day 12 seedlings, should they be bigger?

This is my first grow and it seems like these aren't getting much bigger. I put them in jiffy pellets which I wish I wouldn't have now after reading they hold to much water. When they first popped out above soil, they grew to this size in the first 4 days.
I put them under a 90watt ufo led about 4 days ago, but I had it like 2 feet above and slowly lowered it down until I noticed it was burning the tallest one so I put them back under 6500k fluorescents 2 days ago. 2 days ago I noticed the leaves were droopy and I think it was because it was 90 degrees with the ufo and after a few hours under the fluorescents they straightened out. 2 days ago is also when I put them in the pots with soil. Any ideas on what I can do to get them to grow?



Well-Known Member
I feel the same way about mine. It's just one of those things where, you see it everyday, so it's harder to recognize growth, but it's happening. I keep telling myself, "Patience is a virtue."

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Looking good so far, they're probably in a little shock from the transplant. What nuts are yup using?

Don't over water. Thats the biggest nube mistake.


Active Member
I havent used any nutes yet, I am using miracle grow feeds for 6 months formula. I plan on using fox farms grow big in a week though.

(changed my name lol)


Active Member
So this is the latest, I had a gallon of tap water that I set out for 24 hours and I watered them yesterday. I slowly poured water in each pot until it started draining out the bottum. As you can see in the pictures, the leaves on 2 of them got even more yellow on the edges and the smallest one had some dark brown... Is it because im using miracle grow potting soil? I am thinking about adding 25% perlite to this soil, but that would mean pulling the jiffy pellets out, mixing it in with the soil, and then replacing them back in. What do you think I should do at this point?


Well-Known Member
they look nice and they're growing. Look right about where mine were on day 15
Keep Growin!!!


Active Member
I put them under a 90watt ufo led about 4 days ago, but I had it like 2 feet above and slowly lowered it down until I noticed it was burning the tallest one so I put them back under 6500k fluorescents 2 days ago. 2 days ago I noticed the leaves were droopy and I think it was because it was 90 degrees with the ufo
the LEDs should be several inches from the tops of the plant. no LED should not make any room 90 degrees. did you make sure the ufo had the correct wavelengths and lumen output? and what brand is it?

check mine out, its under a 90w UFO and i keep it 1/2 an inch from the top


Well-Known Member
Patience grasshopper, there is lots of growth that you can't see, they are fix'n to take off.
If my quote wasn't already so hilarious, I would make your as it because that was funny, for some reason I read it in my head in a very stereotypical Asian mans voice.

But yea no worries they always seem like they are going slow until they just go crazy and shoot off.


Active Member
The actual room temp wasn't 90, but i put my digital thermometer right under the light. It is sold by WFPTech, Its strange now that I look at the ad again it says it only has red and blue, but when I power it up it has like 4 white and 4 orange too.

When do you start using your UFO, at flowering?
Yesterday I took the jiffy pellets apart little by little until I saw the root ends and they only had made it like half way through the peet. I accidently ripped one of the roots too so I hope that doesn't affect them too much. I wish I would have ran it under water now that I think about it, to dissolve the soil instead of breaking pieces off. I then mixed the miracle grow with 1 quart of perlite with 3 quarts of soil. Should I have done 1 quart perlite and 4 quarts soil?