Club 600


Well-Known Member
Lol well haha. I just click on the pic to blow it up copy & paste. Only now that riu dont let me upload i went to the photobucket. Just have to tinker with it i guess.


Well-Known Member
yesir im back in the game boys, thanks for the rep! :D i cant wait to see what these bubbas turn out like, im more pumped for the Sharksbreath i have veggin rite now though! :)

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lovely, whats it smelling like?. mine was very lemony while in flower but mainly skunky now, i'm curing some with lemon zest to see if it makes any difference.

Mine still smells lemony but not as strong as when it was flowering. Had my first sample of the og18 x skunk, a very smooth smoke with that classic kush taste. Glad I read your post, it reminded me to open my jars for a few minutes. Total weight dry for the two lemons was 118 grams. If I can summon the energy I'm going to trim and jar the og today. That leaves the sleestack and the LA confidential for tomorrow.

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nas, I vegged my sour cream for six weeks and did the lst method with her. I flowered her for eleven weeks before I chopped the top and left the rest of the plant for another week. I should have let the whole thing go twelve weeks. This is my opinion only, the sour cream is tastier than lemon skunk and is much more of a head high. I really liked it...a lot.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks little one, I'll look into that. Generally I try to not remove fan leaves but after a couple/few weeks the plants have so many leaves I don't really see where removing a few will hurt the plant. I've read opinions on both sides of the subject. To me it's just one big ongoing experiment and since I have very little fear of failure with growing, I'll try just about anything that seems plausible and might help. After all it's only a weed and I have more seeds, so what if I mangle a plant or two along the way.


Well-Known Member
Lemon Skunk is V-NICE. So nice when you combine it with Belgian beer that it makes you fall into canals without even realising it!!!

1BMM, killing them softly bru! Nice.

And Gnomey, glad to see you back in the saddle. Nice looking girls you got there! There's loads of things that I should comment on past posts but I am hung over so only operating at family arriving in a few me lord.

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I've been up for almost two hours and I'm about to go back to bed. I've been feeling so crappy I've barely smoked over the past week. DST, I would feel like it was an accomplishment if I could reach 25% capacity. The adopted son just left for work, he doesn't live here he's married, he just arrives in the mornings and afternoons for his breathing treatments. So for the first time this week I smoked a bag or two with him. Between feeling like crap and barely smoking, my head is spinning so I'm going to put it and my body in the bed in the hopes it will stop. I took all the og down from the other room with the intention of trimming and jarring it, but it's going to have to wait, me and the sandman have a date.

Lord help us both DST.


Well-Known Member
Well I for one feel GrrrrrEAT lol. Sorry dont mean to piss in your cheerios guys haha. Hope you 2 feel better. I woke my ass up early to trimm weed. Lordy does anyone else feel like the grow is a partime job. I got half way through trimming lastnite and was like UGHHHH FUCK IT. Maybe its because of all the trimming of the outdoor which i still have a few branches to finish. Does anyone have edward scissor hands Ph# hahaha.

Well I best get to it. Have a good day yall. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Glad its finally my weekend :clap: My T5 light should be here today All my girls are looking good heres some pics of my Groomed Blueberry Dwarf who smells good as hell. My Temps are managing to stay low at 73 right now but it is kind of cold outside had been for the past few days. Anyway heres my Flowering Ladies
BB Dwarf:

Road Runner:

Purple Urkle Bag Seed:


Well-Known Member
lol I'v been trying to figure out how to put them in "big boxes" like you got 1BMM

Durban Poison getting frosty :-o
hey whodat whatup. hey man that durban poison, ive been wanting to order that for a minute. is this your first time growing that, if not what is it like; body, head,or a mixture of both, and what is the yield like. im hoping its more heady, with at least somewhat of a good yield. also, is that the camera, or is it purple colored. oh btw lokks very nice, like candy. thanks man.



Well-Known Member
nas, I vegged my sour cream for six weeks and did the lst method with her. I flowered her for eleven weeks before I chopped the top and left the rest of the plant for another week. I should have let the whole thing go twelve weeks. This is my opinion only, the sour cream is tastier than lemon skunk and is much more of a head high. I really liked it...a lot.
I'm gonna start a Sour Cream in a few weeks, glad I read your notes. 12 weeks is a lot longer than I expected but I'm sure it was worth the wait :weed:


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Oh shit, I can upload pictures again, now if only I didnt have to use my internal memory on my camera I could get more pics. Maybe I will get some different ones tonight, pain in the ass having to take 9 pics then go to the computer upload those, then go take more. I take pictures at the end of the day anyway, and once the tent gets closed, it doesnt get opened again until the lights on. Anyway, the girls are looking and smelling great, glad my tent holds in the scent well, because the carbon filter works, but it still smells pretty good inside the tent. I notice how well the filter is working when I take a plant out, then I can really smell it, inside I can get an idea of the smell, outside its holy shit you stink. I kind of took these pictures in a hurry, they dont really do the plants justice on just how coated with trichomes some of them are. The last 2 are the mk ultra, the leaves are curled under because of how sticky she is, no health issues with the girl. Any questions about any particular picture, feel free to ask, I would be glad to answer.bongsmilie
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looking good hotsauce! the removal of those dead leaves made your plant look a lot nicer!

humbolt- hope you make your goal. i started off wanting a lb then went to half haha! looks like that grow was a stretcher.

outdoor- yummy! that mk ultra is going to be some fire!