Riu what's up with the turkey???


Well-Known Member
I thought when I woke up this afternoon( long night of boozing and cruising) I could have sworn we were still in October. But when I'm cruising the forum I see a turkey up top. I thought turkey time was in November correct me if I'm wrong. Any thoughts on this??


Well-Known Member
Yeah WTF is that!! I have to buy a pumpkin in July otherwise they skip it and go straight into Christmas.


Well-Known Member
It's Canadian thanksgiving on Monday... (October 11th).... most families ate thanksgiving dinner tonight in Canada.... I for one did... and I am STUFFED with turkey, potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie....

That's why there is a turkey.... and Halloween is on Oct 31st... in Canada


Well-Known Member
RIU server is in Canada so I suppose that's why they chose to acknowledge it. Don't worry though, I'm sure RIU will recognize US thanksgiving too ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok why does Canada have a different thanksgiving then us?? It's fall I'm about to bust out my cannabutter breadbowls