

Well-Known Member
yea so i dabble with the benzos once ina while and i really like xanax, not that im a pill eating zombie but once ina while i like to pop a bar a two and drink a few beers (nice combo for me) 2bars is max as i feel that its just overkill after that (dont remember shit) but my boy was dry on the bar/footballs so i settled for valiums. I havent had them ina while so i fig y not one benozo is close to another-wrong... 4some reason valiums dnt do shit to me, like honestly tylenol makes me feel better, they arent bunk pills either bc others have take em and i looked them up. I got the 10mg and dosed 30mg-no effects. Anyone have this same issue with valium? and its not a tolerance issue bc i dont do them frequently.


Well-Known Member
hmm no one with the same issue? damn guess im just immune, dosed the rest of my stash and nothing, maybe i lack an enzyme to metabolize it


Well-Known Member
Pills are for bitches. Just sayin...
Hmmm sounds like ur just a pussy-"omg im soo scared to put that man made substance in my body oh noo"-no difference in ingesting thc or diazapam, both mess w/ ur body. There isnt anything wrong with relieving stress/tension or pain with pill usage-esp when ur smart about it and dont abuse them (let me guess u smk pot everyday u addicted pot head 420nerd). You seem verry closed minded. plz dont comment if ur only here to talk trash. Go smoke ur bud and idolize a shitty weed holiday of 420. Why dont u just come out and say it that u only smk for the glits and glamor of it, think ur soo cool prbly. "omg dude its 420, lets go skip school and smk a few bowls my mom wont be home till 4, well get soo high and giggle and eat all the chips and soda MUNCHIE MANIA DUDE cmon man lets go!!!"
holy fuck do i hate when stupid people comment on things.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm sounds like ur just a pussy-"omg im soo scared to put that man made substance in my body oh noo"-no difference in ingesting thc or diazapam, both mess w/ ur body. There isnt anything wrong with relieving stress/tension or pain with pill usage-esp when ur smart about it and dont abuse them (let me guess u smk pot everyday u addicted pot head 420nerd). You seem verry closed minded. plz dont comment if ur only here to talk trash. Go smoke ur bud and idolize a shitty weed holiday of 420. Why dont u just come out and say it that u only smk for the glits and glamor of it, think ur soo cool prbly. "omg dude its 420, lets go skip school and smk a few bowls my mom wont be home till 4, well get soo high and giggle and eat all the chips and soda MUNCHIE MANIA DUDE cmon man lets go!!!" holy fuck do i hate when stupid people comment on things.
hahahaha well put man well put,and on the vallium thing thats odd that 30mg of diazepam didnt touch you,granted i took 30mg today and only got a mild buzz but atleast i got a buzz.very strange indeed.if you like your benzos you should try phenazepam if you havent already.


Well-Known Member
If you can take 2 bars and drink some beers and still remember the next day then i'd say your body has a tolerance to the GABA receptors (possible if your an alcoholic). I took 1 xanax bar and pasted out for 8 hrs with no tolerance to benzo's and same thing when I took 30mg of valium. I would feel good off 10mg of diazepam with just a bowl. Though Xanax smacks you in the face and is indeed stronger then valium, in fact the strongest commonly prescribed and if I'm not mistaken most widely prescribed benzo in the US.While valium which was synthesized in what the 60's -70's is no longer is really used anymore mostly because when a doctor is willing to perscribe Benzo's to a person it is usually a last resort so it is more common to prescribe kolonopin or xanax which are both better benzo's all around compared to valium at lest in the bounds of medical use. Not to mention in my personal experience and seeing it with some other people benzo tolerance sky rockets very quickly, more so then opiates it seems so just doing 2 bars every weekend or so may still play a roll in your tolerance. Or maybe you just can't get off on benzo's unless at above average recreational dose? Wouldn't be surprised, imo there pretty much worthless alone unless mixed with herb or opies.


Well-Known Member
If you can take 2 bars and drink some beers and still remember the next day then i'd say your body has a tolerance to the GABA receptors (possible if your an alcoholic). I took 1 xanax bar and pasted out for 8 hrs with no tolerance to benzo's and same thing when I took 30mg of valium. I would feel good off 10mg of diazepam with just a bowl. Though Xanax smacks you in the face and is indeed stronger then valium, in fact the strongest commonly prescribed and if I'm not mistaken most widely prescribed benzo in the US.While valium which was synthesized in what the 60's -70's is no longer is really used anymore mostly because when a doctor is willing to perscribe Benzo's to a person it is usually a last resort so it is more common to prescribe kolonopin or xanax which are both better benzo's all around compared to valium at lest in the bounds of medical use. Not to mention in my personal experience and seeing it with some other people benzo tolerance sky rockets very quickly, more so then opiates it seems so just doing 2 bars every weekend or so may still play a roll in your tolerance. Or maybe you just can't get off on benzo's unless at above average recreational dose? Wouldn't be surprised, imo there pretty much worthless alone unless mixed with herb or opies.
Being 6'2 and 260lbs helps in my tolerance mainly, my usage is so small that it cant be from benzos. about 3bar usage every 4weeks. I dont fuck with opies, seen to many friends get hooked hard. Roxy/oc is just crazy normally alone, n if u break it up n sniff it its even worse. My boy railed a whole 80 on his bday in one shot, noidea how he didnt die.


Well-Known Member
thats alot but not that much to a heavy user. my friend was doin that before he got really bad. it got to the point that he was shooting like 7 or 8 oxys a day. and those were 80mgs too. now thats a bad pill habit. just be very careful with pills. they can really get ahold of u.


