how tall will she grow?

:bigjoint:how tall will my lady grow. I have her on 12/12 right now with very nice buds. shes 2ft tall and i just transplanted from a 3 gal pot to a 7 with 5 gal of soil. i have a 250watt hps about 18'' from the top. what should i expect?


Well-Known Member
thefirst part where it focuses on getting bigger before entering the budding stage of flowering. Plants will usually about triple in size from the time they are put into flower when mature till the point they stop focusing on growing bigger and focus on the flower clusters(which is of course the point when they finish the stretch phase and enter the budding phase.)


Well-Known Member
after you start a plant on 12/12 and it begins flowering you will experience a huge rush of growth as it enters the stretch phase of flowering, by the time your plant is done with that expect it to be about 3 times the size as it was when it entered the stretch phase of flowering. how big was it when put into flower and was it mature when you put it into flower? I would try to lower the light if at all possible, i keep my 400w about 10-12 inches from my tops max.


Well-Known Member
stretch based on plant composition of indica and sativa balance all indica will double all sitiva will triple and a mix of both will will be somewhere in the middle of double and triple leaning more to dominate side

75% indica maybe a little over double-- 75% sativa a little under triple

good luck there is always supercrop


Well-Known Member
I usually see stretching well into the 4th and sometimes the 5th week of flowering but after that they usually just fatten up


Well-Known Member
stretch normally around first 1/3 of flower 8 monther done at about two pl weeks 12 weeker done around 4 weeks slight vertical after that then most growth
like above poster said fattening
I started flowering about a week and a half ago, i havent really noticed much growth its about the same size as it was during veg. thats the reason i was asking so a week of stretch phase


Well-Known Member
Uhh...yes you did.

after you start a plant on 12/12 and it begins flowering you will experience a huge rush of growth as it enters the stretch phase of flowering, by the time your plant is done with that expect it to be about 3 times the size as it was when it entered the stretch phase of flowering. how big was it when put into flower and was it mature when you put it into flower?


Well-Known Member
i find that sometimes if you flower from seed too early, the plant will take longer to start stretching and showing buds because it is not mature yet. just give it some time, it will grow alot pretty soon. try to make sure you keep the light as close as possible the whole time without burning it. you should expect the plant to double in size and it will grow fast so keep an eye on it and good luck. you can PM me bro if you have any questions and dont like being made to feel like an idiot. pics will always help.
What about their water consumption? I just started 12/12 last night and the 6 plants take about 14gal of water a week in my hydro set-up
its a soil grow so i water probably once a week if that. im flushing for the first time here in the next couple days so i hope she does something. and thanks irieie i probably will pm u about like serious shit if i think my plants on the verge of death haha. but im just trying to learn this shit ive heard some pretty rediculous shit posted so i dont feel to dumb