep us posted!
Lol, will do! Stay tuned!!!


Active Member
I've gone to like 8 toy stores trying to find the EyeClops Bioni Cam but no one has it in stock... If I order it on line it will be too late.. 8-(


Well-Known Member
im very interested as to how your yield will be effected.. im gona put my $ on the FIM increasing your yield...

i have some pictures here of my GDP, sour delight (sour diesel X northern lights #5) and blue banana(blue dream X banana OG) all scrogged about an hour ago. blue banana has been scrogd for a week... you can see the vigorous side branching in result of the FIM..

hope you don't mind n!ps,


Active Member
Thanks for the pics.. I like the tech either way, yours is probably much more effective.. I use super cropping vs the Low stress training... So many techniques to try, I wish I had a warehouse and 50 tents...
