WOW shes flowering fast!


Well-Known Member
yeah second opinions are always good. so does the epsom salt add mag.?

so how is your female plant doing Quantum?


Well-Known Member
yeah second opinions are always good. so does the epsom salt add mag.?
Yeah it does. Hopefully that will fix the problem, if it doesn't then its getting locked out, or its something else. I am pretty sure its Mag def but you never know.


Active Member
I just transplanted her like 10mins ago and was about to come ask should I water her now or wait a day? Ill post a pic of her in a bit (she's tiny)


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted her like 10mins ago and was about to come ask should I water her now or wait a day? Ill post a pic of her in a bit (she's tiny)

yes, water now. It is important to do so because you want the roots to start searching for moisture and expand its rooting system in the new pot.

P.S If you guys want to see whats been going on with my problem OG here is the link

The problem is progressing really fast, it sucks. I never seen it progress this fast before


Active Member
I just watered her, ill take a pic of her once she perks up from the transplant. My other unknown plant now shows signs of male so I ripped him up this morning so only 1/5 of my bagseeds were female :( now I can't wait for my fucking seeds lol


Well-Known Member
I just watered her, ill take a pic of her once she perks up from the transplant. My other unknown plant now shows signs of male so I ripped him up this morning so only 1/5 of my bagseeds were female :( now I can't wait for my fucking seeds lol
Man that really sucks. One time I planted 20 plants, and 18 of them turned out to be female. So I guess its just luck. Usually its a 50/50 ratio. I have heard people claim that keeping there plants under 16hrs of light instead of 18 or 24 increases the chances of females. Do I know if its true? No I don't, but hey its a claim. Reason why I think that claim is bunk is because a seed already has a predetermined sex. Either a male of female Chromosome. Although a female can hermie, or you can get a seed that was feminized. That seed will have the hermie gene activated. So you will either get a all female or hermie plant

There is a lot of debate about MJ seeds being predetermined sex or not. I believe they are, but you can influence the sex. Like you can stress a female to hermie. Or you can spray them with chemicals to create feminized seeds. Very interesting huh? Genetics fascinates me


Active Member
Man that really sucks. One time I planted 20 plants, and 18 of them turned out to be female. So I guess its just luck. Usually its a 50/50 ratio. I have heard people claim that keeping there plants under 16hrs of light instead of 18 or 24 increases the chances of females. Do I know if its true? No I don't, but hey its a claim. Reason why I think that claim is bunk is because a seed already has a predetermined sex. Either a male of female Chromosome. Although a female can hermie, or you can get a seed that was feminized. That seed will have the hermie gene activated. So you will either get a all female or hermie plant

There is a lot of debate about MJ seeds being predetermined sex or not. I believe they are, but you can influence the sex. Like you can stress a female to hermie. Or you can spray them with chemicals to create feminized seeds. Very interesting huh? Genetics fascinates me
Yeah and what sucks is I know its a good strain too (WW mix with some kind of afgan plant) lol I've read about banana peels and shit before you germ them to feminize and some other shit too. I'm. Just hoping my seeds get here in the next few days so I can start a real grow again. This female I got is so small and the lst wasn't nearly as good as my huge male I pulled :(

I'm just looking @ it as a good hands on experience for me since it is/was my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Banana peals? Are you sure you don't mean the male banana on a female plant? Thats what is used to create feminized seeds. Its called the Rodelization method.

I actually made a thread about it here in 2009. Check it out its a good read

Yeah its hands on is the best way to get experience. Soon you will be able to look at your plant and know exactly what it needs. Yeah that really sucks because White Widow is a awesome strain. If you remember it was the last strain I grew. Pure WW from Greenhouse seed Co. One of my favorite strains along with Afgani


Active Member
No I'm posititve I read on the site somewhere about wrapping your seeds in old banana peels and putting them in a plastic bag and some other shit lol thought it was weird as hell


Well-Known Member
No I'm posititve I read on the site somewhere about wrapping your seeds in old banana peels and putting them in a plastic bag and some other shit lol thought it was weird as hell
Oh Ok. The method of using the banana peels Ethylene gases to create feminized seeds. I have heard of this, but I have no idea if it works. I am very skeptical. I would love to see someone here try it and see what the results were. In theory it sounds great.


Active Member
I have about 70 regular seeds (good ones) sitting around my house, I suppose I could try but my time, resources, and space will be devoted to my feminized seeds soon lol but I still might just have to give it a test run w/ like like 2 week veg and small pots for the banana peel seeds lol


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it if you don't have the space and resources. But if your ever bored and have the space its a experiment for you.

You do know feminized seeds have a good chance of going hermie right? Make sure you don't stress them much.


Active Member
Don't worry about it if you don't have the space and resources. But if your ever bored and have the space its a experiment for you.

You do know feminized seeds have a good chance of going hermie right? Make sure you don't stress them much.
I've heard that but am not worried, i don't think that they have a good choice of turning hermie but the threat is always there.


Well-Known Member
Just making sure you knew. Yeah the threat is always there. Some Hermie easier then others. You should be alright as long as they are not stressed a lot.


Active Member
Just making sure you knew. Yeah the threat is always there. Some Hermie easier then others. You should be alright as long as they are not stressed a lot.
Yup yup thanks man. I still plan on doing lst to them when the get big enough, I can't wait til I get to germ my S.A.D and kandy kush(also to see what strain dinafem is sending me for the promo) I learned so much from this last grow and from y'all, its gonna be great. Still much to learn I'm sure but it is so worth it.


Well-Known Member
Hey kratos thanks for point out that india edition came out! Ive been waiting for that for ages. That widow and og looks pretty proper man! I have been keeping snakes for about 7 years but unfortunatly had to downsize my collection last year due to circumstances off topic.

Im gonna check out india edition and smoke.


Well-Known Member
OH btw, I didnt catch if you mentioned what type of soil/soilless mix you grow with. Would you care to share?


Well-Known Member
Yup yup thanks man. I still plan on doing lst to them when the get big enough, I can't wait til I get to germ my S.A.D and kandy kush(also to see what strain dinafem is sending me for the promo) I learned so much from this last grow and from y'all, its gonna be great. Still much to learn I'm sure but it is so worth it.
Nice, that Kandy Kush should be nice.