Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

topped.....View attachment 1234154View attachment 1234152View attachment 1234182View attachment 1234176

supercropped.....View attachment 1234153View attachment 1234157View attachment 1234200View attachment 1234202

natural.....View attachment 1234180View attachment 1234174View attachment 1234201View attachment 1234203

wassup gang! so here is the update for the week. everything is going well. one thing I did notice is that the supercropped and topped plants are growing much more tighter buds than the one left to grow naturally. the natural one has real airy budsites. the pictures tell the story. something to think about when growing lanky airy sativas, hmmmm......

well, anyways, the natural one is getting very tall and will definitely need some support. the top of the plant just wants to bend over and snap. hopefully it doesn't snap from now till the next time I visit. lots of heavy wind and rain lately. well, that's it for this week gang! thanks for following and next update will be in about week or so, stick around.....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
That's why I Like topping, feels like you get the most out if the plant way. I got two plants topped and three untapped, gonna see which does better. The plants are looking good, whatever happened to that re veg SK? I also owe you some beans.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey SICC! The SK re-veg got neglected so it ended up dying, that and the grinspoon clone that was to be used for a mother. But it's all good. and no worries on the beans:D thanks for taking a look.


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, you can def notice the difference in the natural one. The calyxes look big, but very spread out like you said. Supercropped girl is still coming on strong though!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Howdy DST! yup, good observation. the calyxes are much bigger on the natural one, but very spread out. that plant is gonna need some serious support soon, the branches are growing wild! and the stems aren't very strong either. I gotta figure something out. it needs more than just stakes, it needs a net or something to hold up all the branches.

right now the topped one is my favorite for the moment. but I did "pinch" the branches one the topped on so it's topped and supercropped. double the trouble:lol: if.. I didn't pinch it, I'm sure the structure woulda look a little more different for sure. also the branches woulda probably been weaker like the natural one. if you look closely at the natural one, I got a bolo knife holding it up for support, that's the only thing I could find at the time to support it! if I didn't have that knife supporting it, it would be leaning like a bastard right now, lol....thanks for the visit bru:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Shit looks awesome all dah way around vato! Mannn that Redman make me wanna wake tha house up!! Used to bang the shit outtah that, the red cassette in my WALKMAN!!!


Well-Known Member
I got suckered into all the drama over at skunk school! Cg is fighting with cannatari, speedys members are all migrating over there, its funny bro, go check it..

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I got suckered into all the drama over at skunk school! Cg is fighting with cannatari, speedys members are all migrating over there, its funny bro, go check it..
is the club gone? I went to check today and couldn't get a connection. Imma go check out SS now:mrgreen: wasn't CG and cannatari kinda like partners or something? lol . I gotta go check that drama out! hahahahhaha!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think the club is done, he said it was a server problem, but that was two days ago. He's not answering back my emails either

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think the club is done, he said it was a server problem, but that was two days ago. He's not answering back my emails either
I just finished reading CG's thread over at SS.... all I can say is WOW! lol!!! funny shit and a good read! I love to read drama!! hahahahah:hump: