Rules to live by


Well-Known Member
So basically i wanted to make a thread where you can post personal "rules" that you may live by or ways that can possibly better your life.. ill start with This one..

it may seem odd but it really seems to be true.." sometimes if you want to reverse the negative in your life, you should choose the opposite choice instead of what you think you should/ want to do".... and be suprised how it may workout.... feel free to comment and share more opinions too


Well-Known Member
So basically i wanted to make a thread where you can post personal "rules" that you may live by or ways that can possibly better your life.. ill start with This one..

it may seem odd but it really seems to be true.." sometimes if you want to reverse the negative in your life, you should choose the opposite choice instead of what you think you should/ want to do".... and be suprised how it may workout.... feel free to comment and share more opinions too
I've never tried that out. It never really comes down to only two options for me I guess is why.

Good idea for a thread.

Rules to live by...

1. Violence only makes things worse - honestly, in all of my life experiences, I've discovered being aggressive or mad or overly emotional during a problematic situation only makes everything worse. Any problem, and when I say any, I mean ANY, can be solved via nonviolent means. This is why I think war could prove to be obsolete if people would just understand that. If they just decided killing somebody else is wrong, no matter what the reason (which is the issue really), that's the end of war as we know it... If society viewed somebody who killed another person, which would include politicians who sent soldiers off to foreign countries to kill people, those soldiers themselves, police who murder criminals/citizens, and everybody else in between who killed another human being as a sick individual in need of mental health treatment not fit to live amongst the rest of us in civilized society, we would live in a much different world...

2. THINK FOR YOURSELF - It sounds so simple on the surface, but to truly think for yourself, you have to think about all the subconscious shit that makes an influence on the way you think on a daily basis, which isn't so simple. For me, when it happens it's one of those moments that I'll never forget, I know that because it's happened so far for me twice in my entire life and I remember distinctly both times exactly what happened. The first example is when I was a kid, pretty sure around 4th grade, playing kickball during recess... I was placed at one of the bases, someone kicked the ball toward my direction, I was standing on the base and I didn't take my foot off the base to get the ball, at the time I didn't think about it, leaving the base and grabbing the ball and running back to the base, I just let it go past me into the outfield, and everyone laughed... lol, as they should have, because it was pretty stupid of me not to take my foot off the base to get the ball and get the out.. But check it out, life lesson learned; you don't always have to stay on the bases. From that point on I applied that to everything I learned. The second time was when I realized I was an atheist. After the realization so many new things became clear to me. From that I learned that some of the rules our society has set in place are meant to be broken for the collective benefit of mankind. It's a power structure designed with individual interest in mind, not universal happiness, or at the least, universal contentment. Everyone should have a meal, everyone should have a bed. Billions, that's with a B, don't have access to either of those basic necessities for weeks at a time sometimes...

3. Be Honest - I've also learned that telling lies comes with a price. I can't tell a lie without feeling guilty about it. I don't know why and it doesn't depend on the lie... The price I pay to tell a lie is seriously not worth it. It's paid in guilt I feel, it's one of the worse feelings I can remember feeling and it lasts for days if not weeks sometimes. Sometimes until the lie is revealed, having rendered it useless in the first place and making me look even worse in the end. So yes, better off to just tell the truth I find. The guilt isn't worth it.

I'll add more if I think of any...


Well-Known Member
I've never tried that out. It never really comes down to only two options for me I guess is why.

Good idea for a thread.

Rules to live by...

1. Violence only makes things worse - honestly, in all of my life experiences, I've discovered being aggressive or mad or overly emotional during a problematic situation only makes everything worse. Any problem, and when I say any, I mean ANY, can be solved via nonviolent means. This is why I think war could prove to be obsolete if people would just understand that. If they just decided killing somebody else is wrong, no matter what the reason (which is the issue really), that's the end of war as we know it... If society viewed somebody who killed another person, which would include politicians who sent soldiers off to foreign countries to kill people, those soldiers themselves, police who murder criminals/citizens, and everybody else in between who killed another human being as a sick individual in need of mental health treatment not fit to live amongst the rest of us in civilized society, we would live in a much different world...

