Don't Panic It's Organic

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
Finished up 5 weeks today! Slightly better than watching paint dry. Now they are stretching pretty fast. Should start stacking here in about a week. Last week when I top dressed with fresh soil and ewc I have learned to always put the yellow sticky traps up just in case anything tries to hitch a ride in, you want a heads up asap. Don't see anything so I think we are good. Going to start some seaweed extract and fish bone meal the next feed. Seems as if 2 of my Double Grape are gonna be runts but ya never know till ya grow, right? Getting some really good citrus/lemon smell coming from the Trizzler. I'm also liking the structure on the Green Crack. Right now I have my DLI at 40. Well, til next time, you all have fun and grow em BIG!


420 Garden

Well-Known Member
6 weeks down today. Now they are starting to get a little more interesting. Got there 2nd feed of bloom nutrients. This weekend I'll be hitting them with another ewc/soil top dress and a shot of recharge. The Trizzler from. 20 Twenty grew stupid in the stretch. Way too much node spacing. Almost 4 feet tall. It was free so not expecting a whole lot. The Green Crack from Blimburg is shaping up nicely. No frosting yet but won't be long before they start. Everyone have a great weekend and happy growing!


420 Garden

Well-Known Member
7 weeks old today! Now, they are starting to get after it. I'm going to get a tea brewing later this week and apply this weekend. They are really taking a liking to the fishbone meal. That freebie Trizzler did hit 45 inches before the stretch was over. The Double Grape is smelling very Grape like. Keeping the temperature right at 68 degrees lights out and 73ish lights on. R/H staying steady at 50%. So far this has been pretty smooth. Trust me, when you get to my age, smooth is a good thing. Everyone have fun, enjoy and keep growing BIG!


420 Garden

Well-Known Member
That's a wrap on week #8. Did my 2nd top dress of FFOF. That will help in the fade. I also brewed a tea with ewc and molasses with a small handful of FFOF on Tuesday. Just before I took these pictures I gave them seaweed and bone meal. So they are a lil droopy now but will be at attention here in a few hours. Maintaining temps 76 lights on and the last 2 weeks bump up the lights 5% a week. Sitting on 70% power. DLI is right at 46 so pushing them theses next 2 weeks then plan to back it down after that. That's all I git for now. I hope everyone is doing well, have fun and grow em BIG!20241016_173724.jpg20241016_173828.jpg

