((((help)))) is this --- a girl or boy--- arjuns ultra haze2 --- pictures


Hello pll....
Need some expert to solve this problem...
The plant has started to flower...
But these ball or sacks have appeared from no where!?!?
What are they???
Hope its nots what im thinking??? (a boy)
they are supposed to femized!!!
These seeds where from green house co!!!
Help pll... Quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pitures attacted



Well-Known Member
It's a boy, and it's already dropped pollen.

EDIT: that's a hermie and a half, and it's already dropped pollen (sorry, only looked at the first pic and then responded).


Well-Known Member
It's actually a Hermie.... It has pistils and balls.

Your plant(s) have been shocked during flower, most likely by interrupted light cycles.


Well-Known Member
and remember not to grow the seeds again from that plant unless the hermie is caused by stress. Hermaphrodism will carry on for the next generation and will be a problem for you. But that can happen for even the best genes. When plant is stressed it will create both flowers to be sure to carry next generation on - pretty smart actually. Imagine a woman isolated on an island being able to produce sperm and get pregnant alone ;O))


Active Member
and remember not to grow the seeds again from that plant unless the hermie is caused by stress. Hermaphrodism will carry on for the next generation and will be a problem for you. But that can happen for even the best genes. When plant is stressed it will create both flowers to be sure to carry next generation on - pretty smart actually. Imagine a woman isolated on an island being able to produce sperm and get pregnant alone ;O))
isnt that how they make fem seeds??


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. To make female seeds you leave the plant for some extra weeks in the flower room. If you are lucky and do it right the regular female plant will start making some long banana looking male flowers - collect the pollen from these and use to pollinate the female - then you have female seeds. These are on the plant too early to be that kind of male flowers - these are probably going to make hermies or regular seeds.


Well-Known Member
Stay away from GreenHouse seeds in general. They don't even offer standard seeds which means they probably don't even own a good male.


Active Member
Yes and no. To make female seeds you leave the plant for some extra weeks in the flower room. If you are lucky and do it right the regular female plant will start making some long banana looking male flowers - collect the pollen from these and use to pollinate the female - then you have female seeds. These are on the plant too early to be that kind of male flowers - these are probably going to make hermies or regular seeds.
interesting bit of knowledge +rep but i guess if u already have the plant u could just clone her so it would be kind pointless in my case at least


Well-Known Member
True - but i like to make some seeds on them every now and then. Great for trading with some of your friends or with others to get other interesting strains.


so is it safe too say, if I remove all the sacks from the plant, then I can put
it back in the flower room??

I did buy these as femized seeds
this is a lovely plant n I don't want to destroy it!!! :((


Well-Known Member
so is it safe too say, if I remove all the sacks from the plant, then I can put
it back in the flower room??

I did buy these as femized seeds
this is a lovely plant n I don't want to destroy it!!! :((
When I first got my start, I was given a pill bottle full of hermie seeds (didn't know they were hermie at the time and it's probably why I got them for free). To deal with these hermie plants, I went into my flower closet every day and looked for pollen sacks, just like the ones shown in your pix. If I found some, I plucked them. I think one of your pics already shows one that has opened, so be careful to not disturb that one until you can take a damp cloth and wipe away the pollen on the leaves below. My end results was very, very good bud.


Thanks Mr Ganja
your help is priceless!!! And evryone else... LoL...
I've tooken most of the sacks off... But atleast I know, all is not lost...
Thanks everyone
I will post finished product soon


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mr Ganja
your help is priceless!!! And evryone else... LoL...
I've tooken most of the sacks off... But atleast I know, all is not lost...
Thanks everyone
I will post finished product soon

I'm going to give you some +REP just for being a good sport and following advice.

Happy Harvesting!!