3 different males, 2 females


Active Member
i would like to polinate my 2 females, but i have 3 different males. does anyone have an answer or solution, how can i do this? if i polinate one female with 2 different males, will i get seeds from both males or,... any advice would be gr8, cause im days or maybe hours away from males to polinate.


Active Member
thx for replies. looks like were all guessing. i was triing to find some kind of info on that, but i cant. will have to see on my own. personally i hope, that there will be no mix genes and there will be seeds from one and another male.


Active Member
I read that you can collect the pollen from a male by placing a plastic bag over the male and shaking it. Then you would take the plastic bag with the pollen inside and put one of the females branches inside it and shaking. This allows you to pollinate only one part of the female not the whole thing. What you could do is pollinate each part of the females separately that way you know which seeds came from which. Good Luck hope this helps :bigjoint:


Active Member
I dont think you can mix them and have a seed with all genetics(Female 1 x Pollen b x pollen c)..But you can pollinate one branch of each male pollen and get 3 different mixes...Female 1 with pollen from male 'a' on branch 'a', female 1 with pollen from male 'b' on branch 'b', etc..And have a mix of female 1 x Pollen a, and female 1 x pollen b, etc...Im not good with explaining the equation but sound logical...right?


Well-Known Member
I read that you can collect the pollen from a male by placing a plastic bag over the male and shaking it. Then you would take the plastic bag with the pollen inside and put one of the females branches inside it and shaking. This allows you to pollinate only one part of the female not the whole thing. What you could do is pollinate each part of the females separately that way you know which seeds came from which. Good Luck hope this helps :bigjoint:
use a paint brush or Q-tip to dab or sprinkle the pollen with...