WOW shes flowering fast!


Well-Known Member
Hey kratos thanks for point out that india edition came out! Ive been waiting for that for ages. That widow and og looks pretty proper man! I have been keeping snakes for about 7 years but unfortunatly had to downsize my collection last year due to circumstances off topic.
Im gonna check out india edition and smoke.
No problem. I have watched it like 3 times now. Thanks, but im starting to get worried about the OG Kush. Its really giving me problems all of a sudden. And the problem seems to be getting worse and worse. I watered with some Epsom salt earlier. We will see what happens. I hope I can pinpoint and fix this problem before it gets worse. Just sucks you gotta wait for the problem to either fix itself or get worse before you know if what you did worked or not. And if it don't work its just that much worse by the time your ready to try something new.

Snakes are cool. I only have one. He is around 11 years old.

OH btw, I didnt catch if you mentioned what type of soil/soilless mix you grow with. Would you care to share?
Not sure if this question is for me but ill answer it anyways. I am using a organic soil. Just contains stuff like peat moss and perlite. I usually use Fox Farm. Since I got these cuttings from my friend, I just used the same soil as he did. its nothing special.


Well-Known Member
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Just got done catching up on a couple of pages worth of reading. Glad you guys are doing well for the most part. (minus the males and the leaf problems) I was gone for most of the weekend too, came home too some thirsty girls and a ladybug chillen on my plants. Good luck I guess. Here's a couple pics I took under the lights.


Well-Known Member
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Just got done catching up on a couple of pages worth of reading. Glad you guys are doing well for the most part. (minus the males and the leaf problems) I was gone for most of the weekend too, came home too some thirsty girls and a ladybug chillen on my plants. Good luck I guess. Here's a couple pics I took under the lights.
Looking good man, really good. Yeah I have been trying to figure out the problem. Just posted a new thread asking people who grew OG kush before some info on the strain, only to have some smartass reply.


Well-Known Member
this giant storm is sweeping through so i decided to throw out some buckets and collect some of this perfect free water!!!


Well-Known Member
i fell asleep early yesturday. missed out on the conversation..LOL

Damn Kratose that fuckin sucks. does it usually take hold of one leaf b/f it moves on or is it hitting all the leaves at once? im gonna go check out that thread when im done here. i guess we will always have to deal with smartass's.

i bet your counting down the days Qunatum. those seeds should be arriving very soon. the first seeds i got came in a wallet and the second ones came in a can of mints. they were the worst tasting mints i ever ate in my life. taste like charcoal.

mimmen those plants are lookin great. your gonna get some nice fat buds off those plants. id like to have some ladybugs. i heard the do great with killing other bugs. you got lucky there!!!

thanks for posting Kronic. hope everything is going good for u!!


Well-Known Member
this giant storm is sweeping through so i decided to throw out some buckets and collect some of this perfect free water!!!
Hell ya man. Its great water too. Take advantage of what mother nature is providing you.

i fell asleep early yesturday. missed out on the conversation..LOL
Damn Kratose that fuckin sucks. does it usually take hold of one leaf b/f it moves on or is it hitting all the leaves at once? im gonna go check out that thread when im done here. i guess we will always have to deal with smartass's.

i bet your counting down the days Qunatum. those seeds should be arriving very soon. the first seeds i got came in a wallet and the second ones came in a can of mints. they were the worst tasting mints i ever ate in my life. taste like charcoal.

mimmen those plants are lookin great. your gonna get some nice fat buds off those plants. id like to have some ladybugs. i heard the do great with killing other bugs. you got lucky there!!!

thanks for posting Kronic. hope everything is going good for u!!
Yeah, it shows up one one leaf, then it slowly spreads to other leafs. The thread with the smartass was the one I asked if anyone else grew OG Kush. I got alot of good responses on the thread asking for opinions. Just got a smartass on this thread

Yeah lady bugs are great. If you can keep them in your grow room they will eat other pests that can be harmful to your plant. You have to have a good amount in there though. If you only have one or two it will be gone before you know it.


Well-Known Member
ok. i got around 10 gallons of water so far. im collecting it as fast as i can bottle it. i have a question though. ive been using distilled water(ph is 7) and the runoff is around 6.1... the ph of the rainwater in the bottle is u think this would shock my plant going from distilled to this or do u think i will be alright. if any could display their opinion that would be great!!!


Well-Known Member
ok. i got around 10 gallons of water so far. im collecting it as fast as i can bottle it. i have a question though. ive been using distilled water(ph is 7) and the runoff is around 6.1... the ph of the rainwater in the bottle is u think this would shock my plant going from distilled to this or do u think i will be alright. if any could display their opinion that would be great!!!
PH Fluctuation can cause problems. 7.8 is pretty high. Surprised the PH of your rain water is as high as it is. Personally with that big of a PH change I wouldn't risk it. You can lock out nutes by doing that. Your in flowering so you don't want that to happen.

Hell, PH Fluctuation could be my problem. You never know. He didn't feed with the same PH as I did. I doubt that is my problem but it could be.

Update - Go check out the thread I been posting pictures of my problem plant. I just updated it, and I think I know exactly what the problem is after taking the new pics today.


Well-Known Member
ya that guy was an asshole. if u wanna post comments like that then just dont post at all. im glad i asked about the rain water b/c it seemed like a big change to me as well. im gonna head back over to your thread and check it out. i sure hope you figured the problem out!!


