1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i got one of them with my tent setup from my mate, really good for keeping the noise down. intake outake at idle now (lights out at 10pm) and its hardly noiser than a pc :) when the lights come on and it gets to around 25oc the fans kick in full speed to cool it down, quite a good litte box, pricey though i think.

ur setup is looking sweet though bro, ladies 2 ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You can still keep livers Don if you get a decent sized filter coz that one isn't big enough for your grow. Or is that an old pic before you got the bigger one? Also is that a 5 inch fan? I know you've spent quite a bit of wedge so far but you've doubled your lights and not upped your ventilation and odour control. have you thought about getting a primair?
man that filter is double the size of my original rhino and theres a uvonair in there 24/7 full tilt. if that doesnt fettle the smell ffs. aye that filter is the new one from me pal.

just readin the blurb on the primair thing, says i need to wire the tubes to the inlet and outlet i dont have an in fan just out. would it still work? have you used one of these devies osc? wedge isnt really the issue but i dont want to get one and find it doesnt graft with my setup.
i got one of them with my tent setup from my mate, really good for keeping the noise down. intake outake at idle now (lights out at 10pm) and its hardly noiser than a pc :) when the lights come on and it gets to around 25oc the fans kick in full speed to cool it down, quite a good litte box, pricey though i think.
ur setup is looking sweet though bro, ladies 2 ;)
cheers fell! i bet it would save on the eleccy bill too. i was thinking that if i could turn the speed of the fan down it would give the ozone more chance ot build up and deal with the smell. i might try getting some more ducting and see if that works afore i spend 90 squid tho.
What the hell, takin it down early are ya Don..
just one plant that was nearly done and a crappy pheno lad. which is in the tent drying which might account for the increase in pong?!?

heads battered with it all. i think i might move after xmas now outsiders know theres a grow here. fucking devastated


Well-Known Member
sorry, I must have missed something, which Outsiders found out you were growing?
man that filter is double the size of my original rhino and theres a uvonair in there 24/7 full tilt. if that doesnt fettle the smell ffs. aye that filter is the new one from me pal.

just readin the blurb on the primair thing, says i need to wire the tubes to the inlet and outlet i dont have an in fan just out. would it still work? have you used one of these devies osc? wedge isnt really the issue but i dont want to get one and find it doesnt graft with my setup.

cheers fell! i bet it would save on the eleccy bill too. i was thinking that if i could turn the speed of the fan down it would give the ozone more chance ot build up and deal with the smell. i might try getting some more ducting and see if that works afore i spend 90 squid tho.

just one plant that was nearly done and a crappy pheno lad. which is in the tent drying which might account for the increase in pong?!?

heads battered with it all. i think i might move after xmas now outsiders know theres a grow here. fucking devastated

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
some scruffy charver from balfour beaty came this morning to say the gas board are going to move the meter to downstairs outside right under the airbrick. the gas board blokes i wouldnt be too bothered but some scally is a different story.

he asked me who was growing n i said some lad over the road but i could tell he knew i was bluffing.

i was thinking it wouldnt be so bad if i could vent in from somewhere so the duct wasnt dealing with the smell at all but the only other source of fresh air is the window on the front of the house, not very stealth

mr west

Well-Known Member
i think its not the size of the filter but how its set up. My logic tells me a smaller filter would work fine but for less time say 6 months rather than a year. to instantly make all the carbon in the filter useless would take a pile of smelly shit the size of ur house. Sorry thats my 2 pennys worth

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im just gonna splash the cash get as bigger filter as i can get a bigger rvk fan then the primair come payday. if that doesnt work im gonna grow chink shit that dont smell hahah

i think the prob is not the can size but the airflow. i cant put the filter on the other end blowing out its just not feasable with the size of the airbrick.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have mine venting inside the flat and have my widows open a touch, its fine if i dunt keep any doors shut lol.


Well-Known Member
that is worrying dude....can you not just vent into the room for the time being and leave the window open like westy does?
some scruffy charver from balfour beaty came this morning to say the gas board are going to move the meter to downstairs outside right under the airbrick. the gas board blokes i wouldnt be too bothered but some scally is a different story.

he asked me who was growing n i said some lad over the road but i could tell he knew i was bluffing.

i was thinking it wouldnt be so bad if i could vent in from somewhere so the duct wasnt dealing with the smell at all but the only other source of fresh air is the window on the front of the house, not very stealth

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nah thats what got me mould last time peeps. i missed me credit card payment last month and i cant fucking use it now till i pay. fucking devvas


Well-Known Member
heads battered with it all. i think i might move after xmas now outsiders know theres a grow here. fucking devastated

Damn My Brother, so sorry to hear all that bad news,,,, Chin up, eyes forward, Keep going, make good decisions. Do what you have to do Bro.
It ain't easy, wish I could be there to help ya out. It ain't worth goin to jail over, if its close take that shit down till you can figure something out.

I know things are tight, but have you considered the oder sok? works good for me and its only 80 USD

mr west

Well-Known Member
Thats shit mate, gives me shivers just to think bout moving lol. To think there is some chav with the knolage that there is a grow at ur gaff must make u feel dirty like u have had a back street prostate exam.


Well-Known Member
Thats shit mate, gives me shivers just to think bout moving lol. To think there is some chav with the knolage that there is a grow at ur gaff must make u feel dirty like u have had a back street prostate exam.
Or a rub and a tug in by the dumpster in the alley,,,LOL...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thanks man appreciate all the help ive had from you guys. to hell with it im going to spend the cash and have done as usual first harvest pays foir the outlay... :( tent hoods duct uvonair new can(s) new fan im looking close to a grand ive outlayed.

i need a fucking drink

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I sometimes wonder if I'm getting to complacement about my grow. I know that when I first started I was paranoid about everything. Yesterday for example,,,,getting hooked up to natural gas this month, fook the arabs,,,,,,I had 3 or 4 guys working outside my kitchen window and here I am bebopping around working on some girls in the kitchen, never worried once about the workers. Shit it was raining(cant smell shit in the rain) and during the day you cant see inside a window unless you put your face right up to it and cup your eyes.

Haha didnt really make much of a point, did I? lol. Smoking some Vortex kief right now. Its outdoor and I let it go as long as I could. About 2 weeks longer than my buddies and it really helped it fill out with the extra time. So anyways I kief a little bit of it last and it has an unusually dark and reddish color. Looked at it under the scope and pretty much every tric is amber lol. Very potent and being a sativa its a nice up high!

Ramble ramble ramble lol


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
amber vortex sativa kief = strap yourself in hahaah you must be flying high my friend!

well gotta go drop near half a months wage on my new goodies :(

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
far too much drama its like if skins met hollyoaks and fucked its best mate who had a kid with eastenders for a stepdad.

im forgetting about it with quickdried and intead of the usual beer im going to have a stiff short for starts today puds before mains!