Confined Space 850W LED Master Kush Grow


New Member
From the little I have learnt from using LEDs, the plants tend to grow with short internodes ... the plants don't seem to have any great need to reach for the lights as they are getting all the light that they need.
Apparently this is no longer an issue with these new hybrid LEDs that I bought. I guess we will see, at least this is what the manufacturer told me??? I'm looking forward to seeing what can be done as given my grow space HID in not an option... I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


New Member
Day six of veg is completed and everything is looking pretty impressive so far! I am going to begin to LST a few of the larger plants today to allow for the stragglers to catch up. All plants are back in Veg and showing good signs of new growth. Today was water day...

Pix from day 6 :)

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Active Member
How high are the leds above the plants? I couln't find that. lol.

I ask since i am building a shelving unit grow and leds have come up. My only concern is i might not have enough height, i am not sure what is optimal. Standard 12 - 18inches?!



Well-Known Member
looking good Bud. i love the purple glow. thats badass. good luck with your grow. cant wait to watch em grow. +rep for the purple


New Member
How high are the leds above the plants? I couln't find that. lol.

I ask since i am building a shelving unit grow and leds have come up. My only concern is i might not have enough height, i am not sure what is optimal. Standard 12 - 18inches?!

The lights are exactly 36" off of the ground. I am shooting for 4" under the lights for total plant height. I can adjust the lights up a few inches if need be. The company I bought the lights off of said that 4" off of the canopy is as low as you want to go. We will definitely find out what is possible really soon ;)


New Member
looking good Bud. i love the purple glow. thats badass. good luck with your grow. cant wait to watch em grow. +rep for the purple
It's actually really crazy being in that confined space with only the LED lighting in there. When you come out back into reality everything appears greenish. When you light a lighter the flame is lime green... maybe I have been spending too much time in there getting bakeder...


That s a clean setup, maybe consider vegging in another method (T5) just so you could stretch and bush it out more without the pre-flowering. the spectrum of those L.E.D s seems to be focused on flower more, leads me to think that anything you put in the room will be in a flowering state. Consider UV glasses every time u enter the room, sounds like the lights could be doing damage to the retnas. REP


New Member
That s a clean setup, maybe consider vegging in another method (T5) just so you could stretch and bush it out more without the pre-flowering. the spectrum of those L.E.D s seems to be focused on flower more, leads me to think that anything you put in the room will be in a flowering state. Consider UV glasses every time u enter the room, sounds like the lights could be doing damage to the retnas. REP
The lights can switch between flower and veg, I have them on full spectrum because a buddy of mine bought the same lights and had best results when they were on full spectrum mode... I'll put them on Veg mode and take some pics under that spectrum tomorrow for you to see if you want?


Active Member
Thanks for the info on the lights. I think i might order some in, test them out a bit.

I am very interested in the final results. So far they look like the lights are keeping them nice and stalky. Sort of what you want for the small space.


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
It's actually really crazy being in that confined space with only the LED lighting in there. When you come out back into reality everything appears greenish. When you light a lighter the flame is lime green... maybe I have been spending too much time in there getting bakeder...
When I first open my grow chamber everything is purple but after a couple of minutes I can't see purple anymore - they leaves appear black and if I hold my hand under the light it looks orange.
My eyes and my brain have decided between themselves that purple sucks.
If I close my eyes for 30 seconds the purple comes back but quickly goes again, weird really.


Well-Known Member
Very interested to see how leds do during flowering...subed.. Plus rep...happy growing...


New Member
Today is officially 1 week of Veg under the LEDs... I decided that I would flip the lights over to Vegetative growth mode and give this a whirl until this coming Sunday to see if it makes any difference (the reason I am running full spectrum mode is because my pal has the same lights and he is having great success running full spectrum mode through the entire process... I prefer to be the judge of that on my own. I mean why would the manufacturer have Veg and Flower cycles built into this light if the didn't work, right?)

I also removed most of the damaged leaves that were present from when I first received the clones...

I failed on the planned LST commencement as planed for yesterday. I got tied up with the day job... I will get that started today ;)

Anyways, here are 5 pics from the Veg mode room (this mode REALLY fuxes with your eyes!)

2010-10-28 08.25.11.jpg2010-10-28 08.25.02.jpg2010-10-28 08.24.52.jpg2010-10-28 08.24.29.jpg2010-10-28 08.24.15.jpg


Well-Known Member
Today is officially 1 week of Veg under the LEDs... I decided that I would flip the lights over to Vegetative growth mode and give this a whirl until this coming Sunday to see if it makes any difference (the reason I am running full spectrum mode is because my pal has the same lights and he is having great success running full spectrum mode through the entire process... I prefer to be the judge of that on my own. I mean why would the manufacturer have Veg and Flower cycles built into this light if the didn't work, right?)

I also removed most of the damaged leaves that were present from when I first received the clones...

I failed on the planned LST commencement as planed for yesterday. I got tied up with the day job... I will get that started today ;)

Anyways, here are 5 pics from the Veg mode room (this mode REALLY fuxes with your eyes!)

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Since you're dealing with height issues, why dont you just go into bloom now?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I mean why would the manufacturer have Veg and Flower cycles built into this light if the didn't work, right?
I am certainly not saying that they do not work as "designed", but the different light cycles "could" just be an attempt at pretending to be better than they actually are - LOOK, these lights have different cycles SO they MUST be good for horticulture.

I am normally sceptical, and there is a good chance that the lights will do exactly what they are supposed to, but never be deceived by simple marketing.

Hopefully you have some good LED lights that will produce lots of tight buds, good luck with the grow.


New Member
Day 8 of Veg is done... Fed this am... LST started on a few of the taller plants...

Last night at around midnight I checked in on the ladies and saw that the leaves were all tweaked upward as a result of being in the blue Veg mode lighting! So, I took some pics of that and I took some more pics this am under full spectrum mode.

All in all things are looking good, I am thinking that it will be about another week before the stragglers catch up to the LST plants. Target flip date is November 5th... Harvest target is Dec. 24!

I think I should rename this thread LED Christmas Kush :)

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