What should i grow?!


Well-Known Member
Guys i need some help

i need a little help with this one

im looking to grow about 2 lbs a month but only

wanna keep 4 to 8 plants and want to keep them

around 3 feet tall but want it to be a straight grow

looking for a good mind and body high strain

so something thats uplifting but can still put you

on couch lock if you really dont care.

Any strains you guys might know of that could feed my need for weed

love you guys for any help and love riu


Well-Known Member
doing a 4 plant dwc would be preferred having 1 mother with 4 clones a month since its about 8 weeks for 2 months so that would be 4 in then 4 weeks later flower 4 more then move them and keep it going after that


Well-Known Member
If you're not a legal grower, I won't advise 2 pounds a month...As for yields, you need to take a look at the seeds at Attitude Seed Bank, they give an estimated yield for square meters for each strain.


First and most potent strain I would go with is White widow. White widow is a calmer type of high, but it gives you more laughs kicks then other types of weed in my opinion.
There is 18.6% THC in white widow so it gives you a calmer high that makes you feel light and funny and enegetic and very social. But at the same time will make you crash ans sleep like a baby... Well that's my experience with white widow lol. I absolutely LOVE IT!


Well-Known Member
First and most potent strain I would go with is White widow. White widow is a calmer type of high, but it gives you more laughs kicks then other types of weed in my opinion.
There is 18.6% THC in white widow so it gives you a calmer high that makes you feel light and funny and enegetic and very social. But at the same time will make you crash ans sleep like a baby... Well that's my experience with white widow lol. I absolutely LOVE IT!
what about white rhino has anyone had great feeling with it?

@ smokebros 2 lbs/month is a lot bro. yes it is but as i said its about what i consume i am a vary habitual user


New Member
I would say so to smoke that much in a month lol if you smoke that much you get + rep bro

what about white rhino has anyone had great feeling with it?

@ smokebros 2 lbs/month is a lot bro. yes it is but as i said its about what i consume i am a vary habitual user


Active Member
If you have never seen the seedfinder, then go to

If you want insane quality buy from somebody like DJ Short or TGA Subcool.
Like for straight up insane yeilds and that DJ Short quality,

White Widow is popular for its potency, but the breeders who created it made a greater yielding cross known as White Rhino. One breeder sells Medicine Man and the other still calls it White Rhino. There is a cross of both White Rhino's known as HammerHead. That is pictured in my avatar. It's released by Medical Seeds Co.


bud bootlegger
if my math is correct, that would be 8 ounces off of each of the four plants to get your two lbs, not impossible, but your definitely setting the bar high for yourself no doubt..
if your looking for straight up yeild, i would say go with a big bud or critical mass or critical cross of some sort as they are known to be heavy yeilders..
i think that your idea of doing dwc is a good one as a buddy of mine on this site managed to get a lil over 19 ounces off of one apple jack in dwc.. it was one of the biggest yeilds i have seen to date on this site hands down..


Well-Known Member
its only an ounce a day roughly 28 blunts from 5 am to 1230 pm everyday you get really used to it after a while im just tired of spending all my fucking money on mid grade weed and want to save some green in all since of the term haha started smoking when i was 12 no need to stop now dosent affect my job or life in anyway so all i really have to say is marijuana has cured my little corner in the world


Well-Known Member
if my math is correct, that would be 8 ounces off of each of the four plants to get your two lbs, not impossible, but your definitely setting the bar high for yourself no doubt..
if your looking for straight up yeild, i would say go with a big bud or critical mass or critical cross of some sort as they are known to be heavy yeilders..
i think that your idea of doing dwc is a good one as a buddy of mine on this site managed to get a lil over 19 ounces off of one apple jack in dwc.. it was one of the biggest yeilds i have seen to date on this site hands down..
all of my pants would be in 5 gallon buckets once they went into flowering and you are right at only 3 feet tall that is a little much so say i go to 5-6 feet tall about what am i looking at? that seems a little more obtainable


bud bootlegger
man, all i want to know is what kind of job that you have that allows you to smoke about two blunts an hour while your on the clock? and secondly, are they hiring, lmao..


Well-Known Member
lmao i work for myself buying selling and recycling cars and scrap metal brings in 300+ a day so i sit at home all day and look for what i can find online or look at my local paper and take my truck out pick up anything someone has most of the time its hard to tell i even smoke lol but yea if you work from home there always hiring haha i even collect cans if i need to


Well-Known Member
If you have never seen the seedfinder, then go to

If you want insane quality buy from somebody like DJ Short or TGA Subcool.
Like for straight up insane yeilds and that DJ Short quality,

White Widow is popular for its potency, but the breeders who created it made a greater yielding cross known as White Rhino. One breeder sells Medicine Man and the other still calls it White Rhino. There is a cross of both White Rhino's known as HammerHead. That is pictured in my avatar. It's released by Medical Seeds Co.
thanks for the update and info ill look into those strains some of them are gorgeous i kinda like the color purple now


New Member
so if u are smoking mids now at 2 pounds a month in my neck of the woods that $2000+ a month i need a job too if i make enough money to spend 2 grand on weed a month and work while smoking

or u just rich if so can i add you to my friends