Let's call an ace an ace...


Well-Known Member
I have to say, I've been ordering from attitude since they opened.
i never didn't get an order.
it happened to me maybe 3-4 times in my order history with them, where beans arrived cracked or squished, and i just sent them back for replacements. and i got my replacements, no problem.

i dont really know whats going on right now, but im starting to see alot of ppl with low post count badmouthing attitude, while hoisting sannies up on a pedestal to the sky. i dont know if this is some attempt at guerilla advertising, but its not successful guerilla advertising if other ppl are starting to catch on.

i rarely if at all badmouth sannies, but i might have to in this thread. but just a little bit.
this is a free market and everyone is entitled to run their own business. but really, let's cut the cr@pola. i'm a pretty straight shooter IRL so let's just be honest about something here:

sannies people- sannies bizz is not gonna grow based off of your heavenly praises. they will grow off of good quality genetics.
so far, attitude still has sannies beat in that category. True, sannies is beginning to carry a few decent strains, but they are no attitude. im sorry if that upsets you. Everyone remembers that it was only a little bit over a year ago when every bean you got from sannies ended up going hermie.

its really frustrating to me to read all these flaming posts, duplicates of flaming posts put into other threads, and especially the very obvious trolling.....especially as someone who has been orderin from tude for years, with no problem.

as growers, one of our goals is trying to spread the cannabis genetic to every corner of not only our own respective countries but also to the rest of the world. as darwinian as it sounds...by growing you are helping to do this.

that being said, its essential that truthful reviews are posted, not lies, so that those buying seeds can make properly educated decisions. affiliates- you might make a commission off of convincing someone to buy a bunk strain once but you're actually hurting your possible repeat business down the line....then how will u make money??

i really didnt want to create this thread. but i've *REALLY* had enough of reading all the attitude badmouthing. it is extremely easy to tell which posts are from legit people who genuinely had issues (which they should post about so others can help) and which ones are just ppl badmouthing for selfish reasons (which just wastes space on the forums).

on this forum, im always tryin to be as helpful as i can be. but the funny thing is, IRL im always the girl who ends up having to say something. well im going to follow that precedent here. this is one time wherein im gonna come right out and say something - sannies affiliates, please stop trying so hard. you are annoying me.
just one of hundreds of credible threads:

I have ordered several times from Attitude and have read on here and many other sites including Rollitup and High Times that they are selling credit card information. I figure before I bash them and remove them from my signature I would give them a chance, here is the e-mail I sent them this morning:

Hello, I have placed several orders in the past with Attitude and been very happy with your pricing, quality and speed of service. Recently I was notified by my credit card company that my account information was compromised by your company, but they closed my account and opened a new one prior to any illegal activity. Now one very popular international blog site that I am a member of is worried that Attitude is a less than reputable business because many other people have been fraud victims after using Attitude. I would like to know if / how your customers information was compromised and how you plan to prevent it in the future. I will also be happy to post your response on said blog site.

There are multiple threads on this guys.. no need to start a new one.

Thanks for your email, I am sorry to say that yes it did look like we had someone hacked our site,We are absolutely devastated about this. This was not by anyone at the Attitude and was by a outside criminal scum. I wish to apologise to the customers that were effected and also to our customers that were not effected. I wish I could change the past, BUT I can change the future. Since this event we have spend over £20 000.00 in security upgrades Had a security audit by company called Nettitude, these are basically Ethical Hackers and security testers, with there reports we have closed any area of concernWe have implemented Mcaffee Secure, where the site gets scanned dailyChanged our payment gateway so you now go straight through to sage pay which is on a separate siteWe have also implement and began to upgrade to PCI 1 compliance, PCI 1 compliance is top level, 99% of retailers are PCI 4 As you already know the site is 256 bit encrypted with Go Daddy Jeff we have learnt allot from this event, and I am going to stay positive and take as much good from this experience as possible, I will not bow to criminals, They will NOT have the last laugh and they will be caught. I firmly believe what goes around comes around and it's just a matter of time. You have ordered from us many times and I am sure you know that we are a company that has strong morals and integrity. As mentioned all the changes have been made to the site and our site is secure, I am prepaired to send you invoices to show you the amount of work we have done making sure that our site is the most secure site out there.
There have been plenty of people who have done business with Attitude Seeds and are happy with them, after experiencing no problems and quick service. You accuse the original poster of making false claims and then not providing links to back it up; then you proceed to trash Attitude Seeds and accuse them of fraud and yet you have no links to back up your claims on strain fraud. You also make personal attacks and call the poster a liar. The poster was simply sharing frustration with brand new RIU members trashing Attitude. The poster made a good point, what do they have to gain or benefit? Why did they just sign up and their first posts are to slam Attitude Seeds? Why are you being so defensive? How do you know what history the poster has with Attitude?

