Please explain how/why u guys are getting ur shit jacked...

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Active Member
LMAO dude we all know "your guy" is you. You really think your the first person to make a second account to defend yourself and talk shit? I mean seriously LMFAO
actually i was talking about the guy hu say jeff suk dick he tellin how it is..... what not to understand bwt that


Active Member
if you think this hilarious i think you need 2 put ur laptop down and get sum real mates instead of internet friends and get a real life instead of trying to chat shit all your life about spelling mistakes and english..... get ur head out ur arse and get in the real world.... u muppit u amuse me that u sat on here talkin so much shit wen it all about weed


Active Member
if you think this hilarious i think you need 2 put ur laptop down and get sum real mates instead of internet friends and get a real life instead of trying to chat shit all your life about spelling mistakes and english..... get ur head out ur arse and get in the real world.... u muppit u amuse me that u sat on here talkin so much shit wen it all about weed
Funny you say that considering I'm on here while getting a full body rub down by a guy that wants to be my BF, what're you doing?


Why would call everybody in this thread dumbasses? Thats rather ignorant on your part. If you learned to read correctly you would see ppl mention that their only security is KEEPING THEIR MOUTHS SHUT. Try reading before replying you just make yourself sound ignorant, rude and without class when you dont such as in this situation..

Jeffdogg if you read my quote it said like most ppl said KEEPING YOUR MOUTHSHUT IS THE BEST SECURITY! READ BEFORE YOU SPEAK. I was calling the Pitbull army gun toting ppl dumbasses. Sorry i had to clarify. Why do you have to flame people man. Facts and statistics prove points, not bullying. Well maybe if you have the mentality of a 12 year old.... Ahhhh


Well-Known Member
if you think this hilarious i think you need 2 put ur laptop down and get sum real mates instead of internet friends and get a real life instead of trying to chat shit all your life about spelling mistakes and english..... get ur head out ur arse and get in the real world.... u muppit u amuse me that u sat on here talkin so much shit wen it all about weed

Look in the mirror ya hypocrite lmao Some peoples ignorance is just dumbfounding :D
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