Proper Light Cycles


Hello All,
Very new to growing. I am currently growing Medijuana for medicinal purposes.

I am growing my plants under a 1000w HPS system and the bulb has an extra 20% blue spectrum (can't remember the name but the bulb was about $180). However, I am a bit confused about the light cycles.

I have done some research but everyone says something different. I currently own two books. One is called Grow Great Marijuana by Logan Edwards and The Cannabis Breeder's Bible by Greg Green. None specify exactly when each cycle should commence, other than 24 hours for vegetative and 12/12 for flowering.

They do touch on other lighting schedules for example 13/11, 14/10, and 10/14, but do not go into detail what each cycle does for the plants.

Can someone PLEASE explain to me which one is best, and what is the purpose of each cycle and when it is best to apply to each stage/state.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
The general optimum light cycles are 18/6 veg 12/12 flower . That is the norm but yes there are people who swear by 20/4 or 24/0 veg .I personally just go with the " norm " .


its pretty simple bro..... vegetative comes first, which depending on what school of though you follow, you give the plants 18-24hrs of light a day (i'd recommend 20 personally).... after that, you can flower whenever you'd like by switching the lighting to 12hr on/12hr off.


Well-Known Member
ok well its best to do 18/6 a and you can keep them there till they get half the size you want them at harvest then switch to 12/12....... basically the plats can stay on vegg for as long as you want them they just will out grow your grow box so its on you boss

The Hobbit

I veg mine at 24 hours. Can't seem to see any difference, but i can always work in there no matter what time of day/night i want to bonzai, clone, pollinate or whatever projects are going on ;O)). I do agree that a couple of hours sound like a more natural way of living for the plant - mine just do great under the 24, so if it works i won't fix it ;O))


So there is no differentiation between a small or large vegetative and flowering phase? Do you guys (or gals) just maintain a consistent schedule during both phases? Yes? I am understanding correctly, yes?