And another point, you have over 500 posts and virtually no REP points.... At least the OP has some REP... It's one thing to defend Sannies, it's another entirely to make personal attacks on a poster for making an observation. You weaken your position and credibility by doing so.
There have been plenty of people who have done business with Attitude Seeds and are happy with them, after experiencing no problems and quick service. You accuse the original poster of making false claims and then not providing links to back it up; then you proceed to trash Attitude Seeds and accuse them of fraud and yet you have no links to back up your claims on strain fraud. You also make personal attacks and call the poster a liar. The poster was simply sharing frustration with brand new RIU members trashing Attitude. The poster made a good point, what do they have to gain or benefit? Why did they just sign up and their first posts are to slam Attitude Seeds? Why are you being so defensive? How do you know what history the poster has with Attitude?

And another point, you have over 500 posts and virtually no REP points.... At least the OP has some REP... It's one thing to defend Sannies, it's another entirely to make personal attacks on a poster for making an observation. You weaken your position and credibility by doing so.

hold on serapis, you.re late to the party. dude said, in other threads that he grew sannies gear out and it hermied on him and that sannie has a history of this. lies. the post was so, lame you could easily see he was lying by how dumb it sounded. furthermore, i checked his posts to see if he ever said something about it before hand and i found out he's been admiring sannies gear. regardless, he knows what i'm talking about. links? links to how many people attitude has fucked? are you serious? your joking right? i could show you hundreds, i ain't even talking about riu. the credit card fraud, the fake seeds, etc. etc. do your homework first. i always do mine. not a newb here.

i call him a liar, beacuse, i'm calling an ace an ace. dude, has been sending shots at me as being some sort of advertiser or affiliate with sannie seeking a freebie or favor. he went so, far as to start a thread and you say i'm attacking him, please. that's why i'm defensive. just because, people have a low post count doesn't mean they're here just to flame on attitude(some do) but, many people are just lurkers and make a purchase off of impulse and when their package arrives they are pissed then decided to express their frustrations. and your last point i only post here to help people out and to inform those who don't know. i could care less about riu rep points. i spend my time and have credibility on sites where it matters under many alias.
hold on serapis, you.re late to the party. dude said, in other threads that he grew sannies gear out and it hermied on him and that sannie has a history of this. lies. the post was so, lame you could easily see he was lying by how dumb it sounded. furthermore, i checked his posts to see if he ever said something about it before hand and i found out he's been admiring sannies gear. regardless, he knows what i'm talking about. links? links to how many people attitude has fucked? are you serious? your joking right? i could show you hundreds, i ain't even talking about riu. the credit card fraud, the fake seeds, etc. etc. do your homework first. i always do mine. not a newb here.

i call him a liar, beacuse, i'm calling an ace an ace. dude, has been sending shots at me as being some sort of advertiser or affiliate with sannie seeking a freebie or favor. he went so, far as to start a thread and you say i'm attacking him, please. that's why i'm defensive. just because, people have a low post count doesn't mean they're here just to flame on attitude(some do) but, many people are just lurkers and make a purchase off of impulse and when their package arrives they are pissed then decided to express their frustrations. and your last point i only post here to help people out and to inform those who don't know. i could care less about riu rep points. i spend my time and have credibility on sites where it matters under many alias.

Dude, look at your post history! You are a mouthpiece for Sannies.... It's ALL you EVER post about. You trash and attack anyone that has something good to say about Attitude and you constantly promote Sannies.... it's in everyone of your recent posts across multiple threads.

If you don't care about RIU or it's reputation points, why are you here? I think it is solely to promote a seed company. Be careful of who you libel and make sure you have your "facts" right. I sure would hate to be in your shoes and be found guilty of libeling and damaging a business'es reputation. That's just me....
i'm here to help. the number one problem that i see is people not knowing where to get quality seeds from safely. sannie is cheap and his genetics are on the same level as rez and everybody knows grower and breeder alike that rez has some DANK! never trashed or talked about anyone who had something good to say about attitude as a matter a fact i've consistently said spend your money how ever you wish.

so, when you recommend attitude it's simply that a recommendation and when i recommend sannie to those who have had a bad experience i'm a promoter....hmmm. doesn't make much sense but, who cares. i don't have to promote sannie and i don't have to flame attitude. i don't start threads about attitude i only recommend or suggest to those who ask or are upset with their seed purchasing experience. i suggest a cheap and reputable breeder. isn't that what this sub forum is for. how i post on riu is my preference. during my learning process i found more knowledgeable sources else where. that's just the path my journey has taken me.

