3 plants 1000watts 5x5 area. guess the yield


Well-Known Member
pics are at first week of flowering cycle
[/IMG] any input as far as what I might get out of this crop


Well-Known Member
Id say your an idiot for asking a stupid question like that. then to ( WTF ) because people don't answer. You should expect the worst but hope for the best....


Well-Known Member
Id say your an idiot for asking a stupid question like that. then to ( WTF ) because people don't answer. You should expect the worst but hope for the best....

No doubt, especially since it was only 7 minutes since he asked for "anybody else got any input", then came back the the "WTF?" comment. What a dickhead.

At any rate, I'll say that there's alot of wasted space for that size light, unnecessary height reduction with the LST, wasting the excellent light penetration of a 1000 watt HID, and will guess they'll yield about 7-9 ozs, total. :razz:


Well-Known Member
No doubt, especially since it was only 7 minutes since he asked for "anybody else got any input", then came back the the "WTF?" comment. What a dickhead.

At any rate, I'll say that there's alot of wasted space for that size light, unnecessary height reduction with the LST, wasting the excellent light penetration of a 1000 watt HID, and will guess they'll yield about 7-9 ozs, total. :razz:
Yeah well excuse me for that. Dont take it personel. And Im not a dickhead , Im a pussy with tomatoes lettuce and sesame seeds, hence the avatar