2. THINK FOR YOURSELF - It sounds so simple on the surface, but to truly think for yourself, you have to think about all the subconscious shit that makes an influence on the way you think on a daily basis, which isn't so simple. For me, when it happens it's one of those moments that I'll never forget, I know that because it's happened so far for me twice in my entire life and I remember distinctly both times exactly what happened. The first example is when I was a kid, pretty sure around 4th grade, playing kickball during recess... I was placed at one of the bases, someone kicked the ball toward my direction, I was standing on the base and I didn't take my foot off the base to get the ball, at the time I didn't think about it, leaving the base and grabbing the ball and running back to the base, I just let it go past me into the outfield, and everyone laughed... lol, as they should have, because it was pretty stupid of me not to take my foot off the base to get the ball and get the out.. But check it out, life lesson learned; you don't always have to stay on the bases. From that point on I applied that to everything I learned. The second time was when I realized I was an atheist. After the realization so many new things became clear to me. From that I learned that some of the rules our society has set in place are meant to be broken for the collective benefit of mankind. It's a power structure designed with individual interest in mind, not universal happiness, or at the least, universal contentment. Everyone should have a meal, everyone should have a bed. Billions, that's with a B, don't have access to either of those basic necessities for weeks at a time sometimes...

3. Be Honest - I've also learned that telling lies comes with a price. I can't tell a lie without feeling guilty about it. I don't know why and it doesn't depend on the lie... The price I pay to tell a lie is seriously not worth it. It's paid in guilt I feel, it's one of the worse feelings I can remember feeling and it lasts for days if not weeks sometimes. Sometimes until the lie is revealed, having rendered it useless in the first place and making me look even worse in the end. So yes, better off to just tell the truth I find. The guilt isn't worth it.

I'll add more if I think of any...

Thumbs up!!!


Active Member
pass to the left.Never forget where you come from. man shareing better,shareing only among friends.don't share you girl friends nude pic
to your pals Even if you knew them you'll whole life. don't pinch your friends bag don't steal


Active Member
Never put someone elses happyness in front of your own.
I have learnt a fairly important lesson these past couple of days, and it has come at great cost, it is probable that I will be seperating from my wife, the person I thought was the love of my life.
And it was my decision. I realised I wasn't happy, after always putting her first. I don't hate her, nor do I resent her or what happened, it was totally my doing. But the lesson I learned from it: Always think about yourself, maybe not ALWAYS in first place, but atleast in the top 5 hahaha. Seriously, happyness is a big price to pay, even if it is to maintain peace. You aren't living life if you aren't happy.

Obviously, as of this moment, I'm not happy. The situation is difficult, and there is a lot to work out. I have numerous doubts in my mind about what will happen in my future. I'm scared as hell. But I have a huge amount of hope based on me being happy and a whole person again...........


Active Member
1. Shit happens
2. When it does dont cry/stress over it
3. Share this beautiful plant we all love. Makes the world a better place


Well-Known Member
nice ideas everyone, its nice to hear how others think/ live i feel many people can learn from others... another 1,

It's not what you THINK you can do, it's what you're WILLING to do... never limit yourself or anything about your life, no matter what point in life you're at, however young or old you may be, you should continue to set goals for yourself, live with determination to succeed, and never stop learning...


Well-Known Member
never put anothers happiness in front of your own is a good one.

make others happy, but don't diminish your happiness in the process. if you do you are better off not "helping" anyone


Well-Known Member
Never do to others what they wouldn't do to you.

Be a good kind helpful generous person when ever you can, and an evil vindictive bastard whenever you have to.

Let your enemy choose the game, then win at it.


Well-Known Member
Never do to others what they wouldn't do to you.

Be a good kind helpful generous person when ever you can, and an evil vindictive bastard whenever you have to.

Let your enemy choose the game, then win at it.
lol!!!!! I love it! Words to live by right there!:clap::clap::clap::clap: