I used to love her...but I had to kill her


Active Member
Does ANYONE else have a problem killing their plants at harvest time? Of course, I am tickled to be at harvest, don't get me wrong. But I feel kinda sad; I have been loving and caring for these girls since they were still seeds. Now I'm approaching each one, knife and scissors in hand to cut her down...it's silly, I know. But I'd love to hear how other growers feel about this. :-P
I take clones before I put them into 12/12 so their lineage kinda carries over to the nesxt harvest. I have granddaughters going now and in 3 weeks will have great-granddaughters growing for my spring harvest.
I like to put pics of Day1 of veg and day 1 of 12/12 together to see the difference and then add a pic of the final product, pack a bowl or four and smoke in their honor.


Well-Known Member
Does ANYONE else have a problem killing their plants at harvest time? Of course, I am tickled to be at harvest, don't get me wrong. But I feel kinda sad; I have been loving and caring for these girls since they were still seeds. Now I'm approaching each one, knife and scissors in hand to cut her down...it's silly, I know. But I'd love to hear how other growers feel about this. :-P
Not sure if this counts because I didn't actually harvest but a few weeks back there was a really bad windstorm that snapped my baby off at the roots.:sad:

I still got a couple ozs off her but far from finished.

I actually had a single tear roll down my cheek, it's was my first grow.



I feel ya bro just reading your made me feel alil sad since im gonna saw one of my ladies this week.. and 420 god im sorry to hear that damn. wind strong enough to break that shit is gotta be ridiculous.


Active Member
420, i'm not sure HOW you had wind strong enough to break that plant. My GOD the stalk is amazing. Nice girth - what are you growing in that pic?


Well-Known Member
i always had ths problem until one day i was close to harvest date and my landlord called and said he was coming over to walk through the house (inspection of some sort) in 24 hours. so i said goodbye to the ladies and i grabbed a machete and lopped off each 12 stalks and tossed em in a box and duct taped off the box and hid it in the backyard all within 5 minutes, i swear. that left me 23 hours and 55 minutes to tear down the grow room, set it up like a bedroom and hide the veg room in the garage LOL. ever since then ive had no problems when it comes time to chop.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this counts because I didn't actually harvest but a few weeks back there was a really bad windstorm that snapped my baby off at the roots.:sad:

I still got a couple ozs off her but far from finished.

I actually had a single tear roll down my cheek, it's was my first grow.
I feel for you, that is impressive. I'd be depressed for weeks


New Member
harvesting is a pretty sad time for me also - the first couple times it was pure bliss but now its all sadness


I feel your pain! A few years ago, when I really had NO clue at all about growing, I had 13 beautiful plants vegging, At the time my neighbors had 3/4 growing too, but they let someone in the house and they saw the plants that they hadn't hidden, resulting in an early morning Police raid. I saw all this going on, I was shaking like a sh***ing dog while I had to cut down all 13 plants and hide the evidence while the police were next door! I've never felt so upset and scared in my life! I'm older and wiser now though, and my baby is due to be cut down in a few weeks after 7.5 months, I really don't wanna do it! But I can't wait to taste her. Ahhh, It's so bittersweet.

Peachy :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Damn i would been flippin out in that situation and the same if i had 420's tree. 420, you pruned to get that lollipop shape, right?


Well-Known Member
Damn i would been flippin out in that situation and the same if i had 420's tree. 420, you pruned to get that lollipop shape, right?
It lost a couple lower branches from other storms and I topped it a couple weeks before flower to thicken it up.


Well-Known Member
imo its even worse if your crop doesn't make it to harvest(for what ever reason), happened a few times when i first started