11 year old turns parents in for smokeing weed


Active Member

Fucking retarded laws and retarded kid


Active Member
This just goes to show that you should at least TRY to hide it from your kids until they are of respectable age. BUT, in this case the parents must not have talked to this 9(or 11)(the reporter said both lol) year old kid about it at all, or the kid would have known that that stupid shit in DARE is false.

I still agree with the adoption comment, that kid rats on his parents now, hes gonna rat on his friends in the future...fuckin' tard.


Well-Known Member
at that age the clikd is impressionable

they teach the kids drugs are bad its really not the kids fault period


Active Member
at that age the clikd is impressionable

they teach the kids drugs are bad its really not the kids fault period
IDK man i knew my my dad smoked and he tried to hide it and never told me about it back when i was in elementry in DARE but i knew it was a bad idea to rat him out especially if you love your parents(i realy didnt like my dad he beat the shit out of me and my brothers) i thnik the kid did it out of spite if he didnt know what was up he must have a extra chromosome


Active Member
Damn, man, your dad toked and STILL beat you? He must have been smokin that brick shit like the big bust/burn in mexico.


Active Member
It's my understanding (and also from what I remember in the DARE classes in school) that they try to get you to rat your parents in a very subtle (to kids anyway) way...I remember the officer passing around a sheet of paper with all kinds of pics of drugs and asking if any of the students had seen any of those items in their household...taking advantage of the naievity of children is about as fucked as it gets...bastards.