Show Me What You Got LST?


Active Member
i didnt even know your were medical. or wait mabye i did and just forgot. and i got mine cuz i was in a car accident in 07 and broke my back in 2 places, ever since then the pain just gets worse and worse as time goes by.
and im on my way to your journal
I think I had mentioned it but we're stoners sooooooo forgetfulness is excused haha thanks for stopping by my thread too. Ill post the update pics here too since its the "lst" thread and all lol I can't remember if I read it somewhere or not but are you in Oregon mcpurp?


Well-Known Member
lookin great letitgrow, they still look very healthy and appear to be doing great the one on the left seems to be a faster flowerer.


Well-Known Member
Here are some current pics of my plants.
sorry i missed you man, from what i can see your doin a good job of lst good work

Updated pic of my lst girl, she is on her 15th day of flowering.

View attachment 1219313View attachment 1219312View attachment 1219311View attachment 1219310Updated pic of my lst girl, she is on her 15th day of flowering.View attachment 1219309
they are lookin great, i like the big long fingered leafs, what strain is it if you know?
and you better watch out for your dog with them plants in pic 3 its lookin at them and licking its chops:lol::lol:
what type of dog is that any way i have an idea of what it is?


Well-Known Member
they are lookin great, i like the big long fingered leafs, what strain is it if you know?
and you better watch out for your dog with them plants in pic 3 its lookin at them and licking its chops:lol::lol:
what type of dog is that any way i have an idea of what it is?[/QUOTE]

The strain is mango from BC Seedking, I never let her in my closet alone, I could just see that damn dog eating up my plants. She's a bouvier des flandres. This lady in arkansas had a huge sign that said Bouvier puppies for sale, so stopped to check them out, and the next thing you know that cute puppy turned into 100lbs of hell. Don't get me wrong, i love my dog like crazy, but she's alot of work.


Well-Known Member
i never let my dog in my grow room alone either, he loved weed, i always give him stems,stocks and small buds he is more of a pot head then what i used to be. and ya i got a pit about 80 pounds and like yours he is a pain but he is a good dog all around, friendly to all unless they are doing something wrong or anything to hurt me or my fam.
he also doesnt like any one who does tweek
Hey guys just dropping in to get some advice on my babies. I am flowering only 4 Banana Kush plants right now and I am trying to get my maximum yield. So far they have been doing pretty well and are filling in quiet well. I am using a sortment of different nutrients but have become very fond of molasses so plus rep to that. Anyways let me know if you have any pointers or questions about the grow.

(30 Days into flowering at this point)

I will be logging my next cycle as well so stay posted (Apollo 13 BX from seed, White Rhino, and couple BK's)

Also i am about to switch over to aeroponics from soil. Any thoughts there or concerns i should be aware of? (excited to show you what i got master planned up : ) so stay tuned for that as well!!



Well-Known Member
hey thanks for stoppin by SM. i cant tell from the angle of the pics how even the canopy is but it looks pretty good from the tops shots. and as pointers well it seems you got it down so far, except mabye have a friend who knows more about growing take care of the plants for that 1 week(i think it was you that said that) but it doesnt seem like they got to much harm done at all.
also molasses is not a nute it does have a tiny amount of micro nutes. i would not use it as a stand alone nute, it is mainly used to help the microbes in the soil and it takes about a week for it to fully break down and start working i always add some in veg that way when flower comes it is being usefull. some say it fattens the buds alot and adds flavor but all ive noticed when i used was just a little bit more swelling and thats it but it is much better then buying stuff like bud candy and the nutes they sell as flavorer and swellers, all they are is molasses and it even says so on the back. some actually taste like it to. what other nutes are u using for flower?
and what type of light?
Yeah i did add molasses to the veg nutes and well as here and there during flowering time. I am using for flowering only:
Ghinormous (humboldt)
Alaskan Morbloom
Fish Fert (more so during veg)
Schultz plant food (more so during veg)
Oxygen Plus (mostly during veg)
Dynamite pebbles (for soil)
Cha Ching (Late stage)

I know it isn't anything great but working with what i have right now. The more i learn the better things get. I will soon get a nute cycle all by one brand and try to stay on a chart scheme.


Well-Known Member
wow big nute line up. and ya fish fert is more of a veg nute but it is good to add N while in flower to keep them green.
if you want all in 1 nutes that work great look at flora nove grow and bloom. its all you need to grow till harvest, i had no Def. with those nutes and fairly priced. you could still add mollases wit them and mabye somthing else like pk 13/14 but they are all around a great nute.
and from what i hear jacks classic is really good and really cheap

dr green dre

Well-Known Member

Alright room , just found this thread and thought I'd add my Lst aswell.I must say i never knew anything about it before coming on here, dont think I'd grow with out doing it now I've seen the light..:-P

Pics above are from my current grow-Cheese/P-Diesel & Chronic are in these pics,all have been Lst'd some more than others.Im ready to switch 12/12 now.Pic with bud on is current tent grow cheese..

Pics below are cheese from previous grow ..This got my hooked on Lst.SAM_2672.jpgSAM_2805.jpgSAM_2787.jpgSAM_2855.jpg


wow big nute line up. and ya fish fert is more of a veg nute but it is good to add N while in flower to keep them green.
if you want all in 1 nutes that work great look at flora nove grow and bloom. its all you need to grow till harvest, i had no Def. with those nutes and fairly priced. you could still add mollases wit them and mabye somthing else like pk 13/14 but they are all around a great nute.
and from what i hear jacks classic is really good and really cheap
Great to know. Looking for a good and experienced grower to offer nute advice. There is so much and so many different methods ( I guess it personal pref. in a sense).