i don't have to libel anyone. the evidence is abundant. funny how the truth hurts. sense you looked up my posts make sure you go back further. nah, i think you'd like to be in my shoes. i'm doing really well and i'm truly blessed. libel who and for what? i'm good their reputation has been bad for awhile, YOU JUST DIDN'T KNOW. i don't hold it against you. defend your buddy
I love my seed bank and they do a great job. I give the name in threads where the name matters.

plus rep i feel you on that one. either way, i wanted to be the one to put this all out there. i wouldnt be surprised if i get flamed from now on, but honestly i could care less. it is what it is. i wish that there was less politics goin on and more all around 420 goodness.
Speedy seeds did the same thing trolled around handing out free beans here and there creating a herd then recruited people to his "club" where he has ripped off thousands...now he advertises for attitude.
Dude attitude has its problems and makes mistakes just like everyone. Germ rates and stuff like that aren't their responsibility. thats the breeders.
Attitude brokers for the breeders...hell breeders wouldn't replace my two packs of failed reserva privada og ...attitude did and then the first replaced pack sucked zero success!
So I'll try the second pack. But the point is my beans always get here...and quick.
People have to take into consideration the conditions theses beans go through to get to there destination... weather, temps, handling(thrown around).
Even though some beans have failed I continue to order through them until someone shows me better... As a matter of fact I just ordered some tahoe og from cali connection and ak-47 ,and white russian...going to get all the freebies plus the dina fem promo http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/cannabis-seeds-news/dinafem-giveaway/
Bottom line,
I do not see any other company that even compares to Attitude!
Speedy seeds did the same thing trolled around handing out free beans here and there creating a herd then recruited people to his "club" where he has ripped off thousands...now he advertises for attitude.I do not see any other company that even compares to Attitude!

who are you referring to when you say this? i hope not me. if, so...... i'm not affiliated with sannie nor do i need anything free from anyone. i'm just a happy customer who's Never seen the bullshit that all of you(by your own admission) go through with messing with attitude. i never started a thread about attitude, i never posted in anyone's thread who thinks highly of them, let alone tried to sway any customers who are happy with them. i just recommend a very good breeder with an outstanding reputation who many all around the world already know about. it's no secret that sannie is a good dude with good genetics if you frequent the grow boards. dude doesn't need me to help his rep. (if it doesn't apply let it fly)

funny how alot of you have the same fucked up experiences and just except that bullshit. i'd love to sale you anything because, i could get over on you time and time again. you'd be dumb enough to just except it. funny how when people don't recommend attitude their promoting said company but, when people recommend attitude (even with fucked up experiences) it's normal. some people are just dumb.

those fuck ups aren't normal, that shit isn't the standard. if you have good experiences with them by all means do what you do. if you continue if you like chancing your money then by all means continue to do so. maybe, the few attitude advocates that have an issue with me saying sannie is a great source for elite genetics at cheap prices mistook my enthusiasm as some sort of targeted promotion. if you did you'd be dead wrong. i love fucking with seedboutique also, but, i'm not gonna tell someone who's already having an issue with either not getting their seeds or having a hard time contacting the seedbank to go somewhere where i know the same problems have arisen. me being a good person in the know, trying to overgrow the world and help people get what the want(quality dank, that's is why we grow right), i recommend the only place i've EVER seen NOT have any of the issues other seedbanks have. i'm not the type to give a person a iffy connection (maybe some of you would), i'ma put you on to that dude. i'm just trying to help.

lastly, i'm gonna be real and tell the truth good or bad because, i have no interest vested with anyone. if, you continue to spend money with a company like that knowing what may happen(don't take my word for it, just google or search this site or All the other grow boards) you're either to scarred or ignorant. Tingpoon, you should be ashamed of yourself making up negative stories about a good breeder trying to spread love with good herb. i know you can't man up to it, it's ok but, as long as you know that i know you're a bullshitter. as far as your "conspiracy theory" about sannie trying to still business from attitude, that shit sounds stupid. i know sannie just about as much as i know you. but, what i do know of him is his reputation is and has been solid from day one, can we say that about attitude... of course not. the two don't even compare, doing so, would be unfair to sannie. he's a real breeder who offers seeds at wholesale. attitude is just a conduit breeders use so, they don't get prosecuted by U.S. law enforcement. furthermore, they're just conniving money out of newbs with higher prices on strains that can be found else where for much cheaper and fucking people on shipping costs. i mean let's call an ace an ace, sannie is the real deal and YOU and attitude are just bullshitters.