Brick Weed


Well-Known Member
ill smoke some Mex (brick weed) if I have to just got get a pack of swishers and ull be wrecked its 20 a half where I live 100 a QP


I have a very extensive mid grade seed collection that I've been building for over 2 years and I'm just starting to grow some of them and I must say I've been really impressed. They all have super tight nodes andrespond great to topping. Interesting stuff mids. I gotta say though the stuff I get is a bit more expensive, but doesn't look like it's been covered in ash but is certainly brick. Anyways glad to see someone else appreciates mids and thee seeds!


Well-Known Member
Most brick weed just gives me head aches. I don't think that shit will get a normal stoner high. I think the last time I got high off that shit I was 14 years old.
Well I had some brick weed i bought in new mexico, and threw about 20 seedsImported Photos 00000.jpg i pulled out of it into a flower pot. Most of them were crushed but i figure what the heck, somthing should grow. Imported Photos 00010.jpgwell two of the seeds grew and now this is what a got!!!! I think it is some strain of White Widow but i'm not sure at all.Imported Photos 00018.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm in Texas and none of my swagg I buy is brick. All my swagg is lime and crystal tinted. I have had brick and never liked it. Bought a lot of Popcorn bud but stopped buying that sh*t because it made me feel like a idiot. I don't even smoke weed anymore. I never come across name brand weed. I will only smoke again if I get name brand. lol


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is it would be nice weed if it was properly cured.
You guys are all looney abou the seeds thing. It stops you smokeing too much as you need to clean some first.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude your normally a reputable poster but you need to re assess that last post. wtf, its nasty shwag man sensimillia be the true path

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
The sad thing is it would be nice weed if it was properly cured.
You guys are all looney abou the seeds thing. It stops you smokeing too much as you need to clean some first.
My grinder has holes in it big enough for seeds. Seeds (very very very rare) drop through the holes and I just take them out :)

but anc seeds mean its not sensi, and I LOVE me some sensi!



Well-Known Member
...things I love about brick weed:
-I can fit a 1/4 pound in my shirt pocket
-I can smoke all day and never really get high
-I have enough seeds to share with everyone
-it never makes my eyes red
-no one can smell it in your pocket...or when your smoking it


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is it would be nice weed if it was properly cured.
You guys are all looney abou the seeds thing. It stops you smokeing too much as you need to clean some first.
you mean properly handled. curing doesnt really increase the potency. From what I know. it just makes better bag appeal and taste.

Now not properly handling it on the other hand does fuck up the potency. Compressing it. bad conditions, not caring for each individual plants needs, chopping early. the list goes on. but curing isnt on that list


Well-Known Member
...things I love about brick weed:
-I can fit a 1/4 pound in my shirt pocket
-I can smoke all day and never really get high
-I have enough seeds to share with everyone
-it never makes my eyes red
-no one can smell it in your pocket...or when your smoking it
all those chararcteristics i hate except if i could fit a qp in my pock it would be nice but ive brick from everywhere had 2lb slabs of pure brick that fit in a gallon zippy