Rookie to Rollitup, 1st grow


I'm still in highschool and live with my parents, with a little bit of research I decided to grow in my closet, I'm new to this whole rollitup thing but, bare with me

I'm growing 5 mystery seeds that I pulled out of a bag
I'm using a 150 watt HPS light
1 gallon pots
Fox Farm Ocean Forest
A small 9 inch fan for ventilation

My babies



These seedlings are exactly 6 days old, it will be a week tommorrow

Ventilation, and two seedlings that needed help getting started



Well-Known Member
Here to enjoy the show!!!sub'd!

So looks good so far dude, just curious but what schedule are you running your lights and also if you dont want so much spacing between nodes i would move that light closer, just hold your hand underneath it and whereever you arm is comfortable and not getting too warm that the best place to have it!

around what are you temps in there range from

and have you decided what route to take on nutes once they need it!!


Here to enjoy the show!!!sub'd!

So looks good so far dude, just curious but what schedule are you running your lights and also if you dont want so much spacing between nodes i would move that light closer, just hold your hand underneath it and whereever you arm is comfortable and not getting too warm that the best place to have it!

around what are you temps in there range from

and have you decided what route to take on nutes once they need it!!
My temp is (73-75) degrees
I was going to have 5 short plants and leave them in the 1 gallon pots and do it without any nutrients, what do you think about that idea?


Well-Known Member
ok well if you want them short that light needs to be closer and also how many hours is your light on to off... Besides that your temps really good and its nice to have a little air flow on the plants so they get strong and support those massive buds :)


Well-Known Member
yes light needs to be as close as you can get it. and they will do ok with out any nutes but not get any where near theri full potential if your low on cash just get some MG nutes. im subed and here to help you with any Q you have.
and hey you can get banned if your not 18 or over. and not much HS kids are 18


Well-Known Member
how close do u think the light should be?? i dont want to burn them

im not in highschool anymore lmao, yeah thats a aquarium light why?
well i used a 600 wat hps within 18 inches of my plants, you should be able t0 to get them at least that close. but lower it to about 2 ft awayfrom the tops then place your hand on top of the plants if you cant feel the heat or you can but it is not hot them move closer. once it starts to be to hot for your hand then it is to hot for the plants. or if you have a thermometer then just use that on top of the plant and take the temps.
and i was just wondering about the light, it almost looks like a blacklight, i used one about that size when i was a kid for 2 plants and it was not near enough light to do much


well i used a 600 wat hps within 18 inches of my plants, you should be able t0 to get them at least that close. but lower it to about 2 ft awayfrom the tops then place your hand on top of the plants if you cant feel the heat or you can but it is not hot them move closer. once it starts to be to hot for your hand then it is to hot for the plants. or if you have a thermometer then just use that on top of the plant and take the temps.
and i was just wondering about the light, it almost looks like a blacklight, i used one about that size when i was a kid for 2 plants and it was not near enough light to do much
Im gonna lower it thanks man


Well-Known Member
i've never LST'd, so I dont know when to start I was thinking about doing it 2 weeks in or so, what do u think?
hey if you lst and need help check out the link in my sig in red, it is all about lst and a great place to learn how and ask questions about it and share you lsted plants. theri is alot of good info and pics to help out, and just ask if you have any questions. LST is the shit and a great way to increase yeild.


hey if you lst and need help check out the link in my sig in red, it is all about lst and a great place to learn how and ask questions about it and share you lsted plants. theri is alot of good info and pics to help out, and just ask if you have any questions. LST is the shit and a great way to increase yeild.
thnx, hey I'm going to keep the plants in the 1 gallon ppots from veg to flower what do you think about that? u think I can still LST?


Well-Known Member
hey if you lst and need help check out the link in my sig in red, it is all about lst and a great place to learn how and ask questions about it and share you lsted plants. theri is alot of good info and pics to help out, and just ask if you have any questions. LST is the shit and a great way to increase yeild.
Mcpurple has a great thread with tons of knowledge on there!! I have stopped by a time or two, lol.


Well-Known Member
thnx, hey I'm going to keep the plants in the 1 gallon ppots from veg to flower what do you think about that? u think I can still LST?
you can still lst but 1 gal is kinda small to go from seed to flower but it can be done so if you have nothing else bigger and no more soil then it will be fine. also i just noticed the pots arent full with soil, it isnt bad, but next time try to fill almost to the rim of the pot