symptoms of hot soil and root bound?


Active Member
so can the soil be to hot? if it does get to hot what signs will you see or what will the symptoms of the plant be?

also if a plant becomes root bound how can u tell? will the plant show any symptoms of this?


Well-Known Member
Hot soil? hum never had that problem but i would assume the plant would use a lot of water and slow in growth and eventually die. I have had them go cold on me, plants slowed in growth and the stems turned purple untill I got the root zone warm again. Root bound plants stop growing in size but will survive with enough water. My opinion anyway.


Active Member
I experienced a little heat stress...Be on the lookout for brownish stems near the soil. Also, if the top of your plants' stem is thick, and the base is thinner, it could mean your roots are under developed.


Active Member
k the soil is probably buddy made a new setup and its caused alot more heat in his plants soil. sais they have been growing better since then actually but i just thought id ask about that.

so about root bound. thats basically when the roots have no more room to grow? once its root bound does that mean it will stop growing? or just stop growing in height? if the roots show through the bottom of a pot does that mean its time to transplsnt? id assume there should be more room aorund the sides but idk how roots grow/develop.


Active Member
Yeah when they become root bound it means that the roots are getting too close to each other, and are running out of room in the soil. When that happens, the growth will slow down...and in extremely sever cases the roots will rot.


Active Member
nope..i actually meant like warm/hot soil that a complete noob type thing to ask about? idk but when checked for watering the soil is very warm inside.

Los Muertos

Active Member
if the roots show through the bottom of a pot does that mean its time to transplsnt? id assume there should be more room aorund the sides but idk how roots grow/develop.
You're exactly right. With any plant (not just MJ) if roots are coming out through the bottom of the pot it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to transplant.
Roots need to be able to spread out. If not, they'll just keep circling around the pot constricting other roots. Might not kill the plant, but it'll suffer.
Hope everything works out.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I deliberatly keep a bonsai, in case I'm forced to destroy my plants because of cops, that way I still have my strain. The fact is if your plant is root bound it will stop getting bigger. Overwatering such plant can easily kill it. Hot does mean excess ferts, or in electrical it's the red and black wires,(in Canada).