Well-Known Member
Why do people go to threads in the H.S. forum just to say shit like this. Stick to toke n talk if you gona be this ignorant i bet neither of you have never experienced any kind of pill besides asprin you fucks.
Yea it really annoys me when people drop in stupid comments like that.
I smk weed, of course, but it's not the only drug out there. There's no reason to favor one drug over another so much. U pill haters need to exp some good e/molly, or expand ur horizons to maybe some shooms or acid then maybe you will see there's more to life than just weed.
Plz just Go back to the newbie central forums and leave us educated people alone to discuss other issues other then marijuana


Well-Known Member
Valium's are my favorite pills, by far. I like the fact that they are a lot milder than xanax or klonopins. I can remember things when I take them and the others just black me out. I've done some really dumb, dangerous shit on the other two. I'm not suprised that 30 mg didn't do much, you are a big guy and it sound like you have a bit of a tolerance. Valiums are a nice, chill mellow pill, not something that gets you really fucked up. Thats a good thing IMHO.

On a side note, I took my dog to the vet the other day and said that he gets scared of thunder, and they gave him a scrip for 2mg xanax bars.


Well-Known Member
Valium's are my favorite pills, by far. I like the fact that they are a lot milder than xanax or klonopins. I can remember things when I take them and the others just black me out. I've done some really dumb, dangerous shit on the other two. I'm not suprised that 30 mg didn't do much, you are a big guy and it sound like you have a bit of a tolerance. Valiums are a nice, chill mellow pill, not something that gets you really fucked up. Thats a good thing IMHO.
On a side note, I took my dog to the vet the other day and said that he gets scared of thunder, and they gave him a scrip for 2mg xanax bars.
Yea ill prb just stick to xanax, and what a lucky dog! lol but really i kinda think thats a bit extreme for a vet to script that but w/e lol. Think i have a few dog tranqs around but not about to take those lol


Well-Known Member
fuck it. take those dog tranquilizers dude. haha they cant be that bad cause dogs get medicine with no tylonel or additives. i know it sounds crazy but it could totally be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Pills are 4 the weak bitches..Smoke some HERB..
Yeah cause opiates (which heroin falls under) are for the weak cause it's a weak drug that can easily be stopped with no mental or physical withdrawal or addiction. An marijuana is the cure of everything and is the best drug ever! Even though after prolonged periods of use it eventually kills as many brain cells as alcohol!


Valium's are my favorite pills, by far. I like the fact that they are a lot milder than xanax or klonopins. I can remember things when I take them and the others just black me out. I've done some really dumb, dangerous shit on the other two. I'm not suprised that 30 mg didn't do much, you are a big guy and it sound like you have a bit of a tolerance. Valiums are a nice, chill mellow pill, not something that gets you really fucked up. Thats a good thing IMHO.

On a side note, I took my dog to the vet the other day and said that he gets scared of thunder, and they gave him a scrip for 2mg xanax bars.
Likewise on the first part bro.... xanax turns me into a beast no matter what, and kpins and ativan get me half way there.... but valiums turn me into a smooth, laid-way-back guy :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm sounds like ur just a pussy-"omg im soo scared to put that man made substance in my body oh noo"-no difference in ingesting thc or diazapam, both mess w/ ur body. There isnt anything wrong with relieving stress/tension or pain with pill usage-esp when ur smart about it and dont abuse them (let me guess u smk pot everyday u addicted pot head 420nerd). You seem verry closed minded. plz dont comment if ur only here to talk trash. Go smoke ur bud and idolize a shitty weed holiday of 420. Why dont u just come out and say it that u only smk for the glits and glamor of it, think ur soo cool prbly. "omg dude its 420, lets go skip school and smk a few bowls my mom wont be home till 4, well get soo high and giggle and eat all the chips and soda MUNCHIE MANIA DUDE cmon man lets go!!!"
holy fuck do i hate when stupid people comment on things.

umm...............His comment was very stupid................but how can you diss someone for loving the most medicinal thing on this earth? I smoke pot everyday so im a 420nerd? what is a 420 nerd to be exact anyways? Also later you said "how can you put one drug over another" How can you not?


Well-Known Member
umm...............His comment was very stupid................but how can you diss someone for loving the most medicinal thing on this earth? I smoke pot everyday so im a 420nerd? what is a 420 nerd to be exact anyways? Also later you said "how can you put one drug over another" How can you not?
Like i said, i smk pot, but there are more things out there to try each with their own different unique effects.
I think 420 is a stupid holiday and i think it represents the typical "pot head" stereotype that i dont like to fit myself in with; ie. Were stupid, and slow and lazy, love that munchie atttack, eventually become a "burn out". Ide rather consider myself a connoisseur of marijuana. Plus i was po at him for bumping in on thread to post some suttle shit talk + his name was like green420nerd


Well-Known Member
Like i said, i smk pot, but there are more things out there to try each with their own different unique effects.
I think 420 is a stupid holiday and i think it represents the typical "pot head" stereotype that i dont like to fit myself in with; ie. Were stupid, and slow and lazy, love that munchie atttack, eventually become a "burn out". Ide rather consider myself a connoisseur of marijuana. Plus i was po at him for bumping in on thread to post some suttle shit talk + his name was like green420nerd
Exactly how marijuana should be used, in limitation just with every other drug. Just cause it comes from the ground doesn't make it safe to use on a daily basis for extended periods of time... Hemlock, deadly nightshade, poison ivy, datura and opium all come from the ground. +rep for pushing aside the stupid stereotypical stoner culture.