Well-Known Member
ya that guy was an asshole. if u wanna post comments like that then just dont post at all. im glad i asked about the rain water b/c it seemed like a big change to me as well. im gonna head back over to your thread and check it out. i sure hope you figured the problem out!!
Yeah I hate people like that. Only post to be a dickhead.

I hope so too. We shall see. Just went it took a closer look at the plant and it does look like a few leafs that didn't have the problem are now starting too. But its happening at a much slower rate. Hopefully they will eat all that Mag up and be back to normal. Because I really don't want to go through flowering with these problems. It will effect the yield bigtime. And with the way the leafs are dieing off I would have no vegetation left by the time its on week 5 of flowering.

These problems are not always easy to fix. We will see what happens.


Well-Known Member
ya. i could picture a plant budding with no leafs lol. that would look funny. atleast your other one is doing good so no matter what ur on the plus side!

i figure i would post some pics of one of my girls. theyve been drinkin up the water in 2 days so i upped the nutes to 3/4 strength today.(plants are on different water schedules). i just cant get over how nicely the buds are forming. i look at them a million times a day and im even noticing the difference. the only way i can describe the smell would be to throw a handful of buds in a froot loop box, shake it up and take a big whiff. the trichs are getting thicker and thicker as well!



Well-Known Member
Hey quantum shes looks very healthy!!! atleast u still have something to work with until your seeds arrive! i bet she is lovin all the light since shes a loner! let i grow, let it grow, let it growwww!!!


Active Member
Thanks man, yours are looking extra sexy lol idk if I'm gonna let this lone girl grow out cause I'm gonna want to get my seeds under the lights asap after germ lol


Well-Known Member
My seeds still haven't arrived, don't think I could be anymore anxious lol

As promised her are the pics of my lonely small girl, I bent her over again this morning
Looking really good. In that Third picture I see your leafs are curling under a bit. Is this because they were up against a wall? Reason why I ask this is because not all your leafs were curled under, just a few.


Well-Known Member
ya. i could picture a plant budding with no leafs lol. that would look funny. atleast your other one is doing good so no matter what ur on the plus side!

i figure i would post some pics of one of my girls. theyve been drinkin up the water in 2 days so i upped the nutes to 3/4 strength today.(plants are on different water schedules). i just cant get over how nicely the buds are forming. i look at them a million times a day and im even noticing the difference. the only way i can describe the smell would be to throw a handful of buds in a froot loop box, shake it up and take a big whiff. the trichs are getting thicker and thicker as well!

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Damn man they are looking great. I can't believe your doing that great with CFL's. I like how many Cola's are on here. How long did you veg her for? And when did you start LST'in

Also I got something for your guys to ponder. Say you use Foxfarm soil right, it feeds your plants all the way up till bloom. But before you put your plants into bloom, you transplant. Using fresh soil. So your thinking Ok its bloom time. I gotta start adding the nutes. Wouldn't this cause a nutrient toxicity because when your roots spread to that new soil so they are also getting food from that too. I always hear people say, The soil will feed your plants up until bloom, but I never hear anyone comment on what happens when you transplant before you put them into bloom, then start feeding nutes. Because you are adding fresh soil, you are adding food.


Active Member
Kratose, I've thought about that before and that conclusions I came up with are flush the new soil so you can use nutes or go like 1/4 strength nutes for the first couple waterings or so cause that way its getting just a little more than average and not an overload.


Well-Known Member
nice plants man! im growing with CFL's myself for the first time and hope i have the same results you are getting bro!! im def. subbed! and Kratose, i might be able to help with your question...i vegged in FFOF for about 5 weeks, then i switched to MG organic and put it into flower about a week plant EXPLODED! during that week. now shes in flower and im giving it 1/2 strength MG bloom nutes and she is LOVING it! so as long as your carefull with your bloom nutes, transplanting right before, im my opinion and experience, is def. not a bad thing! hope this helps bro, and agian Rsharp nice plants man!


Well-Known Member
sorry for another post guys...but you can check out the last 2 or 3 of my journal entries to see the size diffrence...oh yeah, and i cant wait for black ops sharp, lol


Well-Known Member
nice plants man! im growing with CFL's myself for the first time and hope i have the same results you are getting bro!! im def. subbed! and Kratose, i might be able to help with your question...i vegged in FFOF for about 5 weeks, then i switched to MG organic and put it into flower about a week plant EXPLODED! during that week. now shes in flower and im giving it 1/2 strength MG bloom nutes and she is LOVING it! so as long as your carefull with your bloom nutes, transplanting right before, im my opinion and experience, is def. not a bad thing! hope this helps bro, and agian Rsharp nice plants man!
Welcome to the thread

Yeah I have heard of people doing great with MG nutes. I personally don't use them. However I have used MG organic soil with great results. It was more of something to ponder, rather then a question. Its definitely not a bad thing to transplant before going into bloom. Because of space issues that is what I do. I just wonder why more people don't have problems when they do this, Because of the extra food being provided to your plants.

sorry for another post guys...but you can check out the last 2 or 3 of my journal entries to see the size diffrence...oh yeah, and i cant wait for black ops sharp, lol
Will Do!

P.S Drugs Inc - Marijuana is on Nat Geo right now.