Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
False anti-cannabis propaganda has been drilled into the collective consciousness of this country for 70 years. That won't be undone overnight. Minds will need to be changed. Ads will need to be run. Money will be raised to do it. That's just how it is.i pray that we the people take the initiation to vote yes on this then we wouldnt need to spend the money on silly campaigns to appeal to the ignorant. all the funds raised will be needed when this shit goes YES!
That'll be paid for with different money. I'd bet anything it happens like this. One of those Oakland massive scale growhouses permitted by prop 19 will get raided (maybe all of them). They will then have to be the one's who pay for it. Since those grows are so profitable, they'll be able to afford MUCH more money to fight the DEA effectively than the total amount raised by the prop 19 campaign. The DEA has already been to the sites of these massive grows. A legal battle in Oakland is pretty much a sure thing.and it gets taken to the courts. thats where the REAL battles will be. remember our votes only get the ball rolling. from their its in the hands of those political figures who are willing to stand for whats right and fight the other politicians who are gonna come out with every fallacy in the books.
The prop 19 campaign raised somewhere around 2 million I believe. These guys can collectively afford 10s of millions of dollars to fight this. That'll be necessary go fight the DEA. The money these guys can make does buy a certain amount of power and influence over the legal system. This will benefit all of us in the long run IF they win.