STRAINS?! Both 6 foot beauty's, bagseeds, one is pink indica


Well-Known Member
You can get the general idea, pictures taken with a better camera will be posted.
pic 1 is super strawberry peach gold haze. pics 4 & 5 look like sour chocolope mystic #1. except that they didnt and they're not real strains and the pics are way blurry.. backk upp!! when you use the viewfinder or even that crappy screen that your camera probably has on the back of it... hold the button HALFWAY and make sure that your autofocus* makes the buds IN FOCUS then press the button the rest of the way..


Well-Known Member
It doesnt focus well enough. And the screen flips out and twists and shit. Thats the type i got, no not the nice sony one lol, but i will have better pics tmrw. Today now


Well-Known Member
yeah you can usually select what part of the screen you want it to autofocus on.. youl see little boxes blink or something. if its a square right in the middle, then hold halfway, and let it focus and if it doesnt look sharp, dont even take the pic.. keep trying! lets see emmmm


Well-Known Member
kind of cant right now cuz its dark, but in the morning. hopefully my cam has that feature to select and focus in


Well-Known Member
what camera do you have? it should automatically be at center for focus. so put bud in center of frame, and dont fully click the shutter release until it looks clear to you..


Well-Known Member
and back up.. and crop out the portion of the frame you didn't want, just leaving the clear bud shot.

c'mon ludacris!


Well-Known Member
here they are :-P:leaf:



Well-Known Member
the amount of pics and the words that are attached are enough to support the validity of these plants