My First Grow: 2 weeks.. A couple questions


Well-Known Member
I would wait tell you got a real gud root system in that cup then put it in a 2 or 3 gallon to veg then into a 5 to 7 to flower. you can let that plant get about 6 inches tall before you transplant it you should have a gud root system by then 2. if it starts sucking up the water real quick its got nice roots


Active Member
Ya defintly you want to transplant as early as you feel is right once the root system is big enough it will cause stress transplanting if you do it tooate. I usually just start mine off in big pots so I dont stress them T all


Thanks for all the replies! I have transplanted to something alot bigger a few days ago, since then ive seen rapid growth! After the transplant the bottom leaves are turning yellow.. i believe they'll fall off! Its still seems quite small I feel in comparison to my friends plant with the same age but less light? Here are some updates!! Its been 24 DAYS since soil break!!!


Well-Known Member
My recomendations/comments:
1.) No worries about the lower growth. Embyro leaves as you called them (actually called cotyledons) as well as the first set of true leaves will die off within the first 4 weeks, and begin new growth at that node. This is for branching.
2. Wipe the dirt off your leaves.
3. You might start seeing pre-flowers within the next 2 weeks.
4. Keep it up, amigo.


Btw Im growing under 24hr cfls!! Do you think the constant light is stunting its growth? Should i switch to 18/6 or 20/4?


Well-Known Member
Btw Im growing under 24hr cfls!! Do you think the constant light is stunting its growth? Should i switch to 18/6 or 20/4?
Some people argue that 24/0 helps plants root quicker, as well as all-around grow quicker in the vegetative state.

Some people argue that plants need light too, and that the 6 hours of darkness during 18/6 is crucial for healthy plant growth.

Both could be right, but I belong to the latter group. Time to do some experimenting, and see which you prefer. Because it all comes down to preference. There are people on there that could see plain and clear better results for 24/0, or 18/6, but would still stick with their lighting schedule.
lights must make a big differnece, I'm growing up a 400w hps, two weeks in and my babies are 7 or 8" tall.

Keep up the good work bro.