When Prop19 Passes...

I think Monsanto is poised to get involved.

They've made a ton manipulating crops that sell for pennies a pound(corn and soy beans, among others). I can't imagine they won't try to take over Cannabis genetics and production, whose value will be in the thousands of dollars per pound.

My seed collection has been independent of recent genetics for a decade, with a few very special exceptions. This could be very important if Monsanto begins to patent Cannabis genetics, as they have food crops.
they will make seed that can not reproduce so you have to buy seed from them and they will patent genetics so anything crossed with their genetics belongs to them
they will make seed that can not reproduce so you have to buy seed from them and they will patent genetics so anything crossed with their genetics belongs to them

They won that case against a farmer that saved his own seed.

Monsanto's pollen infected his fields, making his seed Monsanto's property.

Fucked up, but who said our legal system can't be bought?
Fucked up, but who said our legal system can't be bought?

EXACTLY. so why not vote yes, get this thing passed and see how 'they' make the next move. for every action theirs a reaction. lets pass this. so they can re nig on something and ban it so that way next time our chance comes we'll be ready and more prepared.
I think Monsanto is poised to get involved.

They've made a ton manipulating crops that sell for pennies a pound(corn and soy beans, among others). I can't imagine they won't try to take over Cannabis genetics and production, whose value will be in the thousands of dollars per pound.

My seed collection has been independent of recent genetics for a decade, with a few very special exceptions. This could be very important if Monsanto begins to patent Cannabis genetics, as they have food crops.

Pure bullshit! ANY national corporation will NOT be able to do anything in the cannabis market until it is changed at the federal level, at least rescheduled, and probably legalized. We could have legalization laws in half of the states, and if it hasn't been changed by the fed, the national corps will not get involved.

Figure it out, Prop 19 passing will be the biggest thing on the planet for ending drug prohibition.

I already voted YES.

Pure bullshit! ANY national corporation will NOT be able to do anything in the cannabis market until it is changed at the federal level, at least rescheduled, and probably legalized. We could have legalization laws in half of the states, and if it hasn't been changed by the fed, the national corps will not get involved.

Figure it out, Prop 19 passing will be the biggest thing on the planet for ending drug prohibition.

I already voted YES.


Me too. If Monsanto, or RJR can out compete the little growers, so be it.
they will make seed that can not reproduce so you have to buy seed from them and they will patent genetics so anything crossed with their genetics belongs to them

Let's say Monsanto does what you are suggesting. Don't buy their seeds, buy from somebody else. What is the problem?
Why would you want Prop 19 to pass?
Prices will plummet. California prices are $180oz now to a dispensary, if everyone can grow then supply goes up - demand and price go down.
I am in a co-op set up (like a farmers market) with dispensaries in CO. $200-$225oz, if a similar amendment passed in CO then a large amount of growers here would stand to lose thousands of dollars they have invested in grow-ops.
I lived in CA for 29 years, I would vote NO ON 19.
.......and before any of you start. Yes I have a real job. Yes I make for than 75k a year. No I do not sit around in my underwear all day or collect any kind of government cheese, nor will I ever. I like money. Money and good quality weed that I grew for me to consume and sell the rest to a dispensary. This way I make money and the dispensary makes money by selling $15-$20 grams, $40-$50 1/8ths.
:leaf: Just able to get MMJ to us in the Dixie State is a pipe dream!:-( We hope for the YES VOTE your way! But we do feel left out. Our rights are not the same! We fear the MAN and the control he will have on us if he gets us. :idea: So please VOTE YES for us to! Have VOTE and TOKE teams and WIN this fight in first round.!!! :leaf:Together we stand up to the MAN!:clap: :bigjoint:
:leaf: Just able to get MMJ to us in the Dixie State is a pipe dream!:-( We hope for the YES VOTE your way! But we do feel left out. Our rights are not the same! We fear the MAN and the control he will have on us if he gets us. :idea: So please VOTE YES for us to! Have VOTE and TOKE teams and WIN this fight in first round.!!! :leaf:Together we stand up to the MAN!:clap: :bigjoint:

Do as we did, and get a Medical Marijuana bill on the ballot.

A poll done a few years ago showed that support for Medical Cannabis is over 80% of the voting public.

Even in Dixie, you should get sufficient support for a well crafted bill(Prop 215 with better language regarding limitations).
Do as we did, and get a Medical marijuana bill on the ballot.

A poll done a few years ago showed that support for Medical Cannabis is over 80% of the voting public.

Even in Dixie, you should get sufficient support for a well crafted bill(Prop 215 with better language regarding limitations).

Yeah and that'll take years in the bible belt. Vote yes on prop 19!! It will spread a lot faster than MMJ. Anyway, the medical use laws of cannabis have gotten so restrictive that in a few states you have to be dying or so fucking ill before you qualify it only affects a small portion of the population. Cannabis should be the first drug used to treat ailments as it was 75 years ago.
Why would you want Prop 19 to pass?
Prices will plummet. California prices are $180oz now to a dispensary, if everyone can grow then supply goes up - demand and price go down.
I am in a co-op set up (like a farmers market) with dispensaries in CO. $200-$225oz, if a similar amendment passed in CO then a large amount of growers here would stand to lose thousands of dollars they have invested in grow-ops.
I lived in CA for 29 years, I would vote NO ON 19.

All the reasons you cited make me want to vote yes on 19. I want the price to go down. Why should a commodity's price be propped up just to make you richer?
When price goes down so does quality. You want crappy, spider-infested, seedy buds, then vote yes.
I am glad we have the right to vote.
I would like to see it remain medicinal only.
Everyone knows someone they could get weed from illegally. You really think all the weed purchased at dispensaries goes only to medical patients??
If you think yes, you are delusional.....and should smoke another bowl.
When price goes down so does quality. You want crappy, spider-infested, seedy buds, then vote yes.
I am glad we have the right to vote.
I would like to see it remain medicinal only.
Everyone knows someone they could get weed from illegally. You really think all the weed purchased at dispensaries goes only to medical patients??
If you think yes, you are delusional.....and should smoke another bowl.

Fuck you and your illegal profits. Vote yes on 19 and let people grow their own.
when it doesn't pass, you all will be calling me for a fat sack. :roll:



Probably true, IF it doesn't pass. If it does, you will take a pay cut. I don't smoke it in any case, so it won't affect my wallet either way, but it will be a sad day for America if it fails.
i'm raising my prices as well. simply because of all the insults. ;)

i can afford to pay taxes if it passes, can you afford me is the